Enough of this...

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I still can't believe they have been hiding so much from me and Amara

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I still can't believe they have been hiding so much from me and Amara. They kept Amara from her birth mother and father. Like they didn't matter. Who does that? She lost 18 years with them and they are acting like it is no big deal. Like they did nothing wrong. I knowest Edward is watching me, making me growl. I really don't care if he hears my thoughts at this point.

"One of you better start talking... Because I am ready to take my mate and leave and you will never find us again." I yell, making the Cullens and Bella jump at my outburst. Edward steps forward.

"As you know Bella is my blood singer and at the time she arrived here I thought that she was my mate." Edward says, making me nod my head. Amara has her back to them. "Everything from the time we arrived to when we left was not a lie." Edward says, making Alec lean in a little more.

"When I arrived in Italy I didn't think about anything other than wanting to die." Edward says looking back at Ashlynn. "When Aro read my thoughts he found out that we had Amara and had her, her whole life. I was told that if we did not return her to her parents that our whole coven would be killed." He says with a sigh. "I never made that call and when Bella was there with me my only thought was keeping her safe. Even after they told me she wasn't my mate." Edward says looking over at Amara. I hear her growl at him.

"When they told me that Bella would have to die... I threatened Amara's life." Edward says, making me glare at him. Ashlynn starts to scream before she falls to the floor. I turn to Jane and she has an evil smile on her face.

"Tell them the truth!" She says, making Ashlynn scream even louder.

"I threatened that if they put their hands on Bella that I would send Amara back to them in pieces but not before she had her child." Edward growls out. Ashlynn stops screaming.

"Now no more lies or it will get worse for your mate." Jane says with a small chuckle.

"After we got back I thought that the vote would go in Bella's favor. But I couldn't read your mind. I know that Emmett, Rosalie and Amara were against Bella becoming one of us or a part of our family. But I also knew that Alice, Jasper and Esme would vote yes to her being turned and becoming a member of our coven and family. The only votes I didn't know were yours and Carlisle's. But once you all voted and I found out that Bella was sleeping around I needed more time to think about what I wanted." Edward says looking only at me this time. I growl at him.

"And yes we knew that Bella was going to try to kill you... But we also knew that, that is how it was supposed to happen." Edward says with a sigh.

"How long did you all know Amara was pregnant before you told us?" I ask, looking At Rosalie and Emmett.

"About two weeks." Emmett says with a sigh, not looking at me.

"What else have you been keeping from us?" Amara asks with her back to all of us. Demitiri walks over to her and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Alice sees Bella as one of us." Carlisle says looking over at Amara. "She sees her with you and Tyler laughing and playing with your son." Carlisle says, making Amara growl as she covers her belly.

"Then she is lying to you... Cause Bella will never be anywhere near our child!" I say with a growl as I look at Bella.

"How many times do I have to say I am sorry? God move on!" Bella yells out at me. I growl at her. Making her cower away from me.

"Bella there is nothing you can do or say to make up for what you have done to me and Amara." I say with a growl. "You will never be anywhere near our child!" I say, standing up and walking over to Amara.

"Oh please! I haven't done anything that bad to you and Amara. Well besides stab you." Bella says making me and Amara growl at her.

"I think it is time we leave!" I say to Amara as she nods her head at me.

"Wait what?" Bella yells at us. "You can't leave. Amara is the only reason that I am still alive. If you leave they will kill me!" She says, now looking at Edward with fear in her eyes. "Edward, do something!" She yells at him, making me laugh.

"Edward doesn't have a say in what me and Amara do. None of them do now!" I say with a scoff at her. This bitch thinks they can stop me from protecting my mate and our child. "And none of you can stop me from protecting my mate and child." I say taking Amara's hand and walking out of the living room with her.

" I say taking Amara's hand and walking out of the living room with her

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I watch as my daughter and her mate leave the living room. Once they are out of the room I turn to The Cullen's clan and growl. "My daughter and her mate will be coming home with me. Try and stop them and we will kill you all!" I say looking at each one of them and then to the human that has put my little princess in more danger than she should have ever been.

"She would have been in more danger with you and the Volturi then she has been with Bella. We did the right thing by keeping her with us." Edward says, making me growl.

"You think so?" I ask making my way over to him. "When was the last time someone tried to attack the Volturi?" I ask and am met with nothing... No one said a word. No one looked at me. "That is what I thought. You stole my daughter from not only me but from her mother. A woman who did nothing wrong to any of you. But you thought it was alright to steal from her. Now you will all face death. And I for one look forward to killing you all." I say looking at the two who raised my daughter and told her that her mother gave her up because I was going to kill her because she was a girl. I was thrilled to have a girl, a mini version of her mother. The only woman to steal my undead heart.

After an hour Amara and her mate came downstairs with a few belongings that they wanted to bring with them. "It is time we leave." I say looking over at Jane. She nods her head and stands from the couch. Felix took Amara's bags as none of us wanted lifting anything too heavy.

"Aro will be in contact with you about your trail dates. Edward's will more than likely be first. Bring the human with you. I don't want her anywhere near my goddaughter, at this time." She says looking at Carlisle who nods his head. They knew they couldn't disobey us now that we had Amara.

"And don't try to run. It will only make it worse for you all!" Alec said with a smug smile.

I knew I needed to call my mate and tell her that I was bringing our daughter home. But at the same time I wanted to surprise her.

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