I'm Here *Edited*

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You were getting anxious by the two-week mark of not seeing Touya and you were scared. You really hoped that the little anger bout you had with Endeavor didn't make it worse for them. If you didn't see them or hear from them in another day or two you were going to risk it all and go to the estate. You had to give it more time maybe Touya found out and wasn't happy that you triggered him? That shouldn't even be an excuse! There are no excuses for hurting children period let alone your own simply because you are power-crazed and can't beat All Might yourself.

"Y/N you're going to give yourself an aneurysm." You jumped looking over at Nem who was looking at you with concern. You have no idea how the trio wormed their way into your life but, they did. Along with a few other pro heroes both a bit popular and not so popular ones. You were currently with Aizawa, Nem, Fatgum, Crimson Riot, Hound dog, and La Brava a weird but oddly sweet girl.

"The only one who is going to give me an aneurysm is that family. Endeavor is abusing them all and they can say nothing because he's the number two hero and that's something heroes don't do. Oh, he's so great, look at me, look at my pretty fire, I'm so special yada yada yada." You rolled your eyes getting up to pace back and forth.

"I'm not denying what you are saying but, what makes you think he's abusing his kids? Touya told you his body was not meant for fire so maybe any inkling of it will burn him and leave him in pain? He burns from the inside out?" A valid point that you were going to debunk

"I understand I need evidence, physical evidence despite this recording I made." You grabbed a recorder from a hidden compartment in your kitchen and brought it to the table for everyone to listen to. It was a snippet of a conversation between you and Touya.

"I am not allowed to eat unless I complete my training. He keeps me away from my siblings and mom saying I'm wasting time when I need to be the next one to defeat All Might. I want to play-"

You cut off the rest of the recording and went to the kitchen to put it up. You came back to study their faces and it was all of various degrees of concern.

"...That's reason enough."

"Also, before anyone says it there would be no need for a child to lie about something like this, especially about his father. It's the reason he stood quiet for so long. He's a child, Endeavor is the number 2 hero who has a lot of power, money, connections, and a very aggressive authoritative tone and figure that a lot of people don't want to deal with. Recipe for hush abuse." You were pacing back and forth letting them think.

"Soooo, what does this have to do with us?" You looked at Aizawa for answers to Fat's question.

"To be fair all of you have a history of underground work and this kind of business needs heroes who have expertise in underground work. For starters, we need to gain as much evidence as possible."

"The way I am going to help with this is that I am going to hack into his security systems sending the information to a hard drive. If what Touya says is true he would have security systems everywhere except where they train which is the dojo. No camera and no proof." You felt yourself smirk not caring how the heroes would react.

"I have no problem going inside and collecting my own evidence." You knew someone was going to say something

"Isn't that trespassing?" You turned to Hound dog grinning.

"It's only trespassing if I get caught." You watched as all of them thought about this hard. You went to La Brava to look to see what she was able to do.

"To continue on what I was saying he's going to have cameras and sensors going off if someone is on the property that doesn't belong. I can switch the camera's around to record inside the house while he's in the dojo training and turn off the sensors for a total of 10 minutes. That should be more than enough time for L/N-chan to get in, gather stuff, and head back out."

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now