The Past *Edited*

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As expected you went to Aizawa for help who was just as baffled as you. Toga had cried herself to sleep and Toshi and Tenko were still asleep on his couch with his two cats so you set her down along with all your stuff and her stuff. You were confused and pissed that someone would just abandon their child? There was legal action that had to take place right? You went through her bookbag to find all the damn paperwork to answer your questions. Somehow this lady relinquished her parental rights and gave full guardianship to Y/N L/N. That didn't make any sense. She didn't know you! What if you were a bad person - you are not - and decided to sell the child? Or abuse them too? Who would give up their own flesh and blood because of a quirk? Some people do not deserve children at all. Of course, you went to the police to report and confirm everything the right way so you won't go to jail or get charged for 'kidnapping'. Long story short about a week later you had another child living with you and you found yourself searching for a 3-bedroom apartment. Luckily for you, the building had a 4 bedroom apartment one floor below you with the same layout just an extra bathroom and room. Perfect.

"So now you're moving one floor above?" You shook your head thanking whoever is listening that you only had a six-month lease in your current apartment- only a month left- and the 4-bedroom apartment was available for you to get the keys in two weeks.

"One floor below actually, it's much bigger than my current apartment and the ceilings are extremely high. I wanted to give Toga her own room and Tenko and Hitoshi wanted to share despite their being an extra bedroom. Also, whoever is listening has been blessing me because my Herotube channel is about to hit 4 million subscribers, I have 2 million on Patreon, and 3 million on all my other social media platforms so I can be able to actually afford the 3 kids and myself. Then to make it even better I got a raise at the bakery." You were in Aizawa's apartment talking with him, Nem, and Mic while Ruska watched the kids for a bit. Fortunately, they adore her and call her aunty.

"Have you told anyone else about your moving situation?" Once again everyone found out about Toga and had some negative reactions but, you didn't mind. It's not like you couldn't afford to take care of them. You wouldn't have taken them in - yes you would- if you couldn't afford them.

"Yeah, they weren't too happy about me adopting 3 children out of nowhere but, I don't see the problem. They love me and I love them. They're fed, they're loved, they're clothed and they're in school. I may not be perfect and they may not biologically be mine but that doesn't stop me from being the best mother I can be for them." You were getting a bit tired of the negative feedback. If it wasn't how you look, it was how they looked, it was you being called a whore when you never even been with someone seriously, it was them saying you're a sex worker- nothing wrong with that job profession but, you just didn't do it- and so much more rubbish.

"I think you're doing amazing, you took on a responsibility that a lot of people wouldn't or couldn't do. How many people do you know would actually adopt three children?" You had to agree with Mic, very few people would do that. You were pulled into a hug by Nem.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, everyone is always going to have something to say and think they know everything when they know nothing. All you can do is be the best you can be not only for them but, for yourself as well." She had a point too. Alright fine, they all made points. "I think you've been stuck inside long enough, why not go for a walk? Enjoy outside!" Before you can even protest she was pushing you out the door forcing you to say a hurried bye to the other two occupants "Later love!" She closed the door right in front of you leaving you confused as to what just happened. Fuck it. Outside you go. You looked down and were in a pair of biker shorts with a tank top and sneakers. All well, let them stare. You texted Ruska that you're heading out for a bit and will be back before dinner. Might as well pick her up something for being a doll and watching your kids. Once outside you walked saying hello to a couple of people you've seen constantly and just enjoying outside. You were by yourself and loved every second of it.

"You're that girl huh?" That voice was too close to not have been addressing you. You turned to look the stranger in the face. They were scowling meaning they weren't going to say anything polite.

"Do I know you?" You've never seen them before and, you tend to remember everyone you interact with more than once.

"I don't deal with your kind." You're kind huh? So they're one of those.

"Let me guess so we don't waste anyone's time. You've recognized me all over the hero forums correct? That I am responsible for Endeavor losing his title and family, right?" When they said nothing you continued "That's what I thought. Is there anything else you feel the need to express to me or is that all?" They started sputtering and calling you lizard this and lizard that. "Okay I see you're not original, come find me if you can when you come up with something that I haven't heard already." With that little discrepancy figured out you continued on your walk wanting it to end already and go back to your home. Of course, though you made a promise to take some time for yourself and you don't think 15 minutes counts as enough me time per se. You continued to walk listening to chatter here and there window shopping and whatnot.

"Y/N" Turning to a childish voice you smiled at baby Zuzu whose mother was trying to shush him since people were looking. You walked up to the flustered mother to greet them.

"Hi Zuzu Chan, Inko." You both exchanged pleasantries chatting for a bit while Zuzu played with your tail asking you questions here and there about your quirk. She was just going to the grocery store. "Well no need to hold you up, I'll be seeing you. Bye Zuzu" you waved to them both of you going to your destinations. You finally made it to a bench where you decided to rest and enjoy the weather and people-watch. There were a lot of people with families and you smiled. You wish you had that. You always tried to keep yourself happy and positive while staying true to yourself. You actually were a bit bitter and jealous of happy families, when you see mothers treating their children the way you're supposed to when you see mothers and fathers getting along with their children and themselves. You loved seeing families that weren't broken. That's something you never got to experience. You had to watch your siblings get treated nicely, get birthday presents, and holiday presents, be rewarded, being able to eat everything you wanted and never got. You got locked and chained in a basement having to survive off of dirty water and scraps, heal your own wounds, have to handle the verbal and physical beatings from your incubator and her brother occasionally using your body. Where was your father? In jail for 12 years for something he never did. She hated him and because he defended you she made false accusations and got him in jail when you were 5. He's been out for a few years but, you never got in contact with him. You just continued to write letters to him to a P.O. Box you weren't sure he had but, it never stopped you. You left the house at 18 living on the streets. Everything you got now you worked for, no one else, there's no one I'm this world that can tell you they did something for you because they didn't. Everything that you own you got yourself. That's probably why you got attached to Hitoshi, Tenko, and Himiko. They came from broken homes, families that didn't want them so you took them. They deserved love. You also pictured your siblings in them too. You were the oldest. Probably why you connected with Touya so well too. Let's see, Lisvette should be 14, Michael should be 16, Himanari and Michelle should be 18 and then Izumaru should be 20. You're 23 (for story sake you are) so that sounds about right. When you left Lisvette was 9, Michael was 11, the twins 13, and Izumaru was 15. You haven't had contact with them even though you wrote letters to them. Honestly, they probably never got them cause that bitch probably burnt them or pretended you never existed. It didn't matter, it's been 5 years with no contact. They all still live with her. You shook your head not wanting to be depressive anymore and decided to head back. Something told you that you were going to have a long week ahead of you.


what are your thoughts? Do you think your siblings remember you?

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now