Thinking *Edited*

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When you woke up again it was to the sounds of beeping and the smell of alcohol and cleaning supplies. It was freezing as well meaning you were once again in a hospital room. Great. How do you manage to always end up in some sort of hospital setting? Maybe you should forego marrying an actual person and date a hospital bed. You cracked your eyes open slowly to keep from getting blinded as you looked around. Surprisingly, Fatgum was in the chair, and behind in tuckered in the corner were your three children. They were clinging to each other, faces blotchy from crying. Wait, what happened? You sat there thinking trying to figure out why you were there in the first place when it hit you. Truth quirk. Everyone knows about your uncle raping you. Fuck. You wanted to knock yourself out but, it wouldn't stop everyone from knowing anyway. It's not like you can erase their memories. You looked over at your children again wanting to know who picked them up. You needed to hug them you must have worried them to death. You glanced over at Fatgum and as if sensing someone staring at him he woke up jolting in surprise when you looked back at him with a gentle smile.

"Y/N! How do you feel? You didn't wake up so I panicked and took you here. Let me get the doctor. Oh! Your babies are here, Eraserhead picked them up explaining the situation and they cried themselves to sleep. I'll wake them up for you, they've been dying to see you." He said all of that in one panicked breath before getting up and doing as he said. It took one touch to wake up Himiko and when she shrieked your two boys jolted awake. They took one look at you and in three seconds you had three kids trying to get in your face while squeezing you as tight as their little arms can. You hugged all three of them back letting them mush your face and kiss you all over tears and snot all in the nasty mix but, it was fine. It was a small price to pay for worrying their little hearts.

"I was so scared when Uncle Aizawa got us-" Uncle? When did they start calling him that? This was news to you.

"He said mama was in the hospital-"

"I was so s-scared" They were talking all at once and you did your best to shush them letting them sink into your arms and chest. By the time they got comfortable the doctor and nurse came in to explain what happened. Your body had gone into a state of shock and was trying to heal itself thinking it was physical but, was really mental hence why it took so long for you to wake up. Of course, what a surprise. Maybe it's time to look into therapy again...

"We have prescribed some Motrin in case you have headaches but, other than that you are free to go Ms. L/N. I assume you will have someone to escort you out of the hospital?" The two of you looked at Fatgum who volunteered with no hesitation. Satisfied the doctor gave you your discharge papers and, you were free to go with your children in tow who were climbing Fatgum like a tree. You smiled softly watching as Fat basked in the attention and the questions. You trusted him and they trusted him. He was good in your book. You looked around and saw you weren't far and after being stuffed up, you wanted to walk. You knew that stupid truth quirk was still in effect caused when Toshi asked if you were okay you answered not really instead of yes. You had your phone and since you were over the initial shock that's when you read the various messages. You were satisfied just a bit when Aizawa told you he tied up Hizashi banning him from using his record player for a week so he can have time to think about what he's done. You were going to have to talk to the poor man, you knew he was a wreck. You checked all your other messages answering and were surprised by the concern that a lot of them showed. You sweat-dropped at some of them but, most of them made you smile. This was foreign. Sweet but foreign. Ruska was the only one to ever ask if you were okay, to genuinely care. Maybe not all heroes were fake.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now