Here we go Again *Edited*

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The next week went by relatively fast. You had spoken to Oboro and found out that he did in fact used to be best friends with Shouta and Hizashi until the villain attacked in 2nd year. He didn't give you a lot of details but, he told you that there was a doctor who wasn't all that good and was working for a man whose last name is Shigaraki. You gave him Shouta's and Hizashi's number telling him about the cat cafe which he got instantly. Now that, that was out of the way you had to focus on yourself now. You had to prepare yourself to see Michelle and Himanaru. You're not sure how they would react too, even though Izumaru has reassured you multiple times that they won't hate you or react badly. That still didn't stop the jitters.

"Are you okay mama?" You momentarily forgot that you were in the public and not in the safety of your own home. You looked down at Hitoshi who was asking you.

"I'm good baby I was just thinking a lot." He hummed a bit kicking his feet back and forth on the bench. He seemed to be contemplating something before looking up at you.

"Don't think too hard then mama! Whatever you're thinking can't be too bad!" You smiled at his enthusiasm. You never wanted that to go away. He has improved so much over the months and he's finally acting like a normal 5-year-old kid.

"You know he's right." You jumped turning to see Atsuhiro with Jin. You gave a sigh ushering Hitoshi to go back to play with his siblings so you can talk to the two adults. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." You gave Atsuhiro a dead look in which he simply grinned. "Is this seat taken?" As he sits his ass in the seat anyway. Jin sat on the other side of you.

"How have you guys been? Haven't seen you in a while." The three of you hit it off bantering back and forth as you kept one eye on your kids as much as possible. When one of them went too far you'll call them back. There were too many creeps and if one tried something you were going to jail.

"Same old, same old. Show business has definitely slowed down, I'm not making the money I used to be. People just don't understand the raw talent I have." You hummed rocking your head side to side.

"Maybe you should try a different area? Also, change up your acts and incorporate your quirk as well. You only used gag tricks and not your actual quirk so maybe doing that will help bring up revenue for the theatre place plus more money for your pockets." He blinked at you in surprise and that's when you got a real good look at him. He didn't have his black mask on and honestly? He was gorgeous that bastard. He didn't have a blemish, a scar, no imperfections nowhere. Too bad you couldn't quite say the same.

"You're a genius beloved!" He glomped you in a hug unaware of your inner hate speech. You begrudgingly hugged him back waiting for him to pull away.

"You should really start showing your face more too. You're gorgeous." You turned away from him as he started sputtering turning redder and redder by the moment. "How's everything been with you Jin? Have your therapy sessions helped you?" Jin turned surprised you were talking to him. He for once wasn't wearing anything to prevent him from 'splitting' so you assumed that he was doing better than before.

"Oh yeah, I got prescribed medication to try and control my tics and keep my quirk from going haywire. I still have bouts but, they only become uncontrollable if I am overwhelmed or in danger." You were thoroughly impressed with the fact he had no voice changes. They never bothered you or Atsuhiro but, the voice switching and the feeling of his head splitting was too much for him to handle so you're glad he got the help.

"That's good to hear." The three of you talked more until they asked you what were your plans for the weekend. "Well since I quit my job at the bakery for now since my children are a little too clingy I can visit family." You hummed a bit before adding "I'm the oldest of 6, it's strained and complicated but, we are working on mending our relationship." You needed a subject change or else you might faint or something.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now