Birthday Wishes🎂🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

I still can't believe that my girl is friends with the pack

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I still can't believe that my girl is friends with the pack. I mean I am happy that they are and that they like her. But it is just so weird to hear. And she is allowed on the reservation. I mean not whenever she wants but still. Summer flew by as soon as I got home from camp. If I wasn't with Amara and her family I was with the pack. I loved watching Amara and Emily fight with Paul over his one night stands. It always made me and Jared laugh when Amara would say that he needed a strong girl to kick his ass and wrap his dick around her finger. Paul would say that there isn't a strong enough woman to do that.

We started school last week and to my surprise me and Amara have all the same classes except for gym. But that was to be expected as I still had football. Bella has been trying to become friends with Amara again to my displeasure. Edward has tried to talk to me a few times but I just walk away from him. Amara acted like they didn't exist anymore. Only talking with Alice, Jessica and Angela during lunch. They guys every now and again.

Today is mine and Bella's 18th birthday. I am excited for today, Bella not so much. Now that she is older than Edward. That is. I get up and hear dad talking to Bella about her gifts. I walk out of my room and head right to the shower. After I shower and get dressed I head down stairs to eat something before heading out to school and to be with my girl.

"Happy Birthday Tyler!" Dad says from the table with Bella. She looked annoyed as I sat down with them.

"Thanks dad!" I say with a smile.

"Here is your gift from me and one from your mom!" He says handing me two gifts, one wrapped and one unwrapped. I laugh knowing that his is the unwrapped gift. It was a camera. I smirked as this would need to be kept safe as it would not be used for the kinds of photos you share with others.

"Thanks dad!" I say opening my mothers gift. I look at him confused as it is an empty book.

"It is a scrapbook to hold all your memories from senior year... I still can't believe you are a senior. It feels like only yesterday I was dropping you off for kindergarten. Watching you grow into the man you are today has been one hell of a journey." He says, shrugging his shoulders at me. I rolled my eyes at him b ut noticed the sad look on Bella's face. It made me smirk.

"So it's for Amara?" I state, trying to change the subject. Dad laughs and nods his head.

"That's what I said to your mother when she told me what it was." He says as we both laugh.

"Ok I will call her later and tell her thank you!" I say heading out of the house. Heading straight to school to see Amara. Pulling up and parking in my spot next to Amara's jeep. Once I am out of my car Amara jumps on me.

"Happy Birthday Babe!" She says, giving me kisses that take my breath away.

"Thank you babe!" I say kissing her back as Alice and Jasper walk up to us.

"Happy Birthday Tyler!" Alice and Jasper say at the same time and then laugh. Alice handed me a gift "Wear it tonight at our house!" She says with a big smile.

"Thank you both." I say as I open it up and it is a new outfit. Of course it is. I smile at her and shake my head at her. I place my gift in my car before me and Amara head into school. I pull her into an empty class room and lock the door.

"Can I have my birthday present now?" I ask, licking my lips as I look her up and down. She walks over to me and kisses me.

"If sex is your birthday gift then you would be set for life." She whispers in my ear. I growl at her and pick her up, placing her on the teacher's desk.

"I am not talking about sex... though now that you said that..." I say sliding my hands up her dress and pushing her panties to the side and rubbing her pussy with two fingers. I hear her moan as I kiss her neck. "Fuck! Baby... You're so wet for me." I say undoing my pants and pulling them down. I grab Amara and turn her around and push her chest down on the desk and pull up her dress revealing her amazing ass, before lining up with Amara. Thrusting into her at a hard fast pace, I let out a growl at how good she feels.

"OH! God... Ty!" She moans/screams out. I put my hand over her mouth because she is getting loud. And we don't need the whole school knowing what we are doing.

"Shh... Baby! We don't need the whole school knowing what we are doing!" I say pulling her closer to me. "Fuck Amara... You feel so good!" I moan out as Amara tightens around me. "That's baby... Cum for me!" I say as Amara starts to shake as her orgasm takes over her body. Fuck I am so close and I don't have a condom on. I know I should pull out of her but she feels so good around me. "I am going to fill this pretty little pussy up with my cum... Is that what you want, baby?" I say/ask in a husky voice. I watch as Amara nods her head. I bite her neck as I cum inside of her. "Fuck Amara..." I say all breathless as I place my head on her back. "Is it bad that I love cumming inside of you? Knowing that there is nothing between us?" I ask pulling out and fix my pants as she fixes her panties and dress.

"I don't think so... But then again I love the feeling of you cumming inside of me." She says as I pull her to me and kiss her. "We better get to class before we are late. And your birthday present is at home. So you will get it later!" She says kissing me again before we walk out of the classroom. The rest of the day I had the biggest smile on my face. Even though I knew at any moment something could change. I didn't care. I had my girl by my side and that was what really mattered.

The Birthday Party!

Amara and I are in her room waiting for Alice to tell us when to come down. Amara is fussing over her dress that Alice picked out for her. She doesn't like it. It is not her color, it is too long and too loose on her. "I think you look amazing..." I say sliding my hands up her thighs and to her ass. If they didn't get this party started soon I would start my own party with Amara in our room.

"It's time!" Alice says, opening the door. Pulling me and Amara out of her room I see Bella and Edward waiting for us. I sigh and walk down holding Amara's hand.

"Happy Birthday Tyler!" Rosalie says giving me a hug followed by Emmett.

"Happy Birthday Man!" Emmett says, giving Amara a kiss on the forehead. Me and Amara tried to stay away from Bella and Edward as much as possible. We were sitting on the couch as I opened my presents. Rosalie and Emmett got me the newest Xbox. Jasper got me the new call of duty game. Amara got me the newest fitbit. Carlisle and Esme got me tickets to go see my Seahawks tickets.

I was watching my sister open the gift from Carlisle and Esme when she cut herself on paper. Amara hisses as she stepped in front of me. I watched as Edward pushed my sister back from him and Jasper was on the attack after that everything moved so fast. Once it was only me, Amara, Carlisle, Edward and Bella left in the house Amara turned to Edward and glared at him.

"We can't even have a birthday party with her around! Why do you make us all suffer because of her?" Amara yells at him before leaving the house. I sigh and follow my mate/girlfriend out of the house.

"Baby come here!" I yell as she runs into the woods. I sigh and start to follow her, when Edward stops me.

"You need to go home Tyler!" Edward says with an anger I have never seen.

"No! I need to find my girlfriend and make sure she is ok! Since you and the blood bag seem to ruin everything." I yell walking past Edward and into the woods.

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