Victoria and Riley

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I turn to see Victoria and who I am guessing is Riley

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I turn to see Victoria and who I am guessing is Riley. The young man that went missing over a year ago from Seattle. Victoria looks at me and smiles. "If it isn't the little witch vampire! And you have a bun in the oven. Congrats! Your father will be pleased to know that you have not only been found but that his baby girl is having a baby." She says, making Riley growl at me and step closer to me. I look at her confused. What did she mean, my father? "She is not to be harmed. Riley! The Volturi guard wants her unharmed!" She says over to Riley who is glaring at me. What does she mean the Volturi guard wants me unharmed? What the hell does she know about my father? Is she talking about my birth father?

Bella moves behind Edward making Victoria and Riley look at her and growl as she tries to hide from them. "Now her on the other hand! We can kill!" Victoria says now, glaring at Bella and Edward.

"Victoria I know you want me and Bella to pay for the life of your mate James and I get that. I am truly sorry for the part I played and I know that, that doesn't make up for it. It doesn't take the pain away. But you need to know that I am sorry." Edward says as Ashlynn moves in front of me. "But you should know that Bella is not my mate... She is just my blood singer and I am guessing she was James's as well." He says looking at Victoria. Victoria looks at Ashlynn and sighs before looking back at Edward and Bella.

"I will not hurt your true mate since she was even here when you all killed my James." Victoria says, looking at Riley. "But you and Bella need to pay for what you have done to not only me but to my mate." She says looking over to me and Ashlynn and glaring. I hear Edward growl as he moves to stand in front of me and Ashlynn. Bella is holding on to him for dear life. But then steps out from behind him and smiles at Victoria and Riley.

"Victoria could turn me and I will leave and never come back. None of you will ever have to worry about me again. This is a win for everyone." Bella says looking over at Victoria and Riley giving them a small smile. She looks so hopeful that she will be changed. She is stupid to think that Victoria will change her. When she wants her dead and has been trying to get to her for over a year now.

"Now why would I do that?" She asks "You are the reason my mate is dead. Why would I turn you and let you live forever?" She hisses at her. I roll my eyes and sigh as Bella stands there and glares at all of us.

"Victoria, let's just kill them and be done with this." Riley growls out making Bella flinch back behind Edward and whimpers. "And whoever you are talking about is not her mate, I am her mate and she loves me!" Riley yells as he lunges towards Edward. Seth jumps out from behind a large oak tree and attacks Riley. Victoria lunges next at Edward. Ashlynn pushes me back as Seth and Edward fight with Victoria and Riley. We watch as Edward and Seth fight, after a few minutes, Bella runs off into the woods.

"Where the hell is she going?" Ashlynn asked, looking at me confused. When I turned back to Edward and Seth both Victoria and Riley were dead. I set the fire to throw their bodies on.

"Edward, what is going on at the battle?" I ask looking over at my uncle concerned as to what has happened to my family and friends.

"The battle is almost over. We need to get Bella and get back. The Voltuir will be there in about 15 minutes." Edward says moving over to Seth. "Seth, you need to get back to the reservation. They are going to need you there." Edward says, patting Seth on the back. "And Seth never let them tell you you are too little or too young to take out a vampire. You did good, kid!" He says, giving Seth a smile.

"So who is going to go get Bella?" I ask with a laugh as they both groan. In the end Edward went and got her as me and Ashlynn met up with the pack and our family. 

I was standing in between Jared and Paul as we looked at all the newborns that now lay dead in front of us

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I was standing in between Jared and Paul as we looked at all the newborns that now lay dead in front of us. We all start to throw the body parts into the fire. We all wanted to make sure that there was no way of them coming back and trying again. We hear a noise coming from behind us and turn to see Amara and Ashlynn. I smile as my mate and baby are ok. I walk up to her holding open my arms for her to run into. When she does I hold her close. I never wanted something like this to ever happen again. I didn't like the fact that my mate was in danger. "I am so glad you two are ok! God I feared the worst when Victoria didn't show up here." I say kissing her head. I held her like I lost her.

"I am glad all of you are ok!" She says kissing my cheek. "I am really happy you are whole!" She said as I pulled her in for a proper kiss. One that would normally have us up in our room.

"You can show me later how happy you really are!" I said with a wink. She giggled and slapped my chest. "Did they come for her?" I asked and Amara nodded her head.

"Victoria and Riley. Bella ran off after it was made clear that no one was going to turn her. Edward and Seth took care of them. They also said something that has me concerned. But I don't want to talk about it here." She said and I nodded my head. I knew it had to be bad as she normally would just say it in front of her family. Ashlynn looked concerned as we stood there just holding each other.

"The pack needs to leave, we are not going to want to fight the Voltuir." Edward says, dragging Bella behind him. She looks both pissed and sad. I laugh at her as she stomps her feet. We hear Bella gasp as a newborn comes out of the woods and runs right at her. Leah tries to take it out but Jake jumps in and gets hurt.

"Jake!" Bella screams as she runs over to him. I grab her by her arm and pull her away so his pack and the doc could look him over.

"He got hurt because of you!" I say before I let her go. She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"This isn't my fault." She says now, glaring at me.

"Really? Then please tell me... Why was there a newborn army coming to Forks? And who were they coming after? Cause it wasn't members of the pack they were after. It wasn't members of our coven. So that leaves you!" I ask as she gasps at me. "It is your fault, never forget that! If it wasn't for you then none of this would be happening." I say walking away from her and over to Rosalie and Emmett.

We watch as the pack picks up Jake and leaves with him. "They are coming!" Alice says with a hint of fear in her voice. We had a feeling they would show but Alice never saw them coming until a little while ago. I feared for my mate as Carlisle had told me that they were not happy about the baby and wanted both Amara and our child to be destroyed. I didn't fully believe him as he had been hiding something from the rest of the coven. I still didn't know what it was but I knew it had to do with Amara as I had seen a file with her name on it. One he kept locked away. I had only seen it because I had gone into his office to ask him a few questions and it was on his desk. He quickly covered it before locking it away. After that he started to lock his office door.

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