Moving to Forks

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Dad says that there is a new family moving to town

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Dad says that there is a new family moving to town. Doctor and Mrs. Cullen and their 6 foster children. I have been told repeatedly that I am to be nice to them and if it looks like they need help to offer my assistance to them. I am three weeks into my sophomore year with football and keeping up with my studies, I won't have much time for anything else. But I agreed nonetheless. Arriving at school to see Jessica walking over to me. God, I wish this girl would get the hint that I am not into her. She is a good friend and that is all I will ever see her as.

"Hey Tyler! How was your weekend? Do anything fun?" Jessica asks all bubbly leaning into me.

"My weekend was good! Thanks." I say stepping back from her as two brand new cars pull up into the parking lot. Everyone turned to watch them.

"Must be the new kids!" Jessica says with a wicked grin. We watch as they get out of their cars. My eyes go to the last one to get out of the jeep. She is beyond beautiful. She looks around the parking lot and when her eyes land on me she smiles and waves. I think my heart stopped just looking at her.

 I think my heart stopped just looking at her

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"Looks like someone has a new admirer." Jessica says with a scoff. I walk away shaking my head at her jealousy.

"If she is my new admirer, I could die a happy man!" I say with a laugh. Walking to my locker to see that beautiful girl has the locker next to me. "Hi! I'm Tyler!" I say opening my locker. Her head snapped to me and she smiled.

"Amara!" She says with the sweetest smile.

"Amara... Baby!" This big guy yells from down the hall. Amara sighs and rolls her eyes before looking at me and smiling again.

"Big brothers!" She says under her breath. I chuckle a little as I look down the hall to see him walking our way. Dude looks like he could play from the NFL. But I smiled that he was her brother and not her boyfriend or something.

"Do you need help finding your class?" I ask not wanting her to leave just yet.

"Yes Please!" She says handing me her schedule with the sweetest smile.

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