Riot *Edited*

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A/N: I have this headcanon that Crimson Riot and Fatgum are friends


It had been almost two weeks since the next time you see Touya. You were sitting at the cat cafe this time by yourself while Crimson Riot was outside. He wasn't a fan of cats but, didn't decline you going inside choosing to watch the front instead. You were playing with a Calico and eating a sandwich when you heard the bell ring and the soft pitter-patter of feet coming towards you. You looked up and saw it was Touya who looked the same as the first time you met him. This time he had shoes and wore a black t-shirt with long black pants but, you can still see the bandages covering his neck and arms. You silently beckoned him over and he very hesitantly sat across from you on the edge as if ready to bolt at any second. You said nothing not wanting to make him uncomfortable as it is. You had an extra plate of food and slid it over to him. It had two fried eggs, sausage links, and toast. He looked between you and the food for a few minutes not saying anything and, you didn't stare at him. He was already skittish and you didn't want to accidentally set him off

"Why..." You glanced up at him seeing he was staring at you.

"Well...You look hungry so I thought why not? If you're not hungry then that's fine too." You smiled at him encouragingly and, after a few minutes before getting comfortable he scarfed the food down as if someone was going to take it from him. Probably was taken from him or forced to bring it back up. "Here. Drink water to wash it down." You pushed an untouched glass of water towards him that he took from you and guzzled down before finishing the rest of his breakfast at a much slower pace. You had your coffee in peace as you scrolled through social media. No need to look at him and make him uncomfortable.

"Thank you." You looked up at him giving him a smile before piling the dishes on top of each other for the waitress to come to get them.

"It's no problem love. You can stay or leave if you want. It doesn't bother me." You both stared at each other gouging each other's reactions. He looked as if he was going to say something before three cats came to lay on him purring the entire time. "They like you." He didn't look at you as he hesitantly rubbed them before making a soft 'ah' sound and playing with their fur more insistently.

"So soft." You smiled at the boy who got lost playing with the cats. You had the same mom with her kittens come to you so you enjoyed yourself too. It was 20 minutes when you remembered you had a hero waiting for you outside.

"Oh! I forgot Crimson Riot was waiting for me! Shoot." You kissed the cats goodbye before moving with your wheelchair. You were doing good but, you fell down the stairs and now your stupid self is back to square 1. "I'm going to have to go I have Crimson Riot outside waiting for me. Is it okay if I can see you again next week? Or whenever you want or can?" You didn't mean to overwhelm him but, you did have to go. He nodded putting the cats down. "Great, see you love." Without thinking you reached up to smooth his hair down before rolling yourself out. You left first thanking Crimson for being such a patient man and giving him some sweet buns as a treat. He thanked you as you rolled away with him beside you. You chanced a look back and saw Touya looking around before running down the same alley he ran down two weeks ago.

"That kid you were talking to..." You looked up to see he was still walking ahead.

"He's going to be just fine. I will make sure of it." You didn't want to give too much detail. You were pretty sure that if you were a hero then he wouldn't have trusted you with a 10-foot pole. His damn father ruined that for him. How can you kick a pro's ass? Hmmm. There are going to be decisions and sacrifices you were going to make.

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