Consequences *Edited*

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To your chagrin, he laughed, which you expected. He was an arrogant asshole as well as the number two hero. Why should he be intimidated by a supposed-to-be civilian?

"I don't have time for this. REI!" He walked forward as you moved back. Perfect. You needed him on camera and for the microphones to pick up his voice. Which won't be hard since the man was naturally loud.

"Your wife and children are not here. They are safe though- not that you would care." He turned to you this time and looked at you for a good minute. His flames grew his eyes bulging with anger.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY NOT HERE." You looked at him calculating your next words. You had relaxed a bit but, you were still on edge and ready to leap.

"They went for a walk. They just wanted to get some fresh air. They know I'm here too." You may have gotten them in 'trouble' but, it was to help you with the whole trespassing thing that you knew was going to be on your head.

"She will never do anything without MY explicit permission, she knows the consequences." That sentence didn't sit well with you and it took self-control to keep you from growling. You needed this man to talk for evidence so, you'll play nice.

"I thought she could do as she pleases since she lives here too." He laughed out loud again.

"I don't even know why I'm wasting my breath on a waste of space like you but, if you must know I'll put it in simple terms for your lizard brain to understand. I own her, when I bought her from her parents I didn't love her and I still don't. She gave me three mistakes and finally, she did something right and gave me Shoto. He's going to be the one to defeat All Might. He's my prodigy and as soon as his quirk shows it's training time. Of course, the bitch will try to stop me but all I got to do is knock her out and she will be docile." There was way too much to unpack in those statements.

"What kind of training?" He rolled his eyes scoffing before crossing his arms and looking down at you with a look of pure disgust and contempt. It didn't phase you, it wasn't the first time someone looked at you like that and, it won't be the last.

"So he can surpass All Might. That's the only reason he exists. I tried with my first mistake Touya but, he kept burning himself because he got his weak mother's body but, a fire quirk. He burns himself too much so he has no potential. He can go and be with the second and third mistakes Natsuo and Fuyumi. I will be handling Shoto soon. He can eat when he earns it, he can sleep when he earns it. This house is big enough for me to ignore all the other mistakes here so I don't have to worry about them interfering with his training." You had to blink and take in a few deep breaths. You wanted to punt him across the floor you really did.

"Your children are not mistakes." He scoffed looking down at you as if your very existence offended him. More than likely did.

"Yes, they are. I wouldn't expect something like you to understand. The whole point of even having Rei here was to have a child that has a fire and ice quirk. Shoto was the only one so the rest of the failed attempts can stay out of my sight with their useless mother."

"So, you only had children to get the 'perfect' one. You should love all of them the same." He growled at that his fire growing again.

"Love is not given, love is earned. Of course, you don't understand, you fucking mutants are underdeveloped and can't comprehend simple conversations." You felt your face twitch and your tail move with your controlled aggravation.

"Is that how you feel about all people with mutant quirks? Or just me?" You knew you had him when he smirked nastily at you.

"All of you. You are not people. All of you are a disease. All you do is just get in the way. You, Hawks, that rabbit bitch, that dragon bitch, that fucking Orca, that spotted seal, all of you are a waste of space. None of you should even exist." Okay, that stung a bit but, it pissed you off all the same too.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now