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"hyunjin, i finally finished the work!" jisung suddenly exclaimed out of nowhere, unable to stop smiling so widely. he'd never felt this relieved to have finally finished his work, now he could finally take the time to rest.

the taller turned his head around at the enthusiastic call of his name, returning back the smile. "really? that's great! there's no more work for you to do so you can rest until then." 

"oh good." jisung sighed in relief, randomly plopping himself down on a nearby chair. he rested his head against his palm, now silently watching him. "what are you doing?" 

"oh, i have to prepare dinner for chan now." hyunjin answered, giving him a brief smile before turning around again. "it went by quickly did it? before i was making his breakfast and lunch, now i'm doing his dinner." he chuckled.

jisung said nothing for a moment, finding himself carefully listen in. "i have a question, if you guys control your hunger towards humans, what do you usually eat?"

"well..." hyunjin began, not knowing where to begin. "it's actually hard to explain, we mostly just find animals like lions, goats, foxes, sheep, deer, horses, rabbits-"

"rabbits?! hold on, what??" jisung alertly shrieked, unable to process what he'd said. was he possibly hearing that right? were they actually being serious right now? well, then again, it was hell he was in. how could he possibly forget that?

hyunjin nodded with a smile, unknowingly rubbing the back of his neck. "yeah, it must've been shocking for you to process right? i'm pretty sure you don't really eat them back in your world." 

"of course we don't. but seriously? rabbits? foxes? lions-" jisung listed, now blinking his eyes rapidly moments later. he had to admit that all of this was difficult to adjust, the strange yet bizarre things happening in this so called hell.

'why do i keep forgetting they do unusual things here?' he then thought to himself, continuing to remind himself where he was. this was something he'd still have to get used to, he just didn't know when or how that was gonna happen.

"it's okay, you're not used to it. hopefully you will though." hyunjin reassuringly chuckled, still in the process of making his dinner.

'no wonder there was a horrible smell lingering from the food earlier...'

"what does chan like to eat the most?" jisung curiously questioned, suddenly curious about it.

he didn't know why he was unusually intrigued by his interest, neither did he expect himself to ask about what he'd liked. did he possibly want to know more about him? this peculiar and strange feeling he suddenly felt about him?

hyunjin took a few moments to think, reminiscing back to the times he could remember. "i think he likes to eat... foxes the most." 

"okay... i'm just gonna sit my ass down and say nothing else." jisung strangely replied, making himself feel a bit weirded out.  

this caused hyunjin to let out another laugh, turning around to give him a wide smile. "if this is making you feel uncomfortable then please tell me. i can imagine how disgusted you might be." 

"no it's okay, i'm just not used to all of this." jisung reassured with a smile.

"are you sure? all of this is completely out of your league so it's understandable if you feel that way." hyunjin reasoned, almost done with the food.

"don't worry, i'm fine. i just need time to adjust this." he reasoned back, smiling even more.

"okay then, i'm nearly done with this so before you finally rest, can you please tell chan that dinner is almost ready?" hyunjin requested, causing jisung to nod once again. "thanks!" 

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