It's only for one day! Right?

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Bella has demanded that either Edward or Amara protect her during the battle

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Bella has demanded that either Edward or Amara protect her during the battle. I have made it clear that Amara will not be anywhere near Bella. Who will just try to kill her and our baby. The family agreed with me that Bella will try to harm Amara and the baby. Edward and Ashlynn said that they would protect her. It shocked me that Ashlynn volunteered to help keep Bella safe. Knowing damn well that Ash does like Bella one little bit.

"Ash, are you sure that you want to do this?" Emmett asks, looking at his sister-in-law with a confused look on his face. He knew just how much Ash hated Bella.

"Yes! I finally know where I belong and I am not about to let some pathetic human and a newborn army take it all away from me. If I stay with Edward and Amara I can make sure that Bella can't touch her if any newborns get past you all and we will have one of the mutts with us as well." Ashlynn says, looking at all of us. She was right about that.

"I still don't like her being close to Amara. She can't be trusted." I say holding Amara to my chest.

"Believe me I know how you feel Tyler. I don't want her near my daughter or my grandchild." Emmett says, looking at me and Amara. "But we have to think about everything in the long run. If we keep her safe till the newborn army is gone then we leave and don't have to see her ever again." He says as I nod my head.

"Have we forgotten... She has put our daughter and grandchildren in danger. Why are we letting her anywhere near them?" Rosalie yells out at all of us.

"Rosalie... Bella doesn't get a say in who is there to keep an eye on Amara. That is why we have two people going with her and asked, Sam if one of his wolves could be there as well." Edward says as I nod my head at him. I still don't like it but I know that this is what needs to be done. Rosalie's sighs but nods her head.

"Do we know which wolf it will be?" Esme asks, looking at her mate and husband.

"I believe it will be the youngest." Carlisle says looking back at her.

"That would be Seth." I say looking around at everyone. "Good kid... But worship the ground Jake walks on." I say a little uneasily. Hopefully he will follow Sam's orders and not Jake's.

We have two more days of training and I don't know if Amara can take being around Bella for all of them. I can already see that she is stressing out just having to be around her for one afternoon. 

Day two of training went by faster than the first day

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Day two of training went by faster than the first day. Bella sat by herself yet again. Paul and Jared came and sat with me. I could tell Paul was wishing he could get out there and fight with my family.

Day three was the worst day of them all. Bella was demanding that we tell her all of our stories. Since she knows how Edward was changed and since she is the reason that Tyler was now a vampire. Which earned her growls from both sides. Well all except for Jake. He looked at her with sad eyes. None of us plan on telling her anything.

It is now the night before the battle and we have to host a sleepover for Bella so her dad doesn't think anything is going on. Tyler was pissed that she would be in the house with me. But Edward promised that she would never be in a room alone with me. As far he has kept that promise. Mostly because I stayed locked in my room.

"Amara?" I hear Bella say through my bedroom door.

"What do you want Bella?" I ask not getting up from my bed.

"I was hoping we could talk? You know since we will be family here soon." Bella says, trying to open my locked door.

"We have nothing to talk about. And we sure as hell will never be family." I yell at her as she continues to try to open my door.

"Amara please I need your help! You are the only one that can help me get Edward back. Please Amara." Bella whines out as she starts to kick and pound on my door.

"Bella? Please leave Amara alone. She clearly doesn't want to talk to you. And there is no getting me back. I am with my true mate. You need to start moving on with your life." I hear Edward say from the otherside of the door.

"No Edward, you don't believe that. She is not your mate. I am. I know deep down you still believe that. And Amara well I don't care, I need to talk with her! She is the only one that can help me." Bella yells at him. "I mean she is carrying my brother's baby. I'm it's family not you or that bitch downstairs." She screams. "Why does he get everything! While I get nothing?" She says crying while pounding on my door.

"Because just like Renee you take everything for granted." Tyler says, making me stand up. "You don't appreciate what you have... You just want more. And you don't care who you hurt to get it." Tyler says, sounding like he is now in front of the door.

"That's not true!" Bella says through sobs.

"Really? Then why did you stab me? The real reason Bella." Tyler asks as I moved closer to the door.

"Because you took everything from me. The Cullen's were supposed to be mine." Bella says with venom in her voice.

"Even though I was dating Amara well before you came here. You still believe that they were supposed to be yours?" Tyler yells out at her.

"Fine, I wanted them all to myself. To live forever and be beautiful and graceful and have money. You and that little bitch don't deserve it. It should have all been mine." Bella yells back at him. "I would be a better vampire than you or her. I could give them more than the two of you." She hisses out at Tyler.

After another 30 minutes of her spilling the real reason she wants to be with Edward she ran to the guest room and cried herself to sleep. Tyler comes walking into our room and smiles at me. I smile back at him as he pulls me down to the bed so I can get some sleep.

Waking up the next morning with no Tyler next to me made me concerned as to where he would go. I get up and ready for the day ahead of us. I walk out of our room and down to the kitchen to see Tyler making breakfast. I smiled as I watched him.

"You are just in time!" He says kissing my belly and then kissing me. Our moment was interrupted by Bella walking into the kitchen. Tyler plantes me up my food so I can sit and eat before we have to leave.

"What none for me?" Bella says, looking at the pan that Tyler is now washing.

"Sorry Bella... I made breakfast for my mate, not for you!" He says with venom in his voice. Bella scoffs at him before she looks for something to eat. She sits down with dry cereal. I quickly eat so we can get going. I wanted this over as soon as possible.

"Thank you for breakfast, my love." I say to Tyler, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "We are leaving in 5!" I yell out to my family as Bella glares at me.

"We are all ready!" mom said as she grabbed a few things from the kitchen. "We packed you a snake bag just in case the little one gets hungry!" She said as she placed a kiss on my head. Dad entered with my bag. He too kissed my head.

"Alright let's get this over with so we can focus on our grandchild." He said and I could see Bella pouting in the corner of the kitchen.

"Now that sounds like a great idea." Tyler says with a smile as he wraps his arms around me. "I think a nice long vacation is in order after all of this unnecessary trouble." He said and I could see how hurt Bella was by Tyler's words. It made me smirk even though I knew I shouldn't. 

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