Missing *Edited*

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All you heard was that your children were picked up and you were out the door. You barely heard Selkie but, you were running. You needed help and you knew who got your kids. You never thought you would see that bitch again but, she was messing with fire. She wasn't going to be burnt she was going to die. Selkie soon enough caught up with you and stopped you in the staircase when you were almost on the first floor.

"WE NEED A PLAN. PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!" You snarled at him wanting to slice him but he held you tightly and to his chest as he spoke quickly. "I know you want your children. Yes, I know but we need a plan. Call Hawks or his dad to pick you up and take you to the school so you can find out who got your kids. I will be there I'm going to meet with Aizawa and the others. We have an idea who might be behind this. Be smart and be safe." With that said he pushed your phone into your hands and kiss your forehead urging you to run ahead of him. The two of you hurried out of the building both of you on the phone going in opposite directions. Hawks didn't answer so you called Shinyo and he picked up in two rings. You explained what happened and where he could get you at. You called your dad next to tell him that you had a strong feeling Alexiana got them.

"I'm going to kill that whore." You felt a sick grin cross your face ignoring the looks people gave you as they walked around you to avoid you. Good. You were in no mood for shits and giggles right now.

"Not if I get to her first." You hung up once giving him addresses as you impatiently waited for Shinyo. After looking at your watch for the tenth time you walked into the alley and climbed the wall to one of the buildings to get to the roof. You looked in the distance to see red wings and with a running leap, you jumped and landed in Shinyo's arms as he took off towards the school. He couldn't come in but, he was going to wait on the roof of the building. The ride was silent as your mind raced. Why would she take them? How did she manage to take them out? Who was in charge of discharging the kids? They were babies and you were the only guardian for them so who the fuck messed up. You would tear down the whole school to get an answer if you had to. You made it to the school in five minutes kissing Shinyo on the cheek in thanks dropping in front of the school and startling the shit out of some teachers. You gave them no extra looks as you stomped your way into the school and straight to the office. You were on a mission and you will get answers.

"Hello, how can I-" The voice cut off at the look you had. You knew how you looked right now. Pissed. Livid.

"Why wasn't I informed that my three children, two are five and one is six were picked up by someone that wasn't me at 10 AM." You couldn't hide the growl in your voice. You were two seconds from hurting someone. The lady was shaking and disappeared in the back bringing back an attendance book. You saw the principal and assistant principal in the back with a couple of others. The lady looked through the book and showed you a signature that said your name "I didn't come here. I was working at 10 this morning." You were losing your cool.

"I'm sorry I don't know what to-" You slammed a hand on the counter cracking it all the way to the floor. You felt heat come out of your nostrils and mouth as you took a breath.

"Do all of you want to lose your fucking job. You're telling me anyone can come into this fucking school and take kids without being informed. That. Wasn't. ME! I'M TIRED OF PLAYING GAMES I WANT TO KNOW WHO TOOK THEM!" Your breath turned into a hiss and that's when the principals came out to see what was going on.

"What seems to be the issue here-" You turned to him with a nasty look and he flinched. Good.

"I want to know why the FUCK you let someone take my three children out AT 10 IN THE FUCKING MORNING! Do you want to know HOW I had to find out? THEIR SCHOOL BUS NEVER CAME AND I CALLED AND WAS INFORMED THAT SOMEHOW I PICKED THEM UP." You were growling now teeth on full display. You felt a weird itch and stretching on your back as your anger increased.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now