What lies could be told

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Carlisle asked me to come and help him with Jake

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Carlisle asked me to come and help him with Jake. I didn't want to go due to Amara not being with me. I was worried about her. I know that the tracker was with her, but didn't know if he would hurt her. The big Volturi guard had said that Demitiri would never lay a hand on her, but I wasn't sure if that was true or not. I wasn't sure who I could trust. But right now it was the guard over my own coven. I sat in the car as Carlisle drove to the reservation. Once we got there I saw Sam, Paul and Jared standing in front of everyone else.

"Thank you for bringing Tyler with you. I hope you understand that we trust him more than the rest of your family." Sam says as Billy comes up to us. I smile at him.

"I do and so you know Tyler has never tasted human blood and he doesn't seem to have the urge to drink it like most vampires do." Carlisle says, making Sam and Billy smile at me. But I was still unhappy. Carlisle refused to answer any question I asked.

"Where is Amara?" Emily asks, looking at the car and then to me. I knew she wanted to make sure she was alright even though Paul and Jared would have told her she was fine.

"After you all left the Volturi came and it appears that Amara is the daughter of one of them. She freaked and disappeared. I don't know where she is at or if she is ok." I say giving Emily a small sad smile. Carlisle looks down at the ground and sighs. I know he is hiding something the whole coven is. More than who Amara's father is. After a few minutes we walk inside with Sam to Jake's room. I help hold Jake with Sam. I feel bad for him that he is in so much pain. Pain he never should have received all because of Bella.

After Carlisle was done, Sam and Carlisle stood to leave. I was getting ready to leave when Jake stopped me. "Why do you hate your sister so much? I mean there has to be a reason." He asked me. His eyes were closed and he sighed before opening them.

"She tried to kill me. Do I need more of a reason to hate her?" I ask, starting to get annoyed with how far his head is up her ass. Maybe he did deserve the pain he was in.

"She said she was sorry, what more do you want from her?" He asks with a growl.

"For her to leave me and my mate alone and let us live our lives in peace. But she can't and she won't. Because she thinks that she is Edward's mate, when she is not. He has a mate. She thinks that the whole Cullen's family belongs with her. But she is nothing to them besides a human that has pushed herself on to them. She is nothing to me. Never has been. She is not my sister." I say looking down at Jake.

"I wish I had imprinted on her. Then maybe she would have. I am sorry Tyler. I thought if I loved her she would have moved on." Jake says, nodding his head at me.

"I am sorry Jake, I wish things were different and you all weren't dragged into all of this. Because of her." I say before I walk outside to see Bella standing there with a smug smile. I growl at her before she walks inside to talk with Jake. Carlisle was gone knowing that I would want to talk with Paul and Jared. Or maybe it was so I would stop asking questions.

"So Amara is the daughter of one of these Volturi leeches?" Paul asks, making me laugh at him.

"The Tracker!" I say looking over at him. Amara had told them a little bit about our world. Mainly the Voturi and what they are to the vampire world.

"Meaning he can find her wherever she is?" Jared asks with a growl. I nod my head.

"There is more and I don't even know how to process what is going on. They have all lied to her, her whole life. They didn't leave her in the woods. She was kidnapped and the Cullen's knew about it. Some from the beginning." I say sitting down. Bella comes out and walks over to me. She holds her smug smile as she gets closer to me.

"So Amara is the daughter of one of the Volturi guards. How is that possible?" She says/ asks, still holding her smug smile. "He's a vampire and vampires can't have kids. How did you knock her up?" She asked and I could see the wheels turning in her head. So could the pack.

"Like I would ever tell you anything to do with my mate and I." I say with a growl standing up. She steps back from me.

"Why is he even here? He is a vampire and they are not allowed on your land!" She yells at Billy.

"Because we trust him! More than we trust you!" Sam says as Billy nods his head agreeing with Sam. Bella scoffs at him and looks around the pack for help, but all are glaring at her.

"Whatever... I have to get back to Edward so we can plan our wedding." She says making me scoff at her.

"You still think he wants to be with you? When he has a mate. A mate he loves!" I say with a laugh as well as some of the pack. Bella looks at me hurt.

"You know that I am his true mate and not that other bitch. He is marrying me and not her. I will make sure of it!" She yells getting into her truck. I shake my head as she leaves.

"It is time for me to go and find my girl. Call if you need anything." I say to Billy as he gives me a smile but nods his head. I take off running back to the house but stop about half way when I smell Amara. I turn towards her scent and then there is another that belongs to Demitiri. I follow it and see them sitting by a lake talking. I slowly walk out of the trees making them both look at me. Demitiri glares at me and Amara gives me a small smile.

"I have been worried about you!" I say making her bite the inside of her cheek.

"I am sorry Tyler. I need to get away and think. There was just too much going on." She says as I nod my head in understanding.

"We haven't formally met!" I say holding my hand out to Amara's biological father. "I am Tyler Swan, Amara's mate and father to her unborn child." I say as he takes my hand and shakes it.

"I am Demitiri Volturi, Amara's father and part of the elite guard for the Volturi Coven." He says, making me smile at him.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" I ask, making him look at me and sigh.

"I am guessing you want to know why the Olympic coven kept my daughter instead of returning her back to her parents?" He says/ asks I nod my head at him, putting my hands in my pockets. "I wish I knew, It would have spared my mate a lot of heartache. But then again Amara would have never met you." He says, making me nod my head.

"All this stress isn't good for you and the baby!" I say pulling Amara into my arms. She gives me a small giggle. "But we need answers and I know the rest of the guard was at the house when I left to help Carlisle with a friend of ours." I say as we start to walk back to the house. We walked back to the house. I was mostly silent as Demetri and Amara talked about things his mate and he missed out on.

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