Fans *Edited*

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You did in fact have a long, arduous week. Something happened to Toga's adoption papers, proof of age and thank God you had that for her so that was an easy fix for that mistake. School also had started up again for the kids so now you had to get them all ready in the morning and make sure they ate before putting them on the school bus. You always called the school and teacher to make sure they made it as well. You had to change your work schedule to the mornings instead of any time now so when you finished at the bakery you had time to do some housework before all three of your children came home. It was a nice routine that all four of you were getting used to and, you were more than happy to see that Hitoshi's eye bags weren't that prominent and Tenko's skin wasn't as split open and raw. Himiko was learning to control her quirk and not bite everything in sight but, it was still a work in progress. They all were going to be okay. 

You were off today and by the time twelve hit you had already finished cleaning the house and edited a video to post that was being sponsored by one of your favorite companies. You enjoyed books, anime, manga, and games doing reviews and reaction videos here and there using an emoticon instead of your actual face. You were scared to show your face though. You didn't know how any of them would react to how you looked or who you were. You had a lot of requests to make a video regarding heroes, villains and whatever ongoing drama is occurring right now in the hero world but, you just weren't ready. Your supporters knew you liked heroes kind of but you never elaborated any further. That was going to be a controversy in itself. You shook your head not wanting to dwell on those thoughts checking the time that you had four hours to kill so why not be productive and go out? You didn't need any groceries or snacks you did that yesterday so this was for leisure only. You left your home with the things you needed and went outside for a walk. There was this huge park that you decided to go to. Fast forward 30 minutes and you were sitting on a bench drawing watching as people walked by. Families, couples, dog walkers, wildlife, it was refreshing. There was a couple directly across from you that were enjoying each other's own company and environment. You used them as your muse and, decided to draw them in the background with the wildlife around. You weren't sure how long you were there but you managed to finish the base of the drawing before you felt like you were being stared at. You looked up looking around not noticing anyone suspicious. You made eye contact with a kid who was staring but, their mother made them look away giving you an apologetic smile. Ah, so they were the ones staring. You wore a dress today just for the heck of it and, you were no longer afraid of your scars. They were hideous but, they defined you. they were proof that you survived. Also, your five years of therapy and anger management helped a lot too.

"U-um, excuse me?" You looked to the side to see some girl you'd never seen before fidgeting nervously and looking around. It was raising red flags that had you moving your stuff to the other side to make room for her to sit. "Is it o-okay I s-sit here for a bit?" You nodded gently patting the seat watching out the corner of your eye as she fidgeted with a phone and looked as if she had multiple breakdowns. You wanted to try to help the stranger get her mind off of it.

"Hey, you wanna see my drawings?" It was a safe route for you and with a little hesitation, she nodded scooting over a bit to look at your drawings. You watched feeling a bit proud and embarrassed as her eyes widen the more she looked.

"You're amazing! You have the same drawing style as my favorite herotuber!" You felt your heart speed up a bit hoping the girl doesn't put two and two together. It didn't seem she would.

"Yeah? Would you like to show me who they are?" This was a safe bet to make sure she wasn't talking about you without making everything seem suspicious. A quick look at the time told you, you still had a couple of hours before your kids will be home. You watched in anticipation as she pulled up your herotube and your Patreon and your herotoon's and comics to show you. You sat there embarrassed that she was talking about her 'favorite' person on the internet while you fought not to blurt out that she was talking to you at the moment.

"I would love to meet them one day! It would make me so happy you know? Do you think they like hugs? If I meet them the first thing I'll ask them is if I can hug them." This was conflicting with you. You met your first real-life fan and you recognized her name all over your platforms. She was there when you first started and is one of your biggest supporters. Maybe it wouldn't hurt?

"You said you would like to hug them right?" She nodded her head wiping her eyes. At least you got your mind off of whatever was upsetting her. All well what do you got to lose? "So why not ask me?" You waited for the cogwheels to turn in her head and her reaction was worth it.

"YOU ARE LIZARD QUEEN!" You shushed her a bit but it was too late a few people heard and a couple of them started making their way to you. More fans? For real? "OH MY GOD NO WAY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH CAN I HUG YOU!?" You cringed a bit but, opened your arms regardless. You had to plant your tail into the ground to keep from toppling over with the force in which she threw herself onto you. "I have had such a shitty day! Oh my God, my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friends and tried to gaslight me but I met you! I met my hero!" She was squeezing the shit out of you as others began talking to you at once.

"Are you really Lizard Queen-"

"I didn't know this is how you looked like-"

"Can I take a picture-"

"Can I get an autograph-" You felt your world spiraling a bit as the girl finally let you go.

"I am honored to have met you guys, seriously I am. Yes, I am in fact Lizard Queen, I have proof." You showed them you're logged in to social media which had them in a bit of frenzy again. "I would appreciate though that you guys do not post me online. I am not ready for my face to be put online and I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't." 

They nodded a bit and you just hoped they didn't try to sneak a picture. After some autographs, names given and some chatting you had to go home to get your children. You got on the bus and took a deep breath not expecting to run into some fans but it did make you happy knowing that you had some who really liked you. You got home just in time to get Tenko, Himiko, and Hitoshi. They all were happy so that was good and were happy to see you as well. All of you went inside the home taking turns to use the bathrooms. They went to the living room to watch their favorite cartoon Growing Up Creepie, it was a Canadian cartoon as you prepared snacks for them. Once they were done you helped them all with their homework while simultaneously cooking dinner. They all had to be in bed by 8:30 PM so they can get up at 5:00 AM to get ready for school. They had Katsudon and by 8 ish they all were sleepy. You made sure they all showered and brushed their teeth before tucking them in for bed. You would get ready for bed in a few you weren't sleepy yet. You took a shower and sat down on your recliner with your phone wanting to check your messages. You checked out the group chat with Aizawa in it telling them you met a few fans today unintentionally but, they were happier to meet their favorite herotuber than really focusing on your looks. After you spoke to them you decided to check in on Rei and the kids. You spoke to her for half an hour and set up a playdate on the weekend with her children, Inko's, and your children at her home. There were going to be a couple of other children you haven't met yet but will on the weekend. You also set up a lunch date with Crimson and Fatgum as well as a meeting with Selkie, Best Jeanist, and Gang Orca. Overall, you were going to be busy but, you wouldn't want it any other way. You liked being busy. It kept your nasty thoughts at bay and didn't let you dwell too much on them. Your eyes got heavy at 10 ish so you decided to call it a night going to your room, locking all the windows and doors, and going straight to Lala land.


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Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now