Pain *Edited*

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A/N: Some vulgar words up ahead, and maybe some triggering words as well. Mentions of past rape.


Your absolute rage took over any kind of hesitation or fear you had for the man that had just addressed you. The man was no other than your uncle. You had no idea how he even found you. You had purposely moved to the other side of Japan for a reason. The man was nothing but dangerous. He made sure to instill that into you as soon as your dad was out of the picture. He had full access to do as he pleased courtesy of your incubator. You remembered everything within one to two-second flashback frames in your head helping to fuel your rage further. You had enough rationale left to know that you can't do too much or else risk losing your children.

"What's this? You're actually challenging me?" He laughed as he got ready waiting for you to reach him "I thought I'll never see the day." He couldn't say anything else as you slammed your foot in the spot where he was standing seconds before creating a crater. Recovering quickly the two of you got into hand-to-hand combat. He wasn't used to you fighting back let alone keeping up with him so you were giving him a run for his money. You just hoped that your children had enough time to get a hero here or someone who can help you before you got hurt.


Three children were desperately clinging to each other huddled in a ball around their mama's phone listening to the hero on the other end of the phone.

"Okay listeners, you guys are doing so good for me. Are you guys still in the same spot?" Tenko nodded before saying a shaky yes realizing Present Mic can't see him. "Goood, I'm sending a friend over to you guys okay? They're a hero too! They'll keep you safe and I'm going to help your mommy okay? I promise." All three of them were sniffing.

"P-protect m-mommy." It was Toshi who was shaking all over. He was scared. The man looked mean and mommy was really scared. He's never seen mommy look so scared before and the man wanted to hurt them. It seemed like it anyway since mommy said she will protect us from him.

"I will sweetheart, I will. I'm getting to your mama as fast I can, I called for help too. You guys are so brave and I promise to bring your mama right back to you okay?" All three of them gave the man a verbal agreement.

"The evil man wanted to hurt us but, mommy is fighting him! You have to help her!" Present Mic was a little worried and angry. He knew there were plenty of people who didn't like her, but to go after the kids?

"Do you know what he looks like? Did you get a look?" Toshi did and he said what the man looked like. If it helped to save his mommy he will be brave.

"H-he looked l-like m-mommy." Yamada felt his blood run cold. He looked like their mother. There was only one man that she was scared of and who looked like her. "Present Mic?" The man had gone quiet forgetting the children momentarily.

"I'm sorry little listener. You're brave for telling me. I'm going to hang up right now okay? The hero that is coming to get you is tall and he's going to look like a big fluffy dog! He's really nice and loves children and your mommy knows him too, okay? Be safe and be brave I'm going to go help your mother." With those parting words, he hung up on the children practically running down the street in the opposite direction of where people were running. There was a commotion.


You wiped the blood from the side of your face the best you can with the back of your hand. It was hurting you to breathe meaning you had at the very least a bruised rib. At least uncle dearest over there wasn't any better. He was leaking blood from his eye and you scratched him with shallow cuts across his body as well. He was breathing just as heavily as you.

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