Meeting the Family

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I watch as Edward paces the house as we wait for mom and dad to come back from hunting

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I watch as Edward paces the house as we wait for mom and dad to come back from hunting. As soon as they walk in Edward calls a family meeting. I roll my eyes at him and he growls. Daddy grabs him by his neck and slams him against a wall. "Are you really looking for a fight Edward? Keep growling at my daughter. And you'll get one." Daddy says with a snarl, pure anger in his eyes.

"Enough... the both of you!" Grandpa says placing a hand on daddy's shoulder as he lets Edward go. Mom and dad walk over to me and sit down. Dad pulled me closer to him and away from Edward. I was thankful Tyler was with his father.

"I want to bring Bella over tomorrow. To meet all of you..." Edward says as mom and me growl at him.

"Do you really think that is a good idea Edward?" Jasper says looking a little annoyed.

"I don't see what the problem is... Tyler is over all the time. I mean he lives here for the most part." Edward says with a snarl.

"Yeah! But he is Amara's mate, not her blood singer Edward!" Mom says with anger. "And he hasn't tried to hurt any of us... she has. Or have you forgotten?" Mom yells and points at Edward.

"Look Edward... I get it, you want someone to love you and someone for you to love, but this girl has already caused us problems and you are just overlooking them." Jasper says, still annoyed. Edward sighs and looks around the room.

"Can I bring her here tomorrow or not?" Edward says with anger to his voice. I roll my eyes at him. I knew it wasn't up to me so I didn't say anything.

"I say we give her a chance to prove that she is not a danger to us... And so Edward can see what this feeling is that he has for her." Esme says with a small sad smile at me.

"I agree with Esme! We should give her a chance... But Edward, any harm comes from her, you will end this no matter what. I will not watch Amara and Tyler be hurt because of her." Carlisle says with a small smile. Edward nods as everyone sighs. I get up and walk up to my room.

"Amara?" Edward says walking up to me, I look at him confused. "I know you don't like Bella and you never will, but can you and Tyler try to be nice to her tomorrow? For me?" He asks as I still look at him confused and angry.

"Edward... She has given me no reason to be nice to her... And neither have you. You are picking your blood singer over your own family. If you are not careful you won't have a family left because of her. Be careful Edward, you already lost one family member. " I was walking into my room and texting Tyler.

 " I was walking into my room and texting Tyler

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