The Kissing Booth *Edited*

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A/N: Mature content 18+. You've been warned. Not factual mating season. If you're scared of someone catching you then don't read please I don't need more parents attacking me in my messages cause they can't parent.


You should have known you were going to get a visit from Rumi the next day. You shouldn't have been surprised but when you came back to your apartment after putting your children on the bus - a week and a half left of that and they'll be free, you can sleep until 8 or 9- and saw her sitting on your kitchen island eyes zeroed in on you when you entered you jumped. "I was expecting you and I still got scared." She simply blinked her ears flat against her head. At least she wasn't agitated, she seemed calm and content. That was a good thing.

"So you know." Her voice wasn't quite the pitch it was yesterday but, it wasn't her normal husky feminine voice. It was more husky masculine.

"That you're trans? No, I didn't know actually until yesterday. If you didn't slip up I still wouldn't know. It doesn't change anything though you're still a woman." You yawned walking to the kitchen. "Since you're here, do you have time for breakfast?" You didn't wait for an answer as you started making oatmeal and took out a carrot muffin. "I have a carrot muffin if you want it." She still has said nothing, that woman. She was making you nervous your wings fluttering a bit. You turned around to see how she was reacting only for your eyes to widen at the proximity. You did not hear her get up and now she was in your personal space that if you moved an inch you'll be flushed against her. You were also made aware that she was in fact '6"2 way taller than what's 'normal' for a woman but fuck society.

"...A lot of people don't know and I would like to keep it that way." You smiled up at her turning back to the food. She didn't move but, you didn't mind.

"I'm going to assume Keigo knows right? They seem fine with it." You turned back to her to gauge her reaction and smirked when her mouth dropped and opened back up. "He told me he goes by he/they pronouns so I switch it up and use he sometimes and they sometimes. Judging by the way he freaked out last night I thought it was safe to assume he was one who knew." You continued to serve the oatmeal and grabbed the carrot muffin for her turning ignoring the way you were pressed up against her. "Here." You looked up at her and waited for her to move. She just stared at you for a while before smiling softly and grabbing the food heading back to sit at the kitchen island. You grabbed your own food and sat next to her in comfortable silence. The TV was on low volume playing some cartoons.

"I was scared...I know not everyone is going to agree with what I do..." You paused for a second listening to her. It was strange to see her vulnerable side "I was comfortable and I forgot that voice comes out. I thought it was over but, you managed to draw them away." You hummed a bit.

"Honestly, society is so jaded and fucked they don't even know what to like. People spend too much time hating others for what they are, who they are, what they choose to do, wear, or just anything they don't agree with they hate. They always feel the need to comment instead of minding their business. I am not trans myself but, I can only imagine the ridicule you received. You shouldn't have gotten it, it's your body and you do what you want clearly you were born in the wrong body so you fixed it to the right one. I wouldn't worry too much about what others think. Society is stupid. Besides you're a gorgeous and strong independent woman. I promise you, there's someone out there who will love you for you." You made sure you were facing her so she will know how serious you were about this.

"," That was the first time you've seen her speechless. You giggled before a light bulb went off.

"Oh, one more thing. If anyone does try to bring up the voice change." You drank water and cleared your throat "Women have masculine voices too." You let out a laugh at the way she jumped, ears straight up as she stared at you in shock.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now