Don't just Don't!

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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Edward and I talked all night as we hunted. Ok not all night there was some kissing involved. But we got to know each other better and found out that we have a lot in common. By the time we got back to the house everyone but Tyler and Amara were in the living room. "Where are Tyler and Amara?" I ask looking around for my niece and nephew.

"Amara is asleep and Tyler is lying with her." Emmett says looking up from his video game with a smile. I nod my head remembering that Rosalie said that Amara still needed to sleep and eat like a human. This made me wonder who she had become half vampire. I move to sit by Rosalie but Edward stops me. I look at him confused as he smiles at me. He took my hand in his.

"Let me give you a tour of the house first. I know you have many questions and we will all do our best to answer them. But first let me show you around your new home." He says with a mischievous smile. I smile and nod my head. He was right, this is my new home with my mate and sister and a whole family. He shows me the whole house leaving two rooms for last. "This is Amara and Tyler's room!." He says opening the door reveals a sleeping Amara and a pretending to sleep Tyler, who smiles at us with his eyes closed. Edward closes the door to not wake Amara. Rosalie has said she can be quite mean when she is woken the wrong way. We move to the next door and he opens it. "This is our room!" He says rubbing the back of his neck and gives me a small smile.

"Our room?" I ask with humor in her voice and he nods his head at me. God he is cute.

"We can change whatever you want. Or add whatever you want." Edward says, still rubbing his neck. I giggle at how he is acting all shy with me. But I nod my head at him as I look around the room. The next thing I know Edward has me pushed up against the bookshelves and is kissing me. I moan into his mouth as he growls at me. We broke apart at the sound of Amara throwing up.

"I don't like this part about being pregnant. Can we skip this part?" We hear Amara say and Tyler laughs from their bathroom. Edward and I both laugh at what she said. I move to check on my niece with Edward following right behind me. He stayed back as I was told that Amara and him have not been on the best of terms because of Bella.

"Do you need anything?" I ask from their doorway. Amara shakes her no. I wasn't sure why but I felt like she was going to keep her distance from me because of Edward.

"Thank you but no! It always seems to be worse in the morning." Tyler says as he rubs her back as she lays down. Rosalie comes in with a glass of water and some crackers for her. We watch as she sips on the water before leaving their room. We head downstairs to give them a little space.

"So what do you all do during the day?" I ask, looking at everyone who is sitting in the living room.

"Well Carlisle is a doctor at the hospital here in Forks and Esme designs houses, as for everyone else except for Rosalie and I they go to school." Emmett says with a bombing laugh as Edward groans at him.

"School?" I ask, looking at Edward who nods his head and sighs.

"Yeah we only have 3 weeks left thank god! I can't wait to spend some time away with my mate." Tyler says as he and Amara come into the living room. Amara kisses Emmett's cheek before she moves to the kitchen.

 Amara kisses Emmett's cheek before she moves to the kitchen

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I am so glad that Edward found his mate. His real mate, not some girl who thinks she is his mate and thinks that she has some claim on him and our family. Now we just have to deal with Bella and all her craziness. So this should be fun! Tyler is really excited that Ashlynn is Edward's mate and not Bella. For him it meant showing her she was nothing to any of us and that Ashlynn showing up when she did was a sign that things would get better. I know he hopes that Bella will leave us alone now. But we all knew that that wouldn't happen. It's not what is best for her. And Bella will only do what is best for her.

"Do we have to go to school today?" I ask looking at my mom and dad. They both nod their heads at me. I sigh and move to go get ready for the day. Once in mine and Tyler's room I lay on the bed. Tyler comes in and lays down with me.

"Come on babe! We only have 3 weeks left and then we are done. And we can force on the baby we have coming." He says as I sigh again. I knew he was right but I still didn't want to go!

"I know I just don't want to go today. I don't feel all that good and I know Bella is going to freak out on all of us. And I don't want to deal with her anymore." I whine out as Tyler looks at me and laughs.

"Babe, I won't let Bella come anywhere near you and our baby. I will kill her if I have to!" He says as she rubs my little baby bump and gives me a kiss. I sigh but nod my head as he kisses my belly, making me giggle.

After getting ready and saying goodbye to mom, dad, aunt Ash and grandma we head out to school. Edward didn't want to leave his mate but she told him she needed time with her sister and that she would be fine. Once we arrive at school I notice that Bella is waiting for us. I hear Tyler growl as he parks the car. After we are all out of the cars Bella walks up to Edward glaring at him.

"Edward... We need to talk about this hoe you say is your mate." She says with anger. I hear Edward growl at her. "I am your mate! Me! Not her... ME! You need to tell her to leave us alone so we can be happy together again." She screams out at him. He moves around her and walks into school. "Edward! Get back here, I am talking to you!" She screams as she follows him into school.

Luckily school went by faster than normal. Bella left us alone during lunch. When we got home Edward ran to Ashlynn and hugged and kissed her. I smiled as I thought they looked so cute together. But our peace didn't last long as Bella showed up at the house. Like she always does with that beat up old truck.

Bella comes storming into the house and right in front of Edward and Ashlynn. I laugh as Edward pushes Ashlynn behind him and growls at Bella. "Why is she still here? I told you to send her away. I am your mate. ME!" She yells at Edward.

"Bella you need to stop, I have a mate and it is not you! I will not send my mate away because you want me to. Or you think you have some claim over me and my family." Edward says with a growl.

"Edward, what happened to you? Where is the man that went to the Volturi to die because he thought that I was dead? Where is the man that loved me so much he was willing to end it all." Bella questions, looking at him in disgust.

"I went to them when I thought you were my mate... I then found out that my so-called mate was screwing around with some mutt... To only be told that you are not my mate... Oh! And let's not forget you are still with said mutt but are still going after me. You are nothing more than a slut." Edward yells back at her. She gasps and starts to cry.

"How can you be so mean to me?" She asked as she continued to cry.

"Because none of us like you!" I said with a sweet smile, making her stop and glare at me. "I mean why would we?" I said as I walked away from her and the drama she was trying to start.

"Face it Bella... You were never important to this family!" I heard my mother say before she followed me into the kitchen. I could see my father and Tyler standing in front of the kitchen. Nodout making sure she didn't try anything.

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