The Gathering *Edited*

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A/N: Kurogiri is not a nomu


On your way out you bumped into a few more people that were friends or associates with your dad. They really respected him and no one gave you a hint that they may have disliked you. Right before your taxi came there was this mysterious guy that gave off dad vibes but, was cool at the same time. He went by the name Kurogiri but you doubt that was his real name. He gave you an alias. He was pretty too, he had blue-ish hair that looked like clouds and eyes to match. He had a nasty scar on the left side of his face (Obito from Naruto) like it was crushed. He was a little taller than Aizawa and Yamada as well. You left after that thinking about everything that happened. By the time you got home, it was still light so Inko and Izuku can get home safely. Your children were happy to see you and you spent the rest of their spring break at home with them occasionally talking on the phone with your father and other friends as well as putting new content out. You made a teaser to see who would want a face reveal and it got a 100% yes. Looks like you were going to do a face reveal. Once spring break was over you spent the morning preparing for the face reveal. At 12 on the dot you dropped the face reveal and as expected you automatically saw your following drop a few thousand, however, the love was not expected. There were some people saying they knew you, they recognized you on the hero forums, they've seen you in person and as well as working in the grocery store and bakery. Holy shit. You made a face reveal. All of 3+million people knew who you were now. Shit.


The rest of the week went uneventful. Your children started getting curious as to who the new person was that you were talking to so, you decided to tell them. They deserved to know.

"I know you guys are curious as to who mommy has been talking to right?" They nodded in unison. They were sitting on the couch looking at you obediently. Himiko was chewing her chewy stick but, besides that, she was still and giving you her full attention. "Well, this person is in fact mama's dad." The reaction was automatic.

"Your daddy! Oh my God-"

"Can we meet him, mama?-"

"Is he nice mama?-" They were all talking at the same time so you answered all of their questions one at a time once they calmed down.

"If you want to meet him that's entirely up to you guys. You don't have to if you don't want to. He's very, very sweet." You were sitting in front of them as they leaned forward.

"What does he look like?" Hitoshi asked this.

"Well imagine mama but much bigger, he's really really tall-even taller than All Might." Their jaws dropped at that "He also has these really big and pretty wings that are green and blue, he has a scaly tail with spikes too like mama." You waved your tail at them in emphasis "He has horns too. He's actually a dragon!" They gasped at that in excitement.

"He's like Ryuku?" Tenko asked and you nodded your head. You weren't sure what kind of reaction you were expecting but, at least it was a positive one. Maybe your children can have a relationship with your dad? "I want to meet him! Dragons are so cool and he sounds pretty!" You smiled at that before ah'ing and taking out your phone.

"I have a picture of him." You scrolled until you got to him and showed him to them. They huddled around your phone eagerly taking in every detail. They were quiet for a few before pulling back to look at you.

"He is pretty." Hitoshi sounded shocked at that. Like he thought he wasn't going to be. You had to get your good looks from someone.

"He looks like he gives good hugs." It was Himiko who said this and you knew how much she craved touch. She was your clingiest out of all of them.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now