The Encounter *Edited*

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A/N; You meet a few more pro heroes


You were able to leave the hospital but you had to be escorted out in a wheelchair. Your legs and feet were 100 percent fucked and you had to lay off of them for a few days. Thankfully when you called in for your boss he had seen the news and had graciously given you two weeks off with pay and it was going to be the best two weeks of your life if you can help it. You looked up and saw it was Manual who was escorting you. He felt your stare and looked down to give you a reassuring smile.

"I saw what you did! You were amazing. You truly are that woman's hero." You blinked up at him before giving him a soft smile and looking ahead of you. It was nice to be recognized by a pro hero even though technically you were wrong but you were morally right in the end.

"I'm sorry that they have you doing this. I'm pretty sure you have other things better to do." You heard a grunt stopping a bit before the two of you continued on your mini journey.

"Nonsense! You deserve the attention. You thought quickly on your feet and acted before any of us did. It was hella reckless but you should be proud. You never thought of maybe becoming a hero?" That question never bothered you considering society revolved around big strong heroes so it was weird when someone didn't want to be a hero.

"At one point I did but I decided that was something I just wasn't going to love. I don't like all the unnecessary paperwork, the strain, and mental illnesses that come with it especially if you're popular. No one ever thinks about that. They just assume that because you guys go and do your job every day you're fine when you may not be. Then not only do you have to deal with difficult villains you have to deal with having cameras and papers shoved in your face and all you can do is just smile. It's rude to deny it and it's unfortunate that it can ruin your status and the lower the status the less money you earn. It's a gamble and I shouldn't say this but the Hero Commission isn't all that great." You decided to stop there. You had just gotten a slap on the wrist from the chief of police you didn't want Manual ratting you out now. You waited for a few as he mulled over your words continuing your way to the car. He stopped before quickly taking his phone out and handing it to you.

"Put your number in. We can keep in touch if you want you to know I-" You stopped him by typing your number in with your name, handing it back to him

"You're going to have to text me so I can save your number-" You jumped at a ding and looked down to see a winky face. You looked up at manual who simply smirked with a wink before bidding you farewell. Once situated in the taxi you were on your way home when you got a phone call from the chief himself

"Hello Ms. L/N"

"Hello, Chief of Police sir." You figured you should get under his skin for giving you a heart attack earlier when you thought you were being arrested.

"Just call me Tsuragamae. Anyway, I called to inform you that you need to be careful. The fire was intentional and set by the father of those three children. He wanted them to die for some reason and now he is after you for doing what's right. We already put the mother and her children under police protection and I want to know if would you like the same for you." Of course, the devil worked over time and was doing his best to make you miserable. Might as well be compliant.

"Of course, that would be nice." Your heart hammered a bit considering you're not a pro or an expert in self-defense but you managed. You waited for him to relay the details to you and how you would be escorted by a pro from home to work or anywhere else for that matter until the man and his goons were captured.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now