Pyrokinesis *Edited*

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When you woke up from your nap your work was in fact there but, your dignity and will to post and make a comic were not. It's like all the motivation you had to make a comic flew out the window while you took that nap. You looked at the time and saw that it was already 8 PM so you decided to just make dinner and do some chores. You made something simple just fried pieces of pork with mixed vegetables and rice. It was a simple dinner that you made enough to have for leftovers tomorrow considering you may not want to cook. The today you and the future tomorrow you were two different people after all. While the pork and rice cooked you put in a load of clothes thanking God you decided to get your own washing machine and dryer to keep from using the one down in the basement of the building. You put some music on and allowed it to flow through the house putting you at ease as you cooked and hung up clothes that by the time you were done with everything it was a little past 10. You had a strong urge to go for a walk but, decided against it. You took a shower and decided that whatever adventures and plans you were going to make were going to be tomorrow's problem.


It was a bright and beautiful out, the perfect time to go for a walk and maybe find a muse or inspiration for your next chapter in your comic. You feel it was getting a little boring keeping it mellow the last two chapters considering you made all your characters go through it for about six chapters in total. The only thing is what can you do spice it up? Man, this must be how writers feel when they have an urge to write but, they just can't because that ball of sparkles they call inspiration has been deflated.

"Y/N-chan!" You jumped turning around not expecting to see or bump into anyone you know. You were surprised to see one of your Instachat followers turned into a friend. Both of you had different drawing styles and liked to collab and make comics as 'specials' for your followers and supporters whenever you had the chance. She was also a mutant-type user but, she was a furry bat. Her wings were black with brown fluff at the top and leathery on the sensitive underside. She had sharp teeth, pointy ears, and talons for fingers. You loved her so much because she was very bubbly, soft-spoken, and excitable a complete contradiction of what most people believe she is.

"Ruska-chan!" You waited for her to catch up your tail wagging softly as she glomped you making happy little chirrs. People were staring and some were either disgusted or smiled something the two of you got used to. "How are you? How have you been? It's been so long since I've seen you!" The two of you started talking animatedly about what was going on in each other's life. She had finally met a guy that seems to have potential and he was the biggest nerd ever. He loved to play games, read, write, draw and listen to music her ideal type and you couldn't help but be happy for her even though you were still single.

"There is nothing wrong with being single! Don't ever feel pressured to get into a relationship simply because I am in one or anyone for that matter. Your time will come so don't rush it and just enjoy life baby!" You laughed at that always trusting her to make you feel better whenever your insecurities decided to pay a visit.

"I know! It's not good to think about it too long, I'll worry myself to death or I'll end up attracting the wrong company because I seem desperate when in reality I am not." She nodded in agreement as the two of you continued to talk but, it wasn't long before she had to go.

"I have to go now Y/N-chan BUT it was so nice to see you! I'm going to miss you so much!" She wrapped you up in a tight hug flapping her wings and making both of you fly up before she settled down. "I promise to keep in touch!" With that said she started to fly away before a cop told her stop flying and she sheepishly did with a blush. You shook your head turning back around intent on making it towards the park but a sudden and loud explosion to your left had your ears ringing and catapulted you in the air straight onto a car. You looked up blearily barely registering the pain blinking away the dust and clouds to see that it was an apartment building and the top three floors were up in flames. You sat up shaking yourself of the glass and debris deliberately ignoring the ache and creak of your ribs. Your ears were still ringing but you saw police holding back a woman who was screaming and trying with all her might to get back into the building. Why was she trying to do that?

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now