Truth Quirk *Edited*

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Your kids were picked up for school at 7 AM so you spent the morning cleaning the whole house and were done by 10 AM giving you a couple of hours to get some work in before you had to get ready for the lunch date. Fatgum and Crimson were going to pick you up from in front of your building to keep the travel expenses minimal. You didn't wanna be rude but, how was Fatgum going to fit all his fluff inside of a car? Was it going to be like a mini truck? You went downstairs waiting patiently looking up at a honk. It was short but taller than a normal limo.

"Come on Y/N!" You saw Crimson waving so, smiling you went inside the limo greeting him and turning to face someone who was really huge.

"Hiya Y/N-chan! I can't wait to go and eat!" You blinked trying to figure out who- Wait. Eat. Yellow. Orange. Beautiful smile.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!" You lunged at him feeling his stomach and arms trying not to focus on the ripped muscle but, focusing on the lack of fat. "Did you get hit by a bomb?! You're so ripped! What happened to your fluffiness?" You weren't paying attention to the way his whole face and neck went beet red and Crimson was trying not to die of laughter.

"U-U-Uh, y-you can't be m-making me n-nervous like t-t-that! I'm g-going to e-eat so I can g-g-get my fat b-back!" He was stuck between wanting to hide or keep you right there since your hands were very warm against his skin. Before he can even further his thoughts you had moved back into your seat and grabbed water from one of the compartments.

"Now that I know it's you, where are we going to eat? You both are pretty well-known heroes so wouldn't it be exasperating to go to a normal civilian restaurant or diner? Or am I just over-analyzing everything?" You waited patiently for an answer enjoying the feel of the breeze on your skin from the open window.

"Well it's a diner where only heroes and their families go, no civilians are allowed to go." That made you think, you're not family you're technically just a civilian.

"So technically I'm not supposed to go? I'm not family to no hero" 'At least not in Japan' You used to want to be a hero but, your mother and uncle fucked that up big time for you. You weren't going to take it out on anyone though, whoever loved heroes can love them and whoever wants to be a hero can become one.

"Well, you're a special case. Don't worry about it." You smirked at Crimson who simply focused on Fatgum. The three of you got into light banter about different topics before all of you entered the restaurant. You had self-control so your jaw did not hit the floor when you saw the front of the place. They called this a diner, it looked like a five-star restaurant that sold exotic foods only!

"Are you sure this isn't a five-star restaurant?" You whispered to Fat thanking whoever listened he had good hearing. You were squished between both of them as all three of you walked to the entrance.

"Cute, but no." You warily glanced at Crimson as the two of you waited for Fat to give the signal to enter. Once he did your eyes widen to dinner plates. You could not afford to eat here. The lights alone cost 3 months of rent for you! Oh my God, you were going to die. You jumped at the feel of a hand on your shoulder.

"Come on L/N-chan. This way." Fat guided you to the back as you absolutely refused to look around. There were heroes here and you did not want to bring attention to them or be looked at weirdly for staring. You were panicking just a bit. Maybe. Yes, you were. Just a tad bit. Not that big of a deal. You'll be fine. "L/N-chan?" You glanced up at Fat who was smiling gently at you "Do you want to sit next to me or Riot? Or you can sit by yourself as well if you want." You nibbled your lip and decided to sit next to him. You poked him in the side to signal him "Me? That's fine." The three of you got into the comfortable seats and that's when you noticed how giant Fat is. Like he's much taller than All Might even in his skinny form. You had to know.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now