Domestic *Edited*

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You somehow got your life a little back to normal meaning that you and Eraserhead found another much nicer apartment building to live in for only 100 yen cheaper which was top tier in your opinion. That 100 yen difference allowed you to get a 2 bedroom apartment- one room was basically your closet/book room cause why not- and you slept in your other room. It was perfect and you had the security deposit and one month's of rent already so once you paid the landlord they gave you the keys and you could move in anytime.

"When are you moving Zawa?" You had him, Nem, and Yamada helping you pack up and load up to go. The heaviest thing you had was your books. You had sold your old living room and bedroom set to get brand new furniture which was the best decision you have ever made.

"A few days after you." You nodded taping up your clothes boxes which was the last thing you needed.

"That's good I can help you, it's only logical since you helped me." You smirked at him before giggling when he avoided eye contact. He loved to use logical ruses and whatnot on you.

"LET'S GOOOOO!" You winced at the volume but, were trying to get used to it. Ruska was loud herself. You all grabbed the last of the boxes and set them out of the apartment. You went back inside and looked around everywhere to make sure you didn't leave anything behind. Once satisfied you took the keys and pocketed them

"I have to go downstairs and get my security deposit back." You guys took the boxes to the lobby and you waited for the owner to come so you can give her back to keys and let her give you back the security deposit. She tried to be difficult but one growl later and you had your money leaving the hell hole. "I can't wait until you move, that bitch can go somewhere with her dilapidated building." A light conversation happened between you guys as you loaded up the van and took the trip down to your new building. It took an hour but you had all your boxes and thanked them for the help. Now you were left alone to unpack everything. "At least I cleaned everything beforehand." You moved all your noneveryday clothes and vanity stuff to the spare room. Your bookshelves hadn't come in yet so you left them in the living room. You stood up looking around trying to think what can you do. Bookshelves come tomorrow at 8 AM and then the bedroom set at 4 pm. "Closet in the main bedroom it is." The main bedroom was the best part of the whole thing. You had a full bathroom, a walk-in closet, and a balcony. You took boxes from the living room and a box of hangers and got to work on your closet. You had started at 2 pm and by the time you finished, it was 7 pm. You took a break for dinner just making instant noodles since you had no groceries whatsoever. You started moving the couple of boxes of clothes you had left to the spare room and putting them in the regular closet there. You also placed all your bedding on top and whatever shoes you had left on the bottom. Lastly, you placed whatever books you were going to put in there in that room against the wall. You looked at the time and it was 10 so why not read some manga cause who needs sleep? You made a bedding sort of in your room and took your manga books out reading as many as you can until your eyes were too heavy and you fell asleep.


You woke up at 7 and got ready for the delivery of your bookshelves at 8. Time flew by and you helped the delivery person carry the bookshelves and gave them a tip for helping you put them together. It was two but the second one didn't help so you took away their tip via online and gave it to the one who helped. Technology was a beautiful thing. By 10:45 in the morning, you had all your bookshelves in both of your rooms. You had 8 in your spare room and 3 in your main room. You ordered a cart for immediate books you were going to read. It was 11 and you had time before your bedroom set came in. Perfect. You got to work on organizing your bookshelves in title alphabetical order and series orders as well. It was easier for you to find than to organize by color or by author. You got a notification on your phone that they'll be here in 20 minutes. That gave you enough time to move whatever wasn't put up out to make room for the bedroom set. Fast forward 2 hours later your entire bedroom set was made and, you were more than satisfied with the end result. You grabbed lunch and decided to finish organizing your bookshelves. By the time it was 10 you were done with stuff in your room. You took a shower and ate a chicken salad. You checked your to-do list and saw your cart for your immediate books and desk were coming tomorrow, your living room set was coming in 3 days, and, then your dining room set was coming in 5 days. Perfect. Your plan for tomorrow was to go grocery shopping so you can eat some real food.


You went bright and early at 8 in the morning to do food shopping knowing today was the day the trucks came in with fresh everything. You still had the U-haul truck so you went in for the food. You got fruits, vegetables, canned goods, frozen foods, rice, potatoes, condiments, spices, snacks, various types of meat, juices, milk, crackers, and whatever else you needed. By the time you got back and put up the groceries, the cart and desk had come. Once the groceries were put up you set to work on building the cart while gossiping with Mt. Lady on the phone for a while before switching over to talk with Rei for a few. Once the cart was set up with the books and stuff -while texting other people in between- you went straight to your art desk. You listened to music while you built it and placed all your necessary material to make comics and videos. You had a tripod with a ring light but that was for when you showcase your art journals or books. Anyway, it was the afternoon when you got a phone call from Zawa.

"I'm moving in." In code that means he was asking for help. You spoke Zawa.

"I'm coming give me a few." You finished what you were doing, grabbed your keys, and decided to walk to the old building. It was only a 10-minute walk. You got there and of course, Yamada and Nem were there bugging the shit out of him. You said hi and packed up his boxes realizing the man really had the bare minimum so it was easy. He had more cat stuff than things for him and his fridge was absolutely empty. He also wanted all his furniture - whatever he had - so it made the whole trip quick and easy. He already had gone to give the lady the keys and his security deposit so the rest of the day was spent getting him to the new apartment. He explained he got the keys this morning and wanted out asap. The rest of the day was setting up Zawa's new apartment right next to you. By the time they were done, it was late so you went back to your apartment, showering and crashing for the night. You woke up again to a notification that your living room set will be here in 30 minutes. Shit, it came earlier than expected. You got ready and once again helped them set up your living room tipping them. You decided to make dinner early while making placing throw pillows across your living room set. It was big enough to fit 8 people with a recliner on each end and the middle can pull out into a bed. A perfect touch to your home theater that you took back from your old apartment. You stepped back and looked at the living room satisfied with it. Everything came together the way you wanted


It's been a week now since you got everything you needed for your new apartment and, it was perfect. Everything was done. You got food, and cleaning supplies, both rooms were done, the bathrooms were finished, and the dining room and living room were done as well. You looked around once thinking about how far you came and how hard you worked for all of this. It was fancy looking and pricey too but, it was all worth it and it was all yours. No one can say they got this for you or did something for you when they didn't. This was all your blood, sweat, and tears that got you the things you wanted. Beautiful. You put in your week at the grocery store and applied for a bakery right across the street from you and got the job right away. You would not miss it at all. You decided to take a walk. You took a small purse not planning on going far or for too long. Once outside though what you weren't expecting was to see a very scared and scarred child that was scratching violently at his neck.

"H-H-help...Someone h-h-help" The scratching got worse so you leaned down to his level and held out a hand to him gently.

"Hey baby, are you okay?" He looked at you and it was only because of experience that you didn't cringe at the sight of blood and ripped skin. Seemed to have an extremely bad case of eczema.

"H-H-help m-me will y-you h-help?...It h-h-hurts." Poor kid. You went into your purse taking a pair of gloves out that was missing two finger holes.

"Here. These might help." You went to grab his hand he moved them away quickly.

"NO! You'll disappear...My q-quirk" Ah so he had a quirk that hurts people? Hmm, maybe not all his fingers?

"I'm not scared." Before he can protest you grabbed his hand gently placing the gloves over them before holding his whole hand. "See? I'm okay." He seemed absolutely amazed before holding out his other hand. Phew, at least he stopped scratching his neck. You pulled out the other glove and placed it on the other hand. "What's your name? Mine is Y/N." He hesitated at first before giving you a grin that made his chapped lip bleed



Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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