Victoria's Coming back

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Two weeks left of school and me and Amara can focus on our baby

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Two weeks left of school and me and Amara can focus on our baby. Bella has been trying to act like nothing has changed between her and Edward. She was acting like he didn't have a mate waiting for him at our house. She was acting like she was still his girlfriend and that we all wanted her to be part of our family and in our lives. She has also started to follow Amara around again knowing that there is something that we are not telling her. We are sitting having lunch when Bella joins us much to our annoyance. "I want you to throw a party for graduation, for me." She says in a demanding tone, I roll my eyes at her.

"And why should we do that? You are nothing to us!" I state, starting to get angry with her.

"Because I said so... that's why!" She said, rolling her eyes. I growl and she moves closer to Edward. He shrugs her off and moves away from her. I smirked as even her touch now disgusts him.

"Bella, I don't think that is a good idea." Jasper says looking over at Alice who shakes her head at him.

"No! It is a good idea. I mean we do need to celebrate Tyler and Amara graduating for the first time. So it is a good idea thank you Bella. I will start planning it." Alice says with a smile at me and Amara. Bella is glaring at her and scoffs. She clearly noticed that she wasn't included in the party talk.

"What about me? I am also graduating!" Bella says, still glaring at Alice. Alice sighs as she looks at Bella.

"I know this Bella but I am doing this for my family and the last time I checked you are not part of my family. But you can come, if you like, I will have it open to the whole senior class." Alice says walking away from the table with Jasper right behind her. Bella huffs in annoyance, before she looks at Edward.

"Edward? I need a ride to my dad's?" She says moving closer to him, as he sighs turning to look at Alice. I pull Amara closer to me as I look at Edward with concern writing all over my face. He shakes his head at me and mouth 'later' I nod my head at him. Bella is looking from Alice to Edward.

"What is it? What did she see?" Bella demands to know what was going on. But like everything else we had cut her off from knowing what was going on in the vampire world.

"Nothing! Don't worry about it." Edward says before getting up and walking away from her. I kiss Amara and pull her up and head to class. Making sure Bella does see Amara's growing baby bump.

Once we are out of school I see Bella waiting by Edward's car. I walk over to her wanting to know what she is up to. "Bella, why can't you leave him alone? He has a mate and you are just making yourself look desperate and even more of a whore." I ask, looking at her confused.

"Would you leave your mate alone if someone was moving in on her?" She asks me back, I laugh as she still thinks she is his mate.

"But you are not his mate. Ashlynn is his mate and you are dating and sleeping with Jacob Black and whoever else . So what are you doing?" I ask now, looking at her annoyed.

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