Wannbe Brides

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Tyler wanted to spend the day with Charlie and Damon

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Tyler wanted to spend the day with Charlie and Damon. He wanted them to have a father and son day! I thought it was a good idea. So I decided to look for a dress for our wedding before I met up with Mom (Rosalie) and Aunt Ash (Ashlynn). I wasn't surprised when Alice and Bella showed up while I was looking at wedding dresses. I just rolled my eyes and kept looking, ignoring them as I went. After about 45 minutes of me ignoring them Alice stepped in front of me.

"So I was thinking, forest green for me and Bella!" She says as I look at her with no emotion. "Because it will go with both mine and Bella's skin tones." She says as I start to laugh.

"And why should I care what color the two of you wear?" I ask, walking away from them.

"Because we are your bridesmaids!" Bella says with a scoff. I stop and look at them.

"Ok! First, never ever will either of you be a part of my wedding! Second, the two of you plus Esme and Carlisle aren't even invited to our special day." I say looking down at my nails and then up to them. Bella looks hurt as Alice just looks pissed.

"Oh! Come on Amara... Don't be like that. It's time to move on! We did what we needed to do!" Alice says, putting her hand on her hip. I shake my head as she will never understand what she put me and my parents through.

"Be like what? I am telling you that the two of you plus Esme and Carlisle will not be invited to mine and Tyler's Wedding. Sorry if you don't like it but that is how it is. Oh and I have moved on or do you not remember me leaving the cover. Maybe it is the four of you that need to move on." I say moving on from them. Bella grabs my arm but I yank it away from her. "Don't ever touch me again!" I say pretty loudly. Bella looks around shh's me.

"Look Amara... You need to stop fighting Alice's visions. Your son will be raised by me and Edward and we will be your bridesmaids! So get over it and let us pick our dresses." Bella says as look at her like she is crazy.

"Bella, that will never happen. Because Alice is lying to you! Like she has to everyone else." I say as Bella looks at me confused. "You will never be near my son. You will never raise my son and you sure as hell will not be at mine and Tyler's Wedding! OH! And lets not forget that Edward will never ever fuck you! You disgusting whore!" I say pushing past her and Alice. I quit looking at the dresses and went to talk to one of the employees about tuxedos. Alice and Bella were acting like they were the bride.

"Are they with you?" The employee asks, looking at them in annoyance.

"I mean I went to school with them but that is it! My wedding is just me and my soon to be husband standing to the altar." I say, shaking my head at them. Alice glares at me as I smile at her as I walk out of the store. I walk down the street to a small coffee shop not far away. I know Alice and Bella were following me. I smile as I see Rosalie and Ashlynn waiting for me. I see Ashlynn and Rosalie look behind me and glare. "Just ignore them! They think they are special!" I say sitting down with them.

"Please there is nothing special about Bella!" Ashlynn says as they walk up to us. I hear Bella scoff at what she said. But I don't see anything special about her.

"May we join you?" Alice says with a smile as I roll my eyes at her.

"NO! You may not. Go back to your coven." Rosalie says with a hiss. Alice sighs as she looks at Rosalie.

"Look I am sorry but what I have seen will happen!" Alice says, putting her hand on her hip. "You all need to accept and move on! I mean look what you got from all of this. To be a mom." She says as Rosalie glares and I start to laugh.

"I will never accept what you say, you have seen. Not any more! Now that I know you make them up! So you can get what you want." I say as Ashlynn and Rosalie nod their heads.

"Same here!" Ashlynn says as she smiles over at Alice and Bella. Bella glares as Alice looks pissed.

"Well let's move on... Amara's Wedding!" Alice says while clapping her hands together. I roll my eyes at her.

"Like I have told you... You will not be a part of it and you will not be attending it." I say as Alice huffs at me. I look over at Rosalie and Ashlynn. "Do you think Dad will walk me down the aisle?" I ask as Rosaile's face lights up.

"Of course he would! He would love to!" Rosalie says with the biggest smile. We continue to ignore Alice and Bella. After about an hour of talking about everything that happened after I left the cover. I explained how I do not hold them responsible for everything that happened since they didn't know and that I would talk to dad about it when I see him. Rosalie was glad that I still saw them as my parents.

I had a long talk with my parents and Tyler about how it wasn't right to cut Rosalie and Emmett out of my life since they didn't do anything wrong. They all agreed and my mom Madison would like to sit down and talk with Rosalie and Emmett. My father, not so much. It is harder on him. We walk out of the coffee shop with Alice and Bella still following us. I told them that I would call them and we would set up a time for me and Tyler to bring over Damon for them all to meet him.

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