Broken *Edited*

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A/N: Danger lurks at every corner


It was Taishiro that you saw outside. It must have been him that you texted. Lucky you.

"What's up Y/N? You're okay? You said you don't like to drink." He was concerned and so were you. It was true that you don't like to drink any kind of alcohol. Your incubator used to be more violent when she had drinks and your rapist mellowed out and was much more patient and gentle. It was still horrible and didn't make it any better, you still wanted him to die but, you preferred when he was drunk because what he did never hurt. You shuddered hard at the memory feeling bile mixed with the food you ate earlier come back up.

"I don't. I need something." You didn't like that you thought alcohol was your answer. Shit who knows what you actually need. Maybe you need a partner? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Drinks? Friends? Need to fight? Sleep? Hugs? Attention? You were so starved of everything that you just don't know.

"What do you really need?" He was holding your hand as the two of you walked. He waved occasionally at people who recognized him and ignored their questions his focus mainly on you. "You look like you need a hug." You do, you really do. What you weren't expecting was for him to pick you up and cradle you with one arm. There weren't many people that can cradle you in their arms.

"W-what are y-you-" You were enjoying it and fell silent when he shushed you.

"You look stressed out, more than normal. I don't know what happened but, my agency isn't far from here. We are going to go there and we can eat, drink and go from there. I don't care what no one thinks they can mind their business. You're important right now." You felt your cheeks get hot snuggling more into his warmth. It was nice. He was soft and warm. You didn't even realize that you had fallen asleep until you were shaken awake gently. "Darling, wake up."

"Hmmm." You blinked your eyes wearily noticing you were on a couch and his sweater was used as a blanket for you. You stretched letting out a screech before turning to him and raising an eyebrow. He wasn't in his low-fat form but he was somewhere in between. "Were you like that before?" He nodded his head.

"Yeah, right before I got your text a villain with an explosion quirk got a little angry but, I knocked him out before he can cause serious damage." Nodding again you snuggled some more into the couch with his hoodie.

"What time is it?" He looked at the clock.

"It's 2 PM you didn't nap long. I have some food and wine if you're up to it." Food and wine were sounding good right about now. You sat up still holding on to his hoodie. You walked over to his makeshift table and sat right on his lap. You didn't care, the other chair was too far and he's comfortable. "Here's your order." He didn't seem bothered by you sitting there so you had nothing to worry about. The two of you sat in comfortable silence eating away as you mulled over what transpired. You were angry at Lisvette but more pissed at the Incubator. Lisvette's anger was misplaced and was trying to take it out on you which is exactly what the incubator wanted. She wanted to pit her children against you so she can have more ammo and try to ruin you like she's been doing for most of your life. You wouldn't allow it though. You weren't about to ride on a horse and have a heart-to-heart with Lis, she still had to apologize but, maybe after the apology the two of you can start over.

"I went to go see my siblings." He froze a bit but didn't say anything. "I'm the oldest of six...the incubator treated them the way a mother is supposed to treat her children so I never had to was only me she hated and hurt along with my rapist aka their uncle." You heard him take a deep breath squeezing the metal spoon until it bent. "I met Izumaru again first close to two months ago I think, then I was going to meet the twins Himanaru and Michelle while the two youngest Michael and Lisvette were supposed to be at school but apparently everyone forgot it was half a day... As you can predict, things got awkward but Himanaru broke the ice and we all were getting along okay except for Lisvette. She hates me. The incubator warped her mind and placed so many lies about me that she genuinely believes them."

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