Angel Face *Edited*

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"I want to speak to the manager" You felt your eye twitch as you bit the inside of your cheek tasting blood. Of course, this damn self-centered, arrogant prick wants to speak to the manager after you refused to use an expired coupon. Honestly, you were going to give them another one but, once you heard them call you a useless lizard under their breath you refused. Of course, they chose to hold up the line and demand a manager. Your eyes glanced to the clock as you waited for your manager to come and it was only 10 AM. You've been working for three hours already and it's only 10 AM. Why did you decide to get a job here when you made enough money making comics and animations?

"The manager is on the way, ma'am. May you please step aside so I can take care of the next customer?" You waited as she moved to glare the whole time and you rang up the next customer who gave you a sympathetic smile and you simply shrugged.

"You're so sweet and yet you have to deal with that." You smiled a bit at the man and just shook your head. He was right, it's unfortunate that you had to deal with a difficult customer but it was all going to be fine in the end anyway.

"Thank you and I hope to see you again." You gave the man his bag and before you can ring up the next customer that's when the manager came and spoke to her. In the end, the lady bit off more than she can chew and ended up putting some stuff back and having to pay full price for whatever items she kept. Of course, she ranted the whole time and gave you a middle finger while spewing about animals shouldn't be allowed to be inside. Whatever. Wasn't the first person and she won't be the last.

"That was very rude of her." You didn't bother to look up at who was talking to you but, assumed it was male judging by the gravel-like baritone that came out.

"Yeah it was but imagine the shit heroes with animal quirks get-et ha-ha wooo-me ha wow" You decided to finally look up so as to not be any ruder than you possibly were and there in all his glory was Hound-dog. Who was part-dog. Who has a mutant animal quirk.

"Nice to meet you too." You blinked once. Twice. You shook your head continuing to pack his bags and noticing that a lot of people were staring at him but from afar. Of course, they would be afraid of him.

"You're much bigger in person than on T.V." That earned you a growled chuckle which was weird but, endearing at the same time.

"I get that a lot. Well, I got to go. I'll be back to see you again." Without giving you a chance to respond he grabbed his bags, waved, and left the store. Once he left the store that's when a couple of your co-workers came to gossip with you.

"Do you see how tall-"

"Damn that was scary-"

"YOU KNOW HIM-" You felt your eyes spin as words, sentences, and questions were thrown at you at a speed that was too much for you to comprehend. You chose to shoo them away promising to talk a bit with them later on. All you wanted to do was finish your shift and go home. Unfortunately, the universe had other plans for you as another hour into your shift the supermarket got absolutely flooded with customers and you felt more veins pop than a heavy-weight champion. By the time 2 PM rolled around you clocked out making a bee-line out that store. You weren't giving no extra time, no extra days no nothing. You were going to go home and enjoy your three days off with food, comics, music, and sleep. At least that's what you plan to do unless the universe has something else up its sleeve. You hope not.

"SOMEBODY HELP HE SNATCHED MY PURSE!" You jumped from your musings looking back to see someone running with a purse in their hand. Fine universe, have it your way. You continued to walk pretending to look on your phone and when he got close enough you used your foot at the last millisecond to trip him and your tail to snag the purse. You moved away allowing local pros to apprehend him until the cops came. You saw the lady come to you and look at you and her purse and then you and her purse again. You handed her purse but, were confused when she backed up and gave you a look of disgust.

"What's wrong miss? Don't you want your purse?" She scoffed and you knew what kind of person she was.

"It's useless now that something like you touched it. Wouldn't have made a big fuss if I knew something like you were going to grab it." Maybe it was all the shitty people you had to deal with or the way she was looking at you not bothering to hide her disgust. Maybe it was also the small crowd that gathered those nosy fucks.

"Ah, you're one of those." You simply turned her bag upside down dumping all the contents and keeping the bag "Clearly you don't want this $5 bag so I'll donate it to a shelter. Bet you there's someone that doesn't mind that a reptile touched it." With no more words, you turned to leave the woman speechless before she screeched indignantly hurting your ears.

"YOU'RE A THIEF SHE STOLE MY PURSE" Is this lady for real? Why is the universe fucking with you? You rolled your eyes and scanned the bag and were shocked to see the tag was still inside of it. It read 500 Yen meaning the bag was hella cheap.

"Miss you just said you don't want the bag and it only cost you 500 yen. Here." You dug in your purse and gave her 500 yen and she just looked at you. "What now? You don't want the money?" She snatched her hand back stuffing the money in her pocket before you can even reach for it back. "That's what I thought. Now fuck off and I hope to never see you again." You made a sharp turn on your heel and walked your way to the nearest shelter. You liked volunteering there on your days off since most of the people in there were nice and just needed someone to talk to. You went to the donation bin that went directly inside the building and put it in there. The bag wasn't your taste but, you knew someone in there would love it. You continued your trek home with nothing happening and honestly, it was the best feeling in the world. By the time you made it to your apartment you were exhausted and needed food and a shower asap. Once you showered and heated up leftovers you sat in front of your TV putting on the hero channel. Despite how you are, you were in fact a huge hero nerd and knew just about everything and anything under the sun about heroes including deceased and retired ones. It was a little scary and embarrassing if the wrong person found out -aka one of your idols-. Your head looked up when you saw a new debuting hero who had graduated from UA. It was always so nice knowing they always created such fine heroes then again why wouldn't the top hero school in Japan do that? You smiled as you watched her talk about her.

"Tell me why did you decide to make your hero name Angel Face" The hero fluttered her translucent wings at the question as she rubbed bashfully at her nose. She had green hair and purple eyes with a muscular physique. She seemed very sweet and innocent.

"It's a nickname that my parents gave me and it just stuck and I think it's quite fitting for my quirk"

You decided to grab your new hero notebook and write down as much information as you can get about this hero. She was very cute and you had a feeling she will make a difference one day and make it big. You sighed tuning out the rest of the show and opting to think about all the heroes you liked. A couple of them were a bit rough around the edges and weird but, there was one that just rubbed you the wrong way. Endeavor. The dude definitely lived up to his quirk. He was downright rude and disrespectful never giving his fans the time of day! Uh, dude! They are part of the reason why you are number 2! He has a huge chip on his shoulders and honestly, there's something that he's hiding. It's like he has lawyers and police covering up shady shit he does that he doesn't want to be known to the public since it will mess up his image. You rolled your eyes thunking yourself lightly on the head. You were doing too much thinking and you had to update your latest comic to herotoons soon. You glanced at the clock and saw it was 5 PM and decided a little nap wouldn't hurt anyone

"My work will be there when I wake up." If only you knew how wrong that statement was.



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