Adoption *Edited*

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Long story short you took Tenko to the police station and, unfortunately, he accidentally killed his family when his quirk manifested. That made you cringe and they were going to put him in the system. You opt to take him home and be his temporary guardian until all the legal paperwork went through because that was just cruel to do to a kid. He was still scared to grab your hand - which is understandable- but, you would slowly coax him and find a good child psychologist for him too. You picked up a bunch of special creams, medicines, and lotions for his skin. The first night he was wary and, you gave him space as much as he wanted. He slept in the living room while you slept in your room and, in the middle of the night, he had a nightmare screaming bloody murder almost disintegrating the gloves. You ended up sleeping with him that night and every other night after that. You told Ruska and the heroes about it who wanted to see the kid as soon as possible but, he needed time to adjust. Being bombarded by so many different faces and heroes might strike something bitter in him or cause the opposite effect. Trauma will do that. He was a good kid actually, very quiet and enjoyed sitting in your lap watching you make comics and videos. When you went to the bakery you would take him with you, the owner being kind enough to leave him in a little playroom area while you worked. It was peaceful. He hasn't called you anything in particular yet. You were also working on enrolling him in a specialized school for quirks like his.

"So Y/N, how's the little guy?" You looked at your phone at Ruska who was making dinner while you watched TV.

"I like him a lot, he's in my bed sleeping right now-" You made a face before quickly running to your room to open the door to see he was still sleeping and the balcony doors and shades were shut.

"Paranoia knocked huh?" You blew a raspberry opting to sit near the door just in case.

"This is my first time actually taking care of a baby you know? Yes, he's a baby he's 5 he's a baby to me until he becomes a teenager." You didn't even notice that you were insinuating on actually calling him your own "I'm still young myself, I know I'll get judged but, I just couldn't let another kid get abused by the system...He lost the only family he knew I want to give him a second chance you know?" You and Ruska continued to talk a bit while you did chores until you heard him stir. "Ooo he's waking up, he's probably hungry. I'll call you later boo love you." You blew a kiss and hung up on her. You went to the room to watch him get his bearings before looking right at you with a smile. He's been smiling a lot which you took as a good sign. "Are you hungry my love?" He nodded his head up and down moving to follow you to the kitchen. You had dinner ready and served him watching as he gobbled it up. You watched as you gained a few scattered items signifying a child was here. Construction paper, action figures, small handprints on your rug, Crayola crayons, and other kiddish supplies. This is something you can get used to you think.

"...Can you be my new mom?" Your brain crashed as you fumbled with the cup in your hand. You turned to him with a surprised look as he looked around nervously occasionally looking at you.

"...Is that something you want?" You walked sitting down in front of him with a smile. "If that is something that you want I would love to be, but there is no rush. You can say that whenever you feel it's right, okay?" He seemed to think on it for a bit before nodding his head and jumping on you for a hug. It startled you since it was the first time he's initiated a hug but, you hugged him regardless of the two of you sitting on the dining room floor for a bit.

"You're so kind...You don't think my quirk is scary." You shook your head at him.

"Of course not, there is nothing scary about you, you didn't choose your quirk and, a quirk should never define who you are." You felt like you shouldn't have to talk to a 5-year-old like this but, he was more mature thanks to trauma than other babies his age. It's a shame how cruel a family can be. You know that first hand.

"Daddy didn't like me...because I wanted to be a hero...He used to hit me and not let me eat...I wanted him to go away s-so...after I made mama, grandma, Hana, and doggy go away I touched him to g-go away...I didn't think it would be forever....A-am I b-b-bad?" He started crying and scratching at you to keep from scratching himself and, honestly. How were you supposed to respond to that? How do you tell a child who killed his family accidentally when he first got his quirk anything he will believe?

"You're not bad Tenko...You made mistakes, mistakes are meant to be forgiven especially when you didn't know what was going on. You didn't know so it's not your fault. Not now, not ever." You rubbed his back as he full-blown wailed clutching to you like a lifeline. You let him. It sounded like a good cry anyway. He cried himself back to sleep so you carefully took him to the couch and wrapped him up in blankets. You sat next to him choosing to catch up on some reading. About half an hour later you got a text from Hawks saying open the balcony. The fuck. Curious you went to your room and low and behold Hawks was standing there with a cheesy grin. Cheeky. "Take your shoes off and what are you doing here?" You let him opting not to wonder too hard how he knew where you live.

"Just came by to say hello." You squinted at him locking the balcony back.

"None of your rabid fans followed you right? That's all you need, 'Hawks new lover?' and 'Who's this person that has captured the number 4's heart' all that cheesy crappy stuff you know?" You turned to him to see he had his head cocked looking back at you.

"You're a weird one." You raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Pot calling the kettle black." You went up to him placing a finger on his lips "Be quiet birdy, my child is sleeping." His eyes widen to dinner plates as his jaw dropped. "Come." He stood still for a few before following you to the living room where Tenko was still sleeping. He looked at the child smiling softly before looking at you.

"Who's the lucky guy?" You shook your head side-eyeing him to see his face blank but, eyes wide open with emotions. That was more like a bird of prey expression. 

"No one, I'm his temporary guardian until the adoption papers go through." He seemed to fuss in his sleep so you smoothed his hair and kissed his forehead making him settle down instantly.

"...You're really good with kids." You thought back to how when you wanted anyone or someone to care when you were on the streets begging, all dirtied and bloody, and how everyone skipped you even heroes.

"Yeah." You left it at that not ready to delve into that mess with anyone let alone the #4 hero.

"You don't like heroes, do you? This has nothing to do with Endeavor, just something I thought I might ask." You stared at him trying to figure him out. He looked like someone from your childhood but way kinder, still fake, but kinder.

"The only thing heroes did for me was ignore me when I needed help. No one likes a child that doesn't look normal. So yeah, heroes are cool for saving people, they're not my favorite." You were bitter about the heroes from your past but, whatever. Thankfully he said nothing else and chose to look around your apartment.

"You like to read I see and, you make comics." You were a little anxious about him noticing your stuff but, you beat it down. "No way! You're the one who makes this?! I love this herotoon, what's going to happen-" You hurried to him shushing him with your tail.

"Thank you and yes I make these stories and comics, I also have a herotube channel - yes that one - if you want to find out next you have to wait just like everyone else." You moved out of his personal space letting him look around again. "Don't you have somewhere to go? Plaster a smile, pretend to enjoy the public touching your wings without consent, signing autographs, and taking pictures all while saving people. Busy life." You scowled at him to let him know you didn't feel like talking to him anymore. You might apologize if you feel like it, maybe.

"Hmm, I'll leave, see you around L/N." With that, he went back to your balcony and made a dramatic exit. You sighed trying to figure out how did your life become this way. You're not a huge fan of heroes but, you're surrounded by them. What is life?


Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now