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no thoughts ran through jisung's mind as he stayed completely still, unable to process anything.

what just happened? what did chan just do? no matter how hard he tried to think, he just couldn't seem to put everything into pieces.

especially not when he has chan's sudden lips on his. jisung could feel his heart pound increasingly faster at the softness of his lips, feeling crazy flutters everywhere inside his stomach.

what was happening? is chan... actually kissing him? but why? doesn't he have no feelings for him? if so, then why is he doing this?

unable to understand his unexpected actions, jisung suddenly pulled away from his grip. "c-chan, what are you doing-"

but it was no use when chan would only pull his head forwards again, his luscious lips back against his. jisung felt like his head was spiralling, mind entirely blank.

what is the meaning of this? he just couldn't understand it, chan's puzzling actions.

it wasn't until chan started slowly moving against his lips to which caught jisung off guard, panic rising up inside him again.

this caused him to pull away again, only causing chan to stare at him. "c-chan, wait stop. what is the meaning of this?" he asked. "why are you..."

there was silence for a moment, jisung's flushed cheeks obviously visible. he nervously gulped as seconds pass, anticipating for chan's answer.

that was when chan stared deeply into his eyes, jisung only returning it back. "you like me don't you?" he questioned, making jisung's eyes widen.

how does he know about this? he couldn't recall ever confessing his feelings for him. or was it so obvious to him? no it can't be...

it wasn't until a certain person - or shall he say a certain demon - popped up inside his head, everything eventually making sense. 'hyunjin told him didn't he?' jisung thought, unable to believe it.

was he that desperate that he needed to tell chan without his permission? without him being the one to confess? jisung couldn't believe it, he's gonna have a word with him later.

nervously gulping at the question, jisung slightly looked away. "s-so what?" he finally spoke, his cheeks heating up even more. "it's not like you like me back anyways-"

"i like you too." chan interrupted, earning jisung's attention back to him. "a lot."

this only made jisung's eyes widen even more at the sudden confession he didn't expect, only making his heart pound harder. he wasn't dreaming right? he heard that correctly right?

chan. the one and only chan, who's a demon and posses great power. likes him back?

jisung didn't know why he was feeling excitement and happiness exploding out of him, unable to control his emotions. it was going everywhere.

only smiling brightly at him, jisung's eyes unknowingly glittered. "y-you do?"

chan said nothing more and nodded, his massive hand still finding its way to the back of his head. "you're very pretty, prettier than anything."

a hard blush came across jisung's cheeks the moment he heard such fluttering words, as if he'd never felt this happy. was this his intentiom all along? because he likes him?

now that he'd thought about it, it was all making sense. every words and actions does, chan wouldn't be the kind of demon to do such things if he weren't interested in him.

how even more oblivious could he be? why did he even think chan wouldn't like him? he was in so much bliss that he was lost for words, unable to process it.

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