The Kissing Booth Pt. 2 *Edited*

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A/N: Some more 18+ content, not comfortable don't read it but if you do please enjoy :)


You hurried to the door listening to the slightly frantic knocking. Your clothes were strewed like you just woke up from a nap but you didn't care. You're pretty sure they were going to be missing with the way things are going today. You opened the door to see Ryo who invited himself in still human. They did say it'll take a few days for everyone to go back to normal.

"Sorry if that was a little bold of me." He didn't seem sorry in the slightest, especially with the way he kicked the door closed and scooped you up like you weighed nothing. You had wings now and they added weight.

"You don't seem the slightest bit sorry." You rested your hands against his chest. He was huge, with firm muscle underneath his t-shirt. You knew he had muscles regularly but, this was a whole different meaning.

"You'll have plenty of time to feel me up. Let's get comfy first." Oh, you were definitely waltzing in dangerous territory. You're pretty sure everyone today wasn't this bold but, the season or whatever is in the air has them making brash decisions. Not that you were going to complain, you were loving all the attention. This is what lack of attention does to you. "Pay attention to me." He was feisty.

"Someone's feisty." You pressed your whole body against his resting your wings behind and to the side of you. "The ball is in your court." Honestly, you should have seen the kiss a mile away but, it still surprised you. He held you to him so you had nowhere to run, nowhere to move. You tried to kiss back but, he was stronger and he easily dominated your mouth. You really hoped your breath didn't stink.

"Less talking, more touching." You heard the man. You let your hands roam from his neck down his chest as his hands trailed down your body. He cupped your breast under your shirt gently and, pulled away to gauge your reaction. His touch was gentle despite the pace the two of you were going at. Gentle and soft was something your body wasn't used to so it was a new, feel-good sensation. He took notice of your reaction and went slower. He softly caressed your body fingertips brushing from your hips up to your breast to your neck and back down following a pattern as he slowly kissed you. This lasted for a few minutes until he pulled away and just held you.

"You're so warm." Your head was swimming with pheromones and arousal. You never felt like that before and your body didn't know how to react to the new sensations. You don't know what was in the air but, you hoped it stayed for a little longer.

"Even without your fur, you're still comfy." You rested against his chest listening and feeling his rapid heartbeat. The two of you stayed in this position for a bit, talking a little before his phone went off. He took it out of his pocket grumbling when he saw who it was.

"I don't understand how they manage to still bother me." You giggled staying a few more seconds before moving to let the man up.

"The Hero Commission doesn't care about anyone but, themselves. Heroes are nothing but pawns in their giant game of chess but, I digress. Be safe and I'll see you later handsome." You moved your wings so he can walk around and as a goodbye, you slapped his butt. He gave you a look, turned back around with a huff, and left. You sat there trying to come to terms with everything that happened today deciding it wasn't worth the brain power. If you tried to figure out anything besides going with the flow you're going to fuck up somewhere. Or get fucked. Preferably the latter.

"I'm hungry." You went to grab a fruit bowl you made yesterday to eat something. You were proud of yourself for being healthy for once. Doubt it'll last though. You checked your phone seeing you gained 1,000 more followers since this morning which is great. You were going to need the extra money since you would like to buy a house one day. You were already looking into it. You glanced at the time and it was 1:47. DAMN TIME WAS FLYING "What the hell was I doing the last half an hour?"

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now