Nothing but Trouble

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I watch as three vampires enter the field. I looked at Tyler and grabbed his hand but he moved behind me and held me. He looks down at me and smiles. In the year and a half that we have been together he has never been put in danger. I put a shield up so they won't be able to smell me or Tyler. I watch them as they talk to my family. I am not paying attention to what is said as I am watching their body language. Two of them are hoping for a fight as the third, I'm not quite sure. I feel the wind blow and move Tyler back a step or two as mom and dad stand in front of me ready to attack if needed. I heard what my mother said and it made me happy that she saw Tyler as her child. That she was willing to protect him like she would me.

The blonde vampire is only looking at Bella as his mate keeps looking over at me and Tyler. I growl at her, making her look away from us and over to her mate. Dad stands up blocking us more as mom stays ready for a fight. We watch them leave, I look at Tyler and smile at him. "Come let's go home." I say pulling Tyler over to the jeep. Mom and dad walked with us. I could tell they weren't going to let us leave alone.

"Go right home, I will be right behind you!" Mom says as we get in the jeep. We both nod our heads at her. Dad kisses my head and I smile at him. I drive back to our house and walk inside to see grandma, mom and uncle Jasper in the living room.

"Where's daddy and auntie?" I ask, looking at my mother confused. I didn't care about Edward as I didn't see him as family anymore.

"Edward called them for help... He wants them to help keep Bella safe." Mom says as I growl and Tyler sighs. I watch one of the vampires from the field walk out of grandpa's office. I growl as I step in front of Tyler. Mom moved in front of me ready to attack if needed. Uncle Jasper is ready as well.

"I will not hurt your daughter or her mate." He says but me and mom don't move. I watch as he and my grandfather talk a little more before heading to the door. I listen to him as he tells Edward everything he told my grandfather. Edward walks into the living room with Bella.

"Why is she here?" I ask with venom in my voice. Edward growls at me. "Do you not remember what was said when you asked to bring her over here?" I say with a growl, Edward looks at me with shock that I would bring this up now.

"Amara?" Edward tries to talk. But I was pissed that this bitch put my mate in danger.

"No! Grandpa said if any harm comes from her then you end this!" I yell pointing at Edward and Bella. "Well guess what my mate has been exposed to because of her!" I scream at them.

"I will protect her and so will you!" Edward says with a growl as he takes a step closer to me. I growl back at him.

"The hell I will." I say with a hiss as I throw him against the wall. "I will not protect your blood singer so you can play happy couple with this bitch that thinks she has some claim over us." I say as I am ready for a fight.

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