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there was nothing that could describe how jisung felt, he didn't know how he'd ended up in this terrifying situation; he just wanted to go back to his flat and sleep. 

it really was a bad idea to get on the elevator, he should've just went the other way and take the stairs, if only he knew that he was gonna end up like this. 

he should've went for his guts, how was he gonna know there was still something wrong with the elevator? it looked pretty normal to him, everything did up until a certain point and jisung, not wanting to deal with this, stared hardly at the floor number above him.

"floor... -666?" jisung gasped, trying to catch his breath. what was going on? he was definitely sure there had never been a floor like this, especially when it's along the minuses. such a floor as shady as that never existed before and it was obviously certain that was the case.

after taking a moment to recollect himself, he eventually stood up as he looked around the elevator surrounding him, everything else looked normal. all that was strange was the red flashing light above the absurd floor number staring back at him.

"something's wrong with this elevator." he muttered silently to himself, walking over to the set of buttons beside the door. he attempted to press a whole bunch of random numbers but to his dismay, nothing happened; it was as if he was stuck on this 'floor'.

when he'd learned that nothing was working, he groaned. was he just gonna be stuck in the elevator forever? with his phone dead and none of the buttons working, he was beginning to regret everything that'd happened a few minutes ago.

was it all futile? was there gonna be no one to help him? was he gonna die alone in the elevator, starving to death? his mind was filled with thoughts of regret and lost of hope, making him slide his back down against the walls surrounding him, about to lose his senses when he heard the doors to the elevator finally opening.

he immediately whipped his head to the opened doors with widened eyes, getting up seconds later to which he hesitantly stepped out of the elevator unknowingly. his eyes were soon filled with shock and perplexity, looking around the unfamiliar place with an astonished look. 

where was he? why was the whole place burning up? what was going on? he'd never seen this place before, all he could see were volcanoes exploding everywhere with lava coming out from the creaks beneath him. 

jisung quickly jumped out of instinct while dodging the lava shooting up from where he stood, he was instantly terrified. 'i'm gonna die here!' he screamed from inside his head, not wanting to be in this place anymore - it was far too dangerous.

looking back behind him, he soon noticed there was no wire attached to the top of the elevator which meant that there was no way he could go back at all. groaning in frustration, he ruffled his hair harshly, his face instantly drained from the fact that he was entirely lost.

how was he gonna get back now? was he just gonna be stuck in this horrifying place forever? with nothing to eat or drink and no one to aid him, he quickly concluded that he was gonna die alone in the most harmful and regretful way.

he then turned his attention back to the front when he noticed something, it looked somewhat like a path. he raised his eyebrows in confusion, debating what to do now. should he just follow the path and see what lies next for him?

when he'd finally decided what it was he was gonna do next, he brought his whole body and started walking cautiously while focusing on the path laid in front of him. if this wasn't gonna lead him to somewhere then he wouldn't know what to do anymore.

this was his last hope otherwise he'd be out of luck and jisung, being the typical human he was, didn't wanna be stuck here and die hopeless. in fact, nobody would therefore, he was certain that he was gonna somehow find a way to get back safely - even if it was gonna cost him his life.

walking for what felt like years, he eventually stopped on track. he didn't know why he'd suddenly stopped but his eyes couldn't help but avert its gaze towards the figure from the distance. had he finally found someone that could possibly help him?

"finally, someone to help me." he whispered before walking towards the unknown figure. 'maybe they ended up here like me.' he thought, smiling to himself at the sudden hope he was receiving before him. "hey! are you stuck in this place like me?" he yelled, waiting for the figure to turn around to answer him.

however, much to what he was expecting, he was met with an evil smirk as their red glowing eyes stared back at him. jisung immediately froze, realising that whatever that was wasn't a human at all, it was something exceedingly dangerous.

the figure widened their smirk when it finally stood up, grinning horrifyingly. "finally a human." it said while licking their lips in hunger. "i've been waiting for years and now i can finally feast on one. oh gosh, they smell so good, i miss it so much." 

jisung didn't say anything, he was shaking tremendously; his breathing pace was increasing rapidly as he couldn't do anything. it looked inhuman - far from a human - with its devilishly red skin and horns penetrating the air, he couldn't help but stare at the dark wings behind it.

 "i-i'm sorry for t-troubling you, i'll just go." jisung stuttered in fear, wanting to slowly step back. it wasn't a lie that he was horrified, he just wanted to get out of this crazy situation and go home, he was already traumatised ever since he'd gotten here.

this caused the figure to stare evilly at the boy, making him shudder in immense horror. "oh no, i won't let you off that easily. it doesn't work like that human, i saw you first therefore you're all mine now." and with that, it began running towards jisung.

at this point, jisung didn't know what to do. even though he wanted to run away, something was gluing his whole body to the ground; he was unable to move. that was when he heard a sharp voice calling for him to which he then snapped into reality, running away as fast as he could.

he found himself running and running for what felt like forever, tripping over things in the process. he was already out of breath but he knew he had to keep running, it was either life or death and jisung didn't wanna just die now.

not when he was gonna find a way to get back. he was now panting heavily with every step he took, sweat dripping from his face. he was exhausted, he no longer had the energy to run, was it all over for him? was he gonna let his life get wasted like that?

with countless of thoughts running through his head, he didn't know what was going on around him making him trip harshly over nothing. he fell onto the floor seconds later, groaning terribly due to the inflicted pain.

it was all over now, isn't it? unable to run any further with lack of hope, there was no one to save him now. all he could do now is take the fact that he was unable to go home and see the ones he'd already missed.

this was indeed another way to die in the most harmful and lonely way, he just didn't think it was gonna happen so soon like this. while waiting for the inhuman like thing to eat him up, he thought to himself silently.

'just when i could finally live the way i've always wanted...' 

and with that last thought inside his mind, everything around him blackened out.


im loving this already

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