Oops I did it Again *Edited*

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It's been a few weeks since you had Tenko. Not only now were you the legal guardian he's getting along really really well, but he's also accommodated to his new way of life well. He enjoyed being with Aizawa a lot and with the Todoroki family whenever Rei would drop them off for a couple of hours so she could go to her therapy sessions. You finally convinced her to see a therapist and psychologist and, you could already tell with the weeks it's posing a positive effect on her. She smiles more, her eye bags are smaller and lighter, and she's actually eating and getting back to a healthy weight. It was nice to see and the mood of the children improved significantly. Touya was laughing freely with them. Such a change. You kept track of Enji to see how his therapy and anger management were doing. He had a lot of childhood trauma that was never handled properly which manifested in him believing abuse was okay. Even though it's no excuse he should have known better you can be considerate enough that the man was committed. Can't believe it took losing his family and title to change but, everyone got to start somewhere. Maybe one day in the future he can have a civil conversation with Rei. Or his children. Hm. That was thoughts for another time.

"Mama look." You turned to Tenko who was coloring wearing grey specialized gloves. You went to a quirk specialist that took a liking to Tenko and went out of his way to make gloves that'll last and grow with him as his hands got bigger. It was costly but worth it "It's me and you holding hands." You handled the crude drawing and placed it on the fridge for everyone to see. He was shy still but, you were proud and anyone who said otherwise can get the fuck out of your house. He's your child.

"It's beautiful Tenko, wanna draw mama another one?" He nodded his head happily and, got to work on who you assumed was going to be Eraserhead. This gave you time to finish enrolling him in school. His old school kicked him out because they're dicks so now you were looking to enroll him in the school to be with Shoto, Izuku, and Kirishima. Tenko seemed to like them a lot and he was only a year older than them so, he would at least have some familiar faces.

"This one is for Eraserhead! Oo, I can draw Shoto and and 'Zuzu and Kiripima." You felt your heart squeeze at the sheer level of cuteness. His lisp didn't allow him to pronounce some words probably and kiripima was the single cutest name you have ever heard. You let him be needing to do some adulting for the time being. You paid your bills online and over the phone and finished registering Tenko for school, making an appointment to go see the school before he actually goes. Hopefully, he will like it and if he doesn't after a couple of weeks you can always move him or even homeschool him if that's what he wants. You'll still make sure he gets kid interaction though to prevent stunting his growth. You started texting back your friends and heroes thanking God that you had unlimited text and call cause your phone bill would be through the roof. You were put in a group chat called 'Animal Crossing' and you snorted at the irony. It had you, Hawks, Miruko, Ryuku, Gang Orca, Selkie, Centipeder, Hound dog, Lion Hero Shishido, Serpentress, Best Jeanist, and Edgeshot(only exceptions). You had a separate group chat with Aizawa, Nem, Yamada, Power loader, Snipe, Vlad King, Crimson Riot, Fatgum, and Cementoss. The last group chat was with Manual, Mr. Brave, Gunhead, Native, Ingenium, Fourth Kind, and Rock Lock. Odd bunch of groups and your separate conversations with them and others as well. Too much to keep up with half the time but, you try.

"You want to eat out today Tenko? Mama doesn't feel like cooking." It caught you off guard how easily you fell into the mother role but, you liked it too.

"Yeah! Can we get pizza and soda pleaaassseeee" Of course he wants pizza and soda, what kid doesn't like pizza regardless of the toppings?

"Yes, my love go get your jacket and shoes I'm coming." You heard and watched him bound to the closet you kept his stuff. You made a section for him in the second bedroom where he had a desk, a closet, and a bin filled with toys and stuff. He had attachment issues and wanted to sleep with you and who were you to stop him? You'll give him all the hugs, attention, and love he deserves. You grabbed your purse and phone holding a hand out to him when he came back with big smiles and all "Let's go." The two of you left going to the pizzeria 10 minutes away. You both sat down and ate food where he saw another kid and played with him a bit, you got the mother's number like a good mom yourself to set up play dates. So weird but, whatever. You'll kick her ass if she tries to kidnap Tenko.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now