The Visit *Edited*

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You vaguely heard a machine going beep beep right in your ear and it was annoying. You wanted to stop it so you went to swing your arm out only to realize you couldn't exactly move your arm. That was strange. That prompted you to try and open your eyes and the first thing to assault you was brightness. You hissed at the lights screwing your eyes tight. You grabbed a spare blanket and slowly dragged it to your face to try to hood your eyes. You tried opening them again and were relieved that the light didn't burn a hole into your eye socket. You looked around and saw you were in a hospital room and the beeping was not from your alarm clock but from your heart monitor. It took you a minute to figure out how you got here but everything hit you like a freight train. You had just finished talking to your friend Rushka when an explosion happened and you saved 3 children from the burning building by sending yourself flying out a 4 story window. No wonder you were achy. You decided to assess the damage and saw your legs and arms bandaged which was nothing new. Your tail took some damage too and you just hoped you didn't have any damage to your nerves. You looked over at your table and saw some flowers with a get-well card. Curious you grabbed it and were pleased to see it was from the mama. Her name is Luna and she gave you her phone number for any time. What a sweet lady even after she lost her home.

"Ms. L/N?" You turned at the soft-spoken voice of the nurse who beamed at you before informing you that she was getting the doctor. You waited a couple of minutes when the same nurse accompanied by another nurse and doctor came in. While the two nurses worked on checking your vitals the doctor explained everything to you. You were out cold for 3 days You had healing 2nd-degree burns on your legs and arms, two broken ankles- that were now healed- and a fractured tail that was also healed.

"How bad will I scar?" You weren't too vain about scars. You already had some so what were a couple more going to do?

"Surprisingly it will only be a little lighter than your skin tone. The paramedics managed to get to it just in time so there will be very minimal scarring." Well, that was good news. You never got scarred in your face, the only part of you that remained pretty.

"Thank you." He also informed you that they wanna keep you overnight to make sure nothing happens and if all is good then in the morning you can take your leave. That was actually really good news. You grabbed the remote switching the TV on to watch some random cartoon show. You weren't interested but it filled the emptiness and silence. You were daydreaming when a firm knock had you focusing on who that was this time.

"Ms. L/N." You scrunched up your face at the people that now invaded the room. It was a cop, a detective, and the chief of police. You wanted to face palm but settled for a hiss. You should have seen this coming really. Of course, the commission would be more worried about a civilian using their quirk without a license than actually saving children and almost dying.

"Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you in person Chief Tsuragamae and Detective Tsukauchi." You gave a head nod to the no named cop who gave a subtle nod back and seem to deflate a bit at being acknowledged. You looked at the other two and the detective seemed surprised that you knew him.

"Likewise Ms. L/N, how are you feeling?" You squinted your eyes at them trying to figure out why they were being so nice.

"Enough with the formalities, there is no reason why the Chief of Police and a detective should be here to see one civilian. What is it that you want to tell me? That you're going to arrest me for obstruction of justice? That I shouldn't have used my quirk? That it is not my decision to jump in when the heroes had everything under control because they are trained professionals? That I could have ended up getting someone hurt or myself? Save it. Just arrest me now." You turned away from them glaring at the TV while putting your arm out. You waited a few minutes and took pleasure in the awkward silence that permeated the air.

"....Even though all of that is true-" You frowned and looked back at the detective.

"I get it. I could have endangered the other heroes or prohibited them from helping. News flash there wasn't squat shit they could do. The only ones with water quirks were Manual and Backdraft everyone else was teetering back and forth trying to figure out how to get to the babies. Honestly, I didn't even realize what I was doing until I felt the fire burn my feet. It was too late though and I had to keep going even if I died at the end. Those kids had a whole life ahead of them and someone who cherishes them. I wasn't about to allow that woman's whole life to burn now. I will apologize for illegal usage of a quirk but I will not apologize for saving those kids' life." You waited for them to arrest you trying to figure out why the cop looked uncomfortable and the Chief of police has yet to say a word to you. It was unnerving. It was especially unnerving when he walked up to you and you were sure you were going to be arrested but were confused when he grabbed the remote and changed the channel to the news. You were going to speak and ask him what he was doing but was hushed by the breaking news

"Breaking news. An explosion had occurred in one of Mustafa's famous shopping districts earlier this week. We have received new news that the renovated building seemed to have had a gas leak that caused a massive explosion. Here's a video someone had recorded on their phone and submitted to the news station"

This still didn't solve anything they were simply going over what had happened...until you saw the recorded video. Your eyes widen your jaw slacking as you watched yourself wrap your face up and run towards the building dodging the hands of the present pro heroes. You watched as they all screamed and looked on in horror as another explosion made debris and ash come out the same window that you had just crawled in. It looked like the video was cut a bit and it showed you throwing yourself - or being blown out a window backward flipping head over heels before landing on your feet. You were rushed then by pros and medics the video ends there.

"This brave young woman risked her life to save those kids in that burning building. She is currently in critical condition at the hospital." The reporter cut to some scenes of some pros and civilians speaking about the incident.

"She's my hero." The woman was cradling all of her babies the best she can "I- I can never repay her for her kindness. Not only did she save my babies but she saved me. I don't know what I would have done if it was too late. They are here though. They are here because of her and I thank her. I hope she sees this."

Oh, you see it alright and it was making your tear ducts work.

"She was so freaking crazy and cool at the same time!" Manual and Brave agreed on that statement "I would love to meet her again you know."

"I don't like that she risked her life but I thank her for that at the same time. If it wasn't for her those kids would have died." Death arms nodded his head in affirmative

"You rock Lizard Queen!" Gunhead did a peace sign at the camera before it cut off and went to regular news

You allowed the tears to stream down your face looking back over at Tsuragamae and Tsukaichi who was already looking at you.

"As you can see, we did not come here to arrest you for what you felt was right. Legally it's wrong since you do not have a hero's license but it cannot be looked over your heroic nature and acts. You should be very proud of the kind of person you are Ms. L/N. The courage you showed that day was more than what some of the top pros have ever shown. You risked your life, you knew there was a chance you could have died but you didn't give it a second thought. You went for it and brought the children out unscathed and that is all a hero wants. So yes Ms. Y/N L/N. You are a hero." The waterworks were going overtime and when they all bowed to you, you lost it. You full-on sobbed making your heart rate beep uncontrollably accidentally signaling the nurse at the station. She came rushing in pushing the chief and police out the way to check you only to see that you were happy and, not questioning it she told you to calm down. Once you were calm she left.

"Thank much." He simply nodded bidding you goodnight and healthy recovery. Before the cop left he placed a bag on the table that held all your belongings and you thanked him as he took his leave. You were now left alone with your thoughts and for once they were happy.


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