The Change *Edited*

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The first thing you noticed in the morning was that your children were home - it was Oboro who dropped them off for you so you don't have to travel all the way to get them- and the media was absolutely going crazy. After doing your morning routine with your kids and for yourself you decided to really read through the media and text messages. Apparently, someone has targeted all heroes and people who are mutated physically and they have been changed - hit by a quirk- that turns them into what society deems as "normal humans". That was the most offensive headline you've seen. There was nothing wrong with the way they looked before. There were pictures circulating and holy damn Kugo is hot, and so is Ryo and Selkie and everyone else. Oh shit.

"They're really good looking but, they were good looking before." You scrolled through the pictures updating every few minutes as new pictures surfaced and the whole internet was going wild. You turned on your TV and to no one's surprise, the news station was all over it like white on rice. You'll admit they were really good-looking, out of your league attractive. You wondered how long this was going to last. Hopefully not too long. You wanted them to have genuine friends and supporters, not people that only support them because they look "normal" according to societal standards. Bunch of bullshit.

"Gang Orca sir! A Word, please?" He turned to the camera and with an emotionless face stood still and nodded. He was completely ignoring the other people all over him in the back and sides.

"Please make it quick, I have business to attend to." The reporter was undeterred by his uninterested tone. Clearly, he was uncomfortable with the sudden attention.

"How do you feel about the change? Do you think it will last forever? You're going to get so many fans I think this is a miracle." You saw how his now present eyebrow twitched as his eyes bored into the reporters.

"I have no comments about anything you said. Good day." He turned on his heel and his pure size and demeanor created a path to get away from the crowd. The news reporter panned out and right into another situation where Centipeder was being interviewed looking uncomfortable as ever.

You turned off the TV and decided to just text them to see how they feel. The news shows their irritation at the sudden influx of attention. It's sad that that's how society works. They are well-known heroes, and did amazing things for Japan but, now because they are more human looking and "conventionally attractive" they have a huge fan base out of nowhere. They all came out of their holes and crevices. The disrespect. You decided to post a video and the next chapter of your herotoon. It was ready. You also posted sneak peeks of an animation you were doing on herotok as well. You got into the creator's fund pretty quickly and you were getting paid within the first week of being on there. It was nice, you were very fortunate. You checked your phone to see some of them had already beat you to the punch.

"How wrong would I be to hurt them? You know just a gentle tap into the water. Hold them down a bit. Test their lung capacity."

You giggled at Selkie's calm way of exploding. It was hard to get the man agitated.

"You see that would be ideal but, you are a hero and everything you just said wouldn't be very heroic of you." You can literally feel the eye roll the man gave.

"You're right but it's still nice to think about." You laughed at that and texted him some more switching between conversations with the others who were affected. It was wild. It was a straight-up wild day for them. The quirk lasts for a few days so now at least they know what they look like if they were more human-like. So stupid how society became all of a sudden "so accepting" and knows everything about them now that they fit societal beauty standards. Not wanting to dwell on it too much, you had chores to do. You didn't have to work on videos or anything like that since you had about 5 pre-recorded and 3 written chapters for your herotoon so you were good to go. You cleaned the whole house from top to bottom. It was about 2 when you started dinner even though it was considered early but, you didn't care. You were putting the food to finish cooking when you got a knock on the door. Not expecting company you went and opened the door forgetting to check who it was. You were bum-rushed by frantic heroes.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now