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silence filled the whole room for a moment, changbin casually giving his shoulders a shrug. after giving his body a few more stretches, he then coldly scoffed.

"yeah, yeah. whatever." he then turned his head towards the pool. "how long are you gonna be in the pool taehyung? get the fuck out already."

"oh right, sorry." a sudden voice was heard moments later, taehyung instantly getting out of the pool.

"did you hear him correctly? he said he's gonna make us pay." changbin playfully mocked with a laugh, causing taehyung to return it back.

"yeah, sounds stupid to me." taehyung only evilly snickered back.

this only made chan grit his teeth harder, eyes darkening even more at the scene before him. hyunjin couldn't help but gulp, worried eyes watching as chan summoned more of his power.

"jisung," he softly whispered, making jisung turn to face him; hyunjin worriedly smiled at him. "it's gonna get dangerous from here, we should go somewhere safe."

"where?" jisung confusingly whispered back, before looking over to chan with worried eyes. "but, channie-"

"chan will be fine, don't worry about him. it's more important that you're safe, we don't want him to go crazy even more." hyunjin gently reassured with a smile, hoping jisung would comply.

and to his luck, jisung finally nodded with no trouble. hyunjin was right, their first priority was to get him safe. not to forget the fact that he should listen to what they say from now on.

he didn't wanna make the same mistake as he did before. maybe it would be a better idea that he'd go along with it and trust chan, he would be fine right?

"okay." jisung finally answered, causing hyunjin to widen his smile.

"let's go." he whispered back before helping jisung up.

as chan silently watched as the two males walk away to somewhere safe from the corner of his eyes, it didn't take him long when he avert his attention back on changbin. his deadly eyes piercing darkly into his.

that was when changbin confusingly hummed while looking into chan's threatening eyes, a soft snicker came out from his nose. "why do you look so stiff? it really does look like you're gonna kill someone."

chan didn't say anything as he continued to darkly glare at changbin, his anger level steadly increasing. taehyung slowly blinked at his expression, eventually turning to face changbin seconds later.

"hey, do you think he's actually gonna kill us both?" taehyung asked with a slight hint of worry.

"pfft. are you dumb? do you really think he's gonna do that-"

but before he could finish his sentence, he was already sent crashing against the wall once again. eventually groaning in mere frustration, changbin shot a glare back at him.

"what was that for? you know, you really need to stop breaking my walls like that-"

chan had already quickly sent him flying again, the walls of his mansion entirely broken. this sent him breaking through right outside, changbin swiftly backing away.

"okay, this is actually irritating me now." changbin frustratingly huffed, licking his lips.


it was already too late, chan had hastily knocked taehyung out before he could stop it. he watched as his body drop to the ground moments later, chan looking down at him.

"bastards..." chan heavily breathed, his crimson eyes only filled with nothing more but vexation.

"you know, i was gonna let you off if you apologised to me. but now, i don't think i wanna do that anymore." changbin lowly growled at him, almost instantly summoning his powers out.

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