Lost and Found *Edited*

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Warning: Graphic Language and content, 16+ content


Hitoshi was scared, he didn't know the strange woman that took him and his brother and sister from school. She told them that she was their mama's mother but, mama never mentioned anything about her mother. Hitoshi had a bad feeling but no one wanted to listen to them. Tenko was throwing a fit but, they made him be quiet or just ignored him. Hitoshi didn't like this, he had a bad feeling about this, but no one listened to him. The strange lady took all three of them from school without mama knowing.

"Did you call mama?" It was Himiko who asked and the strange lady ignored her. Hitoshi really had a bad feeling and wanted to get away but, the grip she had on him hurt a lot especially when he tugged hard.

"Stop fucking moving before you lose your arm!" He flinched at that and decided it was better to listen to her. Tenko was glaring at her the whole time while Himiko just went along with everything. It didn't make sense. Where was their mom? Where was this lady taking them? "Get in the fucking car." She didn't give them a chance to get in throwing them inside the car forcefully and slamming the door shut. She climbed into the passenger seat some weird mean-looking man driving the car. "If you even think of doing anything all of you are dead." Tenko wasn't deterred and continued to glare at her.

"Where is our mother?" The lady turned to give them a sickening grin.

"Don't worry by the time she finds you guys you'll all be dead and I'll be long gone." The look she had on her face made all of them recoil. It wasn't a nice look at all. She meant every word she said. "You got the files?" She turned to the driver who handed her a folder with stuff. It was silent and tense as she looked over the stuff frowning. "You guys are going to be trouble." Without warning, she grabbed Hitoshi and muzzled him throwing him back into the seat.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT, YOU BITCH!" She turned surprised to look at Tenko before frowning and grabbing his wrists tight enough to make him cry out. The distraction was more than enough for her to put some metal contraception on his hands.

"Now you can't decay shit you little rat." She threw him in the back and grabbed Himiko to both tie her hands and muzzle her. "Now that the animals are dealt with we should get some peace and quiet." Hitoshi was trying not to have a panic attack. He hadn't had a muzzle in a long time and it brought back bad memories. Memories that his mama has helped him so much overcome.

"I want mama." It was Tenko who said this making the lady growl and hit the dashboard hard enough to dent it. All three of them flinched back from her.

"ONE MORE FUCKING WORD AND I WILL CUT OUT YOUR TONGUE" She was very angry so all three of them decided it was best to be quiet. They can do that. They knew how to be good. Hitoshi was crying and looked over to see his sister and brother were crying too. They wanted mama. Hitoshi doesn't know how long the ride was but, he must have fallen asleep because he was roughly grabbed out of the car and a blindfold placed on him. "Move your fucking ass." He didn't understand why the lady was being mean.

"Don't you think you're being a little rough?" He heard a slice and a scream.

"Anyone else wants to question me? Who cares if their children. Anything that the bitch loves, wants, or haves deserves worse than dirt. She deserves nothing. So anyone else brave enough to speak." There was silence "That's what I thought. Move boy." He heard a grunt that came from Tenko but, no words. Why did this mean lady hate mommy? She looked a little like mommy just uglier and meaner. Mommy wasn't mean, mommy was really nice. So why did the mean lady hate mommy so much? He felt like he was walking forever, getting yanked left, right, forward, and bumping into walls until a particular hard shove and he fell onto the ground. The blind fold was taken off and he had to blink a lot to adjust his eyes. He heard the slam of metal and turned to see he was in some sort of room cage thing.

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