Wake Up Call *Edited*

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For the next week, you didn't do much but go to your appointment to heal the rest of your broken ribs. You still were sore but, not as much as you were in the beginning. Did that mean you would do acrobats? Hell no. Your children were nothing but blessings to you absolutely refusing to let you do anything you didn't have to. It warmed your heart and they have been sleeping with you the entire week also. The first few days they would have panic attacks if they couldn't see you at all, even when you were in the bathroom. It has gotten a lot better but, they still wanted to sleep with you so you let them. They were only 5,6 and 7. They were babies who didn't get proper love and attention. You were working on a bunch of comic chapters since you had a lot of free time now so when you felt better you can upload about 5 chapters instead of a single one. A treat for keeping your supporters waiting for so long. You already had pre-recorded videos for hero-tube so you didn't have to worry about that flopping potentially. You had heroes visit you as well. Masaki, Yudai (Mr. Brave), Mt. Lady, Nemuri, Serpentress even. Surprisingly Keigo and Mirko stopped by for a few minutes before hopping/flying away since they were hella busy. The new hero rankings came out too and unsurprisingly All Might is number 1, Best Jeanist number 2, Hawks number 3, Edgeshot number 4, Mirko number 5, Crust hero number 6, Wash hero number 7, Ryuku number 8, Shield hero number 9 and Gang Orca number 10. That's when you realized you met half of Japan's top 10 heroes. Interesting.

"Mama, you're going to be okay?" You stared down at your three children as you waited for the school bus to pull up. You saw it down the block anyway.

"Mama is going to be fine. I want all of you to have a beautiful day at school alright? I'm not going anywhere so you three can tell me about your day when you come back this afternoon okay?" You got nods of affirmation from all of them and just in time too cause the bus came. You waited for them to get on and watched the bus drive off before heading back upstairs. To kill some time you threw in laundry, it was the only thing that needed to be done since you cleaned yesterday and Aizawa and Fatgum went food shopping for you. That was really sweet of them and the two of them got along surprisingly well. You watched some TV scrolling through your phone when a random message popped up from a number you didn't recognize. Curious, you tapped the message surprised to see an essay. You were going to scroll to the top to read but stopped when the three dots on the bottom kept going. You decided to just wait it out. You left your phone open and continued to watch TV until the pinging of new messages stopped. Once you were sure the person was done that's when you picked up the phone and scrolled to the top to begin reading. It was clearly a wrong number since the first few lines were this.

"I don't even know If this will reach anyone. I don't even know if this is the same number or if you changed it. I don't even know what I'm supposed to say this was just a spur-of-the-moment thing. I just needed a safe place to vent and if this does reach a random person I deeply apologize and feel free to delete this or even block the number."

You considered doing that but it seemed that whoever this person was, was missing someone deeply and just wanted to vent to the last number they remember this person having. Should you really read it?... Well, it is your phone number now and has been for the past 5 years so why not right? It's not like you plan on responding to it anyway. You had nothing else better to do either. You continued to read intrigued as to what this person was talking about. They were talking about their four younger siblings, a set of fraternal twins, a boy, and a girl that's the baby of the family. They even mentioned an older sister who they haven't spoken to in five years ever since she left their abusive home life with their mother and uncle. Also, how dad was put in jail for something he didn't do and was let out a year after the older sister left home. They said they haven't heard from their older sister in five years but, they are trying to rekindle their relationship with dad and hopefully, one day find the older sister. You had to put the phone down for a minute as a cold familiar feeling ran through you.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now