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as soon as the words slipped from his mouth, jisung immediately fell silent. was it all over for him? what was going on in his mind to think that it was acceptable? why did he have to say it aloud like that? he unknowingly gulped, too nervous to look at him in the eyes.

there was silence for a moment, just him cursing inside his mind at the regretful action he just did. that was when he took a deep breath before recollecting his thoughts, snapping back into reality to finally look at chan with an unknown chuckle.

"nothing, you just look like a powerful demon." he seemingly smiled in uncertainty, attempting to forget about the last statement he said just now.

chan said nothing as he continued to stare cautiously at him, the expression on his face hadn't changed at all since the last few minutes. this caused countless thoughts to run through jisung's head, confusion was clearly written everywhere on his face.

just what was he gonna say next? before jisung could question any further, chan finally scoffed coldly before eventually letting go off him, turning around to return to his seat.

"and you're just a mere human." he replied, continuing to walk back when he also added. "now leave this place, you don't belong here." 

as jisung watched the demon walk away with captivated eyes, he was soon regained back from before - unable to stop thinking about his mind blowing appearance. it didn't take him long when he began moving once again, taking a few steps forward moments later.

"i'm telling you, i can't! as much as i'd like to leave this horrifying place, i can't. i don't know how to get out of here neither do i know how or why i got here." jisung reasoned back in response, this time, able to see his clear facial features.

chan looked up from his seat, raising his eyebrow once more. "what do you want from me human?" he slightly snarled, the wings from earlier suddenly disappearing from his back.

this made jisung breathe in at his words, taking another few steps until he was now stood behind the chair he was sitting on before. "i came here to ask you questions. i heard from that seungmin person you might be able to answer them, he said that you're the most knowledgeable demon here so i came to do that."

"and what's in it for me?" he asked with a yawn, swirling his glass of blood around in boredom.

"what?" jisung confusingly asked, slightly scrunching his face up at the unexpected question.

"are you deaf or something? it is what i said it means, what's in it for me? surely you have something to offer in exchange for me sharing important information." chan bluntly responded in a monotone, his cold eyes piercing at him.

the moment he heard his words, jisung's eyes widened in shock. something to offer? he certainly have nothing he could trade with, what was he gonna do now? "what do you mean by that? didn't you want me to leave this place? that's what i came here to know!" he raised his voice.

"that's true. i want you to leave however, something this important requires payment. you see human, i don't do this for free. leave this mansion if you're just gonna carelessly wonder around here." chan sharply answered with a merciless stare, setting his glass back down.

"what? so you don't care if i get eaten by those whatever demons out there?" jisung questioned in awareness, the thought of going back out there scared him.

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