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jisung couldn't help but continuously think about what'd happened yesterday, neither could he forget about the conversation he briefly had with chan. was this suddenly starting to work? was their relationship changing into something else?

unable to stop thinking about it, a massive smile found its way on his face the whole entire morning. it wasn't until hyunjin noticed moments later, also smiling widely as well.

"you must be in an amazing mood today." hyunjin spoke with a smile, instantly noticing his sudden change of expression.

"yeah! chan and i actually had a brief conversation yesterday, it was the first ever!" jisung excitedly exclaimed, feeling much better than before.

it wasn't a lie that he could slowly feel a slight connection between them, he'd never felt this relieved since the moment he first met him. if this continues, wouldn't they already be as close as before? after all, everything was slowly changing.

"wait, you did? that's amazing! i didn't know you two already made up!" hyunjin exclaimed, sighing in relief moments later at the thoughts of jisung going to the garden. "so it did go fine..." he then muttered.

"hm?" jisung unknowingly questioned, causing hyunjin to shake his head in reassurance.

"it's nothing, don't worry about it. i'm so happy for you." hyunjin answered, widening his smile.

jisung shyly rubbed the back of his neck, unable to stop smiling as well. "he also thanked me for the picture frame. so he really was thankful for it!"

"i'm glad this is working out. chan's not usually like this but seeing as though he actually held a conversation with you, it's working!" hyunjin happily exclaimed, feeling so contented for him.

this caused jisung to smile widely moments later, still not believing it. "me too, i thought he was still angry with me. who knows he actually talked to me the next day."

"yeah! also i should probably prepare breakfast for him. you know, he only eats by himself." hyunjin explained, causing jisung to stare unknowingly at him.

"wait, really? he doesn't eat with the other staffs?" jisung confusingly asked, not knowing the reason.

hyunjin shook his head in response, slightly frowning. "yeah he doesn't. none of us have actually ate with him before, he usually just eats alone."

"but that's not fun, eating by yourself. hold on, where's his parents? he doesn't eat with them?" he continued to question, hoping he'd at least eat with someone.

but to his dismay, hyunjin shook his head once again, frowning even more. "his parents died. chan just lives by himself, with us that is."

"what?" jisung shockingly asked, unable to believe what he'd just heard. how did that happen? had chan been living by himself? beside the staffs?

"yeah, it's pretty sad. i feel sorry for him, he has no one to eat with. sometimes i wonder if he really feels lonely or not." hyunjin reasoned, the two males eventually stepping into the kitchen.

"hyung!" both males turned to face jeongin rushing over to them, not knowing why he was suddenly calling for him.

"what is it jeongin?" hyunjin smiled nonetheless, turning his head to face the boy.

"chan's starving! he wants his breakfast done immediately!" jeongin exclaimed, causing hyunjin to rush over to the kitchen counter.

"okay, i got you. can you set jisung up for something to do?" he questioned to which jeongin just smiled reassuringly.

"okay hyung!" jeongin slightly raised his voice, soon turning around to face jisung. "to be honest, there isn't much to do but how about setting the table up?"

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