Confrontation *Edited*

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It's been about two weeks since you've gotten in the house and all of you have gotten more evidence against Endeavor. Fatgum and Crimson riot worked with Endeavor on missions before and can confirm he did more damage than what was necessary. La Brava used her hacking skills to look into the hero commission records of civilian casualties and damage was done he was at 12.3% and the overall average for damage for all heroes is 5.2%. He was a bit over double the country average. While they were getting him for that you took pictures of bruises and handprints left by him on Rei and Touya. You got more than your fair share of burns and frostbite from them freaking out but, you soothed them right after. It was all going to be worth it in the end. Having to juggle your comics, the grocery store, and helping the Todoroki all the while being a good person? It was exhausting.

"You look like you're going to pass out." You turned to stare at Mr. Brave who was sitting on his couch. You and a couple of others decided to go to his home for once and, it seemed the last weeks have taken a toll on you.

"I am exhausted but the wicked never rest." You turned on your feet only to slip and land in a heap on the floor. "Maybe a nap won't hurt." You heard a huff before hands were on you picking you up.

"If you're going to sleep at least sleep on the couch." You opened an eye to see Aizawa was putting you on the couch

"Bold words from my favorite hobo" You heard him grunt placing you unceremoniously on the couch. You curled up in a ball needing to rest your eyes. You weren't sure how much time had passed but, you were shaken awake.

"We ordered food come and eat." You looked over and indeed smelt the food. You felt yourself drool heading straight for the intoxicating smell. "This one is yours." You grabbed it and saw it was a mixture of cooked and raw meat with noodles. You looked up at Brave and around you trying to figure out who knew you liked this.

"...Your friend Ruska mentioned once you like raw meat you know...being a part lizard." You blinked rapidly over at Aizawa who was looking over to the side before huffing lightly at him.

"Thank you. Ruska knows me better than myself sometimes." You chowed down scrolling through your phone answering text messages here and there. Inui had invited you out to hang out with him when you get the chance and you quickly accepted the invitation. It was mildly quiet until your phone buzzed. You looked at it answering the strange number "Hello?"

"Help me." You choked on your food standing up and grabbing your stuff.

"Where are you Tou-chan?" You were signaling for Aizawa to come with you as he told you he was in the park by the estate. "I'm coming sweetie okay? Hang in there I'll be there as soon as I can." You waved hastily to everyone else bringing Aizawa along. He hung up as you cussed.

"What was that about?" You gave him a look.

"Endeavor went too far." That's all he needed to know and the rest of the trip was jittered nerves. Honestly Brave was only 20 minutes from the Estate but the ride felt like hours. What if Endeavor found him? What if he was bleeding out? What about his siblings? His mom? Too many questions and not enough answers. The ride was over and soon you and Aizawa were speed walking with purpose. You risked calling the number Tou-chan used and let out a breath of relief when he answered "I'm here, where are you?" He gave you a general description of his location and using your sense of smell and hearing you located him in 3 minutes angry at what you saw. You smelt the burnt flesh before you saw it and were disgusted to see he was smoking and crying silently in pain. "Tou-chan?" You got on your knees kneeling down until you were eye to eye with him.

"L/N-chan" He reached out for you and you gently grabbed his hand soothing him to the best of your ability. You can heal him but, only when he's ready. "H-he p-pushed t-too f-far." He was hiccupping and choking so you pulled him into your lap ignoring the heat coming from him.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now