Brother Dear

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Waking up on Monday morning, to the sound of my sister talking on the phone

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Waking up on Monday morning, to the sound of my sister talking on the phone. I rolled my eyes as I got up and headed to the shower. After my shower and getting dressed, I walk down stairs to grab something to eat really fast. As I am eating Bella walks in the kitchen. "Umm... Mom would like for you to call her after school." She says with a tight lipped smile making me roll my eyes at her.

"Yeah! Not likely to happen... What does she want anyway?" I ask with annoyance as I am already tired of my sister being here.

"To talk to you... Get to know her son." Bella says look at the ground.

"Well I'm not her son, I'm dad's son." I say putting my dish in the sink and looking at Bella. "Look, I don't know why you all of a sudden wanted to move away from Renee and move here with people you hate. And before you say anything you have said that on more than one occasion to both me and dad. But I am not buying your nice act. I saw the smug smirk you had when you asked about my girlfriend. Thinking I was going to get into trouble." I say stepping up to her. Even though we are twins I am a good foot taller than her. "I don't like you Bella, I don't see you as my sister. And so, we are clear Renee is not my mom, she is just an egg donor and you are nothing more than her little bitch!" I say grabbing my bag and walking out of the house.

Pulling up to school to see Amara waiting for me as I pull up I put a smile on my face as she walks up to my car. Getting out of my car to pull her into my arms. "I see you are wearing the outfit Alice picked out for you!" She says with a giggle as she looks me up and down. "I can't wait to take it off of you!" She says licking her lips.

"That I am. I may not fully be a member of your family, but I know not to mess with Alice when it comes to clothes." I say pushing her against my car and kissing her. The sound of a car backfiring stops our little makeout session. I groan knowing that it is Bella. "That would be my sister!" I say looking over my shoulder to see Bella glaring at me and Amara. Amara grabs my hand and leads me away.

"Come on baby, Let's go to class." Amara says, pulling me closer to her and away from the parking lot. I smirk as I think about the empty class room by our lockers. Walking up to our lockers, I push Amara against them and kiss her.

"Let's skip first and make use of this empty classroom right here!" I say brushing our lips against each other. Amara giggles when someone clears their throat. I look to see Bella standing there. "Amara my love, go to class. I'll be there in just a minute." I say trying to hold back my anger. Amara nods her head and kisses my cheek before walking off. "What do you want?" I say with a growl at Bella.

"So, that's your girlfriend?" Bella says watching Amara walk away from us.

"Yeah! Now what do you want!" I say in a demanding tone as I snap my fingers in front of Bella's face, making her look at me and not Amara.

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