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I smile as Jane and Hiedi do my hair and make up

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I smile as Jane and Hiedi do my hair and make up. I was thinking about everything that has happened since I met Tyler. Which made me wonder if Jane and Hiedi found their mates. "May I ask you both a question?" I asked, looking at them through the mirror.

"Of course you can!" Hiedi said with a smile as she worked on my makeup.

"Have you found your mates?" I ask, looking down at my hands.

"Yes we have!" Jane says with a smile as I look up at them. "My mate is Christoper." She says with a smile. I could see the love in her eyes.

"Christoper... He is the one that has been walking in the garden with me." I say as Jane nods her head.

"Yes! He loves walking in the gardens. But he is also really shy." Jane says with a giggle. I look over at Hiedi and she is smiling at us.

"You also know my mate!" She says with a laugh. "My mate is Felix!" She says with a soft smile.

"The executioner and the siren!" I say as we all laugh.

"Yes! I lure them in and he takes them out!" She says making me laugh harder.

"What about Alec?" I ask as Jane smiles at me. I have seen Alec talk with a girl at night but I didn't know if she was his mate or not.

"He has found his mate, She is human. She lives here in the village, but she is only 16." Jane says with a sad smile. I nod my head in understanding. I knowest that we are done so I stand up and walk over to my books. "What are you looking for?" Jane asks as I find the book I am looking for.

"Something to help Alec with his mate!" I say with a smile. "This is a special edition only 100 were released. I just so happen to have two copies." I say holding the book in my hand with a smile.

"Well let's get going!" Jane says, giving me a smile. We walked out to see my mother and father standing just outside my room. I smile at the both of them as Alec and Felix walk up to us.

"Oh! Alec, I have a gift for your mate!" I say as he looks at me confused. "It is a special edition book. And I saw you talking to her the other night and she was reading the last book in the series and thought you could give her this. There were only 100 books released." I say as Alec smiles at me as he takes the book.

"Thank you Amara!" He says before he walks off to his room.

"That was ever nice of you princess!" My father says as he pulls me into his side. I smile at him.

"Hunams can be tricky!" I say with a smile as Tyler walks up to us in a suit! Damn he looks hot. I smile as he stops and looks me up and down.

"You look absolutely beautiful!" He says walking up to me and kissing my head. "Are you ready to become my wife?" He asks as we all start to walk down to the throne room.

"I was ready the day we met!" I say with a smile as he laughs at me, but nods his head.

"I was ready the day we met!" I say with a smile as he laughs at me, but nods his head

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To say that it was hard to give away my only child would be an understatement. We had just got her back and now she will be a wife and mother. Tyler told me more about what went on with the Cullen's and about his fear that they will come for their child. Felix, Alec and I reassured him that we will never let that happen.

Even though I didn't want this wedding to happen so soon, I know that Tyler will take care of my daughter and grandchild. Tyler also told me that they do not plan on leaving anytime soon and that Amara and him want to be a part of our coven. Though it will take awhile for them to remember to always address the kings as master. Making us laugh a little bit. I mean I get it they are still young and not used to how a true coven works.

I smile as Tyler and Amara share a kiss as they were pronounced husband and wife. I look over at Madison and smile remembering our wedding. "Ladies and gentleman. Tyler and Amara Volturi!" Aro says, making me smile.

"Volturi?" I ask as I walk up to them with Madison on my arm.

"Yes Volturi!" Tyler says looking over at Amara. "Like I told you before. We do not plan on leaving anytime soon. This is our home now!" Tyler says, making everyone smile at him.

"Well said!" Aro says walking up to us. "And we are more than happy to have you both be part of our coven!" He says placing the Volturi crest in both of their hands.

"Three new members!" Curis' wife says with a smile. "Soon to be four?" She asks looking over to Alec, who smiles at her.

"Hopefully soon." He says sending a wink to Amara, making Tyler growl and hold Amara closer when the throne room doors open up. Tyler stands in front of Amara as Edward and his mate walk in.

"What can we do for you Edward and..." Aro says as he walks in front of Amara and Tyler.

"My family and I would like to talk with Amara and Tyler." He says looking only at my daughter and her new husband. I turn back to Amara and she is holding her stomach. Madison and I rush over to her as Tyler holds her up.

"I do not wish to talk to any of them!" Amara says, making me smile as I look back over to the mind reader and his mate. She does not look happy about being here. Whether it is here with us or her with her mate. I see Edward glaring at me.

"Either do I!" Tyler says, making Edward growl at them. Amara is still holding her stomach.

"Madison, Jane, Hiedi please take Amara to her room! Demitri carry your daughter to her room." Aro says, making Edward and his mate look at him and growl. Tyler growls as he steps next to Aro. I rush Amara to their room and away from any danger that Edward and his mate will bring.

"I will be back and Tyler will be with me!" I tell her as I kiss her head. "Do not leave her alone!" I say as all three of them nod their heads at me. Madison is on the bed with Amara when I close the door. I see two guards standing outside. "No one enters this room unless they are elite guards, the masters or her mate. Am I clear!" I say in a demanding tone. They both nod their heads at me. Now to find out what the Cullen's clan is up to.

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