As they truly are🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

Over the next week I watched as my family looked after the pathetic human Bella Swan

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Over the next week I watched as my family looked after the pathetic human Bella Swan. Amara was growing more irritated with her by the day. If she wasn't harassing Amara and Edward at school then she would swing by the house and try to get one of them to talk to her. Tyler has had enough and is going to their father. Amara is counting down the days until she is out of school and away from Bella Swan. Tonight we are meeting with the pack of mutts, since Bella will be over there and away from all of us. I hold on to Edward as we walk up to the treaty line. I have only seen them from a distance but they still frightened me. I watch as Amara and Tyler smile at them.

"Hello and thank you for meeting with us." Carlisle says, greeting the pack of mutts.

"They want to know what this is about?" Edward says looking from the wolves to our coven leader.

"We wanted to let you know that one week after Tyler and Amara graduate we will be leaving." Carlisle says, looking at the Big Black wolf. He nods his head.

"They want to know what will happen with Bella?" Edward says looking over at Carlisle.

"OH... Well Bella is not Edward's mate as you can see." Carlisle comes and stands next to me and Edward. "Ashlynn is his mate and with Amara being pregnant we can't risk Bella trying to harm her and the baby." He says as the wolves nod their heads. " I also wanted to say how sorry I am that all of this happened. We never want any of this." Carlisle saye will s, nodding at the pack of mutts.

"As for the red head, we have told Bella that we will keep her safe, but the way she has been acting with Amara... That scares us.: Edward said as one of the wolves stepped forward with its head tilted. "What I mean Paul is, with Bella attacking Tyler the way she did, we don't trust her to be near Amara and her unborn child. She has been stalking Amara." Edward says as he looks at the silver and gray wolf. I watch as he growls, making me step behind Edward. I was a little surprised that Tyler or Emmett didn't move in front of Amara.

"Thank you for your time." Carlisle says as the black wolf nods his head again at us before he returns and walks away. Edward pulls me away with him.

"Paul would never hurt Amara." Edward said, making me look at him confused. "Amara is one of his best friends." He says as I nod my head in understanding.

Bella is at a bonfire with the mutt and the rest of the pack

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Bella is at a bonfire with the mutt and the rest of the pack. Amara is sound asleep in her and Tyler's room. Tyler is hunting with Emmett and Jasper. Carlisle is at the hospital. Edward and Ash are out on a date. Leaving me, Alice and Esme at home with Amara.

It is close to 2 am when we hear a car pulling into our driveway. Alice and Esem are looking out the window when I hear them both sigh. I stand and look out the window and see Bella and the mutt getting out of his car, I am guessing. I growl as we all move to the door. Alice calls Jasper to get them back here as soon as possible.

I move and stand in front of the stairs when they knock on the door. Esme opens the door but blocks the doorway so Bella can't walk in. "How can we help you Bella and..." Esme says as the mutt growls at her.

"This is Jake!" Bella says with a little attitude. "Is Edward or Amara home?" She says trying to walk into the house Esem stands in front of her making her stop.

"If you had called I could have told you that Edward is on a date with his mate Ashlynn." Esme says as Bella scoffs at her. "And as you know Tyler doesn't want you anywhere near Amara and neither do the rest of us. So I will ask again what can we do to help you, Bella." Esme says with a little more anger to her voice. Bella gasps at her and she steps back from Esme.

"I-I." Bella starts but gets cut off by Tyler throwing Jake down the stairs as he steps in front of Bella.

"You better not be here to see Amara. I have told you that you are not my family. You will never be seen as my family and you will have nothing to do with our child. So take your little fuck boy and leave. Before it is too late for either of you!" Tyler growls out at Bella making her cry and run to her mutt.

"Why do you hate her so much? Besides stabbing you, what did she do to you?" The mutt asks

"She has done so much to me and Amara that would make you sick and make you rethink the fact that you have ever slept with her. You better hope you don't knock her ass up. Cause she will ruin your life." Tyler says looking at Jake and Bella. Emmett is trying not to laugh. Bella is still crying as she looks at Tyler with anger.

"If she is, it's not mine. We haven't slept together in some time and I always wrap my shit. I was sent a video of her and two other guys the day after she told me she loved me the day Amara's parents came home." The mutt said, looking at Tyler and the rest of the family. Bella looks at him in shock, surprise and anger. "I also found that web site you were talking about and though I love her and want to be with her. She is not my imprint and I am disgusted by what I have seen and read about her on that site." The mutt says as he looks from Tyler to Bella.

We watch Bella walk away from him and to his car. "Take me home Jake!" She yells as she slams his car door closed.

 "Take me home Jake!" She yells as she slams his car door closed

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After the surprise visit from Jake and Bella. I ran upstairs to check on Amara. I found her sound asleep in our bed. I sent a text to my dad letting him know that Bella has been harassing Amara again and that he needs to do something about her before I press charges against her or worse Amara loses our baby. I watch her for a few more minutes before I claim into our bed with her and cuddle with her. As soon as I touch her, she moves her body next to mine. Laying her head on my chest.

"I love you Amara and our little one, so much I will make her leave you alone no matter what I have to do." I whisper to her as I kiss her head. Even if I had to kill her.

After a few hours Amara wakes up and kisses my chest. I feel her hand run down my chest and into my boxers. I growl as I flip her so she is on her back. I don't say anything to her, just kiss her as I remove her panties and my boxers. "You need to be quiet. Don't make a sound!" I whisper into her ear as I thrust into her. I watch as she bites her lip trying to stop the moans from coming out. I quickly pulled out of her, making her growl at me. I can't have her be quiet. I need to hear her. "Get your ass in the shower now!" I say in a demanding tone. I watch her run into the bathroom and start the shower. When I walk in she is removing her shirt. I pull her to me and walk us into the shower. I turn her so she is facing me. "Let me hear you baby!" I say picking her up and pushing her against the shower wall before I slam back into her. Making her scream out in pleasure.

"OH! Fuck!" She moans out as she holds on to me. I smile as I suck and bite on one of her nipples. I move to the other one and do the same. I place her down on her feet before I turn her around and place her chest against the wall and slide back into, pounding into her hard and fast. I feel her orgasm coming fast as mine is too.

"Fuck!" I groaned out. I knew that we are both close to our highs. "Cum for me Amara, I need to feel you!" I say as I bury my face into her neck. She cums moaning my name and I cum deep inside of her moaning her name. We both sigh as we start to clean ourselves up.

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