No Reason part two

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"Because I know you are lying about all of this

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"Because I know you are lying about all of this." I say as Alice moves over to Bella. They both look at each other with fear in their eyes.

"Tyler, you have been told what will happen. Just hand over my son... NOW!" Bella says as she pulls away from Alice and Edward. I grab her by her neck and hold her up.

"I have made it clear that you are nothing to my son! And if you keep trying to get him I will kill you and won't think twice about it." I growl out at her. I watch as her lips start to turn blue from lack of oxygen. She slowly nods her head at me. "Good!" I say throwing her back over to Alice and Edward. Edward shakes his head at her.

"Carlisle you and your coven have committed more crimes then I think you realize." Aro says while shaking his head.

"I am truly sorry you see it that way Aro!" Carlisle says with an attitude. "But I would do it all over again if it meant that my mate could have my child." He says as Amara growls at him and Caius scoffs at him.

"Funny how you and your mate condemn us for feeding off humans but you all can take an innocent child, run tests on her like she is a lap rat and think it is ok!" Caius says with another scoff. I watch as Esme's head drops down in shame. Edward looks over to Amara and sighs.

"Amara, please let me talk with you." Edward says as I growl at him.

"That will never happen." I say my voice is laced with venom.

"Please let me explain my side of all of this." Edward says as Bella looks at him confused.

"Then please!" Aro says as he holds out his hand for Edward. Edward sighs and gives his hand to Aro. Bella looks pissed that he is doing it. "I see you didn't find out about all of this until after you left here and Bella let it slip." Aro says as I look at him confused.

"What do you mean brother?" Caius asks, as he stands with Damon.

"I mean that Carlisle, his mate and Alice are the ones behind it all. Elena, kidnapping Amara." Aro says with a shake of his head.

"And what does the human have to do with this?" Marcus asks in a broad tone.

"It seems Alice used her to be able to distract Edward so they could run more tests on Amara." Aro says looking over to Amara and then back to Edward. "Edward, let me ask you, do you want to be with your mate or with Bella?" Aro asks as I huff in annoyance.

"I want to be with my mate. I love her and only her. Me being with Bella was a mistake! That I wish I could take back." Edward says as Aro smiles at him.

"Edward... How can you say that?" Bella whines out at him. I see a small smile on Ashlynn's face.

"Because it's true! Ashlynn is the one I love, the one I want to be with." He says walking over to Ashlynn and pulls her into his arms and kisses her head. I see Amara smile at them.

"Edward, you know you will end up with Bella! I have told you I don't know how many times. You need to face it and just let Ashlynn go!" Alice says with anger as Rosalie and Ashlynn growl at her.

"NO! I won't! Ashlynn is my mate and I will be with her. Not some whore that you want me to be with!" He yells back at her. I see Bella tearing up and starting to cry.

"Alice, you promised me that Edward would be mine!" She says with a whine and she stomps her feet.

"Bella please stop, you're giving me a headache." Alice says as she rubs her temples.

"Yes! Let's get back to why you all are here!" Marcus says with a wave of his hand.

"We want Amara, Tyler and their child to come back to forks with us." Carlisle says with annoyance to his voice.

"Not a chance in HELL will we be going back with you!" Amara yells at him. He sighs and shakes his head. I nod my head in agreement with my wife.

 I nod my head in agreement with my wife

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"Amara, you belong with us. You know that! You had a normal life with us." Esme says as I scoff at her.

"No!" Tyler says looking over at them in disgust. "After everything you have done you think we will willingly go back with you? With our son no less. What so you can take his blood and run tests on him like you did Amara. I will not let that happen to him or to her." Tyler asks, getting angry with them.

"Tyler, you were happy with us. If it wasn't for us then you would have never met Amara." Carlisle says with venom to his voice.

"And that is where you are wrong." Tyler says with an evil smirk. "Because I had been saving up money to come to Italy... Here to be exact." He says with a chuckle. Carlisle and Esme look at him shocked. I smile as he stands next to me.

"Look around you! You lost most of your coven." I say as they look at me in anger. "I'm not sure what you thought was going to happen when everyone found out what you all did. But clearly it wasn't this. I truly thought you all care about me. But seeing this book and what is in it makes me sick. You are the real monsters." I say with a growl. Esme looks shocked as Alice and Carlisle look pissed.

"You planned all of it before my mother even met my father. You turned, a girl that was obsessed with my father knowing that she would try to harm not only my mother but me as well." I say with anger in my voice.

"Amara please we had our reasons for doing what we did." Esme says, looking at me with sad eyes.

"What so you could have a child? That makes it so much better to know that you all kidnapped me and took my blood and ran tests on me for your own personal gain. You took an innocent child away from her parents and for what?" I ask as they look at me in shock. "And let's not forget you allowed the psycho whore to run all of our lives." I say with venom in my voice. Bella looks at me hurt. "Don't look at me like that, you have always known that I don't like you and that I thought you were a whore." I say with a smile at Bella.

"Carlisle, you once told me that the Volturi rely on elite guards because of their gifts. But it is you who relies on the gifts of others." Tyler says with a scoff. "Edward's mind reading, Jasper's ability to control emotions and Alice's visions." Tyler says with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "And now you have lost two of them for what you have done. Your coven is broken and when the other covens find out what you have done you will have no friends! No one will trust you any more." He says as he shakes his head. Carlisle looks at him shocked before the fear sets in.

"NO!" Bella screams. "You will give me what I want! I am more important than you... I mean more to them than you do!" She yells at me and Tyler. I laugh at her as does Tyler.

"Bella, you have no right to demand anything from us. And as for you being more important... You were just told that you were a distraction for Edward. You mean nothing to them." Tyler says with a dark chuckle Bella looks at him shocked. "And we are no longer members of their coven. We are members of the Volturi coven and you mean nothing to them." He says as Kings nod their heads in agreement. "Amara I think it is time to see my father and let him know that my twin sister is trying to steal our son from us." He says as I nod my head. Bella looks shocked.

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