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"so, tell me more about yourself." renjun smiled widely, sitting right back down after collecting his frappuccino from the counter.

"urm..." jisung began, not knowing what to say to him.

he was only fiddling with his cup of ice americano, strangely feeling even more anxious than ever. he wasn't really particularly good with people he'd just met, his anxiety would just take over him and he'd just freeze on the spot.

what kind of friends would leave him alone in this situation? well, i guess you could say jisung's friends. the fact they all quickly left before jisung could ask for some sort of help or guidance; and now, he's all alone.

to handle meeting someone he barely knew.

renjun immediately noticed how tense jisung was, only smiling in reassurance. "it's okay, relax. i'm not gonna bite." he joked in a soft tone.

"o-oh, urm..." jisung alarmedly spoke, awkwardly shuffling on his seat. "it's nothing. i'm just... nervous that's all, i'm not really good with new people." 

"don't worry, i understand." renjun reassured, taking a sip. "take your time, we can take this slow. how about i start? just to make you feel even more comfortable and relaxed." 

"u-urm, yeah. sure." jisung awkwardly smiled.

this made renjun smile wider, his expression appearing calm yet kind. this somehow calmed jisung a bit, reassuring him that he's a nice and understanding guy, and that he doesn't need to feel uncomfortable.

however, the question that kept invading his mind was, what should he do now? he didn't wanna push renjun away or make it even more awkward than it already is. should he just talk a bit with him and see where it takes him?

it wasn't like jisung was interested in him at all in that way, he had no plans to fall for him either. he'd just hoped that after the conversation, renjun can clarify that they could just be friends.

that was it right? renjun would probably like that, who would even be interested in someone like jisung anyways? the most they could be are friends, and jisung couldn't be more than satisfied with just that, and nothing more.

"well, as you know, i'm huang renjun." renjun introduced, this bringing jisung's attention on him. "this may be surprising but, i go to the same college as you. you just haven't seen me before because the food technology department is a bit far." 

"oh..." jisung nervously gulped, wanting to continue the conversation despite his nerves. "urm, where is it?"

"it's beside the science department." renjun smiled. "you know where that is right?"

"yeah." jisung only said, continuing to fiddle with his drink.

renjun smiled at his response. "how about you? what department are you in?"

"o-oh, i major in music." jisung almost quickly rushed his answer, his heart pounding faster due to the nervousness. "it's urm, on the other side."

"yeah, i know." renjun smiled, taking another sip. "maybe i can go there often? we can see each other more often and hang out. and hopefully, get closer." 

"yeah, sure." jisung smiled, slowly feeling a bit relaxed. "actually, i've just started going back to college again. since i was sick the other day."

this instantly drew renjun's attention, his eyes turning worried. "are you okay? did something happen?"

"oh no, it's okay. it was just a cold, i'm feeling much better now. i've been going back to college and work since few days ago."

"that's good then." renjun sighed in relief, causing jisung to look at him.

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