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The weekend is over and we have to go back to school

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The weekend is over and we have to go back to school. Though I wasn't happy that Victoria had gotten away but there was nothing I could do to change it now. But I hoped she would be back and we would get another chance at her. Bella called and asked for a ride to school, she said that her truck wouldn't start. We all knew she was lying and she was just trying to get closer to all of us. Something no one wanted. I look at Edward and sigh as he tells her he will pick her up, but she has to find her own way home as he had plans afterward and she wasn't going to interrupt them. I pulled Amara out to the new car Rosalie and Emmett got us. I guess it is a safer car than mine or Amara's cars. When we arrive at school we see Jake standing there waiting no doubt waiting for Bella. He walks over to me, before he can get to me I move Amara behind me. I wasn't going to let his temper hurt my mate. And I knew he had a short temper when it came to shit dealing with Bella.

"What do you want Jake?" I growl out at him as he gets closer to us.

"I know Sam, Paul and Jared are ok with what you are... But I'm not, you hurt your sister when you choose them over her. When you turned your back on her for them." He growls out at me pointing at Amara. I get up in his face.

"That pathetic whore. Stabbed me in the back, Literally. You want to blame someone for me turning then you look right at her. Because if it wasn't for her I would still be human." I yell at him and he steps back from me looking at me confused. "But I bet she didn't tell you that she was the reason... Did she." I say with a hiss as Edward and Bella pull into the parking lot and park. Jake now looked really pissed.

"Did he go with her?" Jake asks, looking concerned as Edward and Bella walk up to us. Edward looks annoyed as Bella is shocked and a little scared that Jake was here. I wondered why?

"No he didn't, he was here with his true mate. He doesn't want the pathetic whore anymore." I said laughing as I pulled Amara closer to me.

"J-Jake what a-are you doing here?" Bella asks as she shudders out as she looks from Edward to Jake. Like she was caught cheating or something.

"I'm here to warn them!" Jake says looking back at me and then to Edward. "If your kind comes on our land again..." He says before Bella cuts him.

"Wait What are you talking about?" Bella says looking from Jake to Edward. Edward shrugs, not even looking at her. We had all talked about what we would do if Jake came here.

"Did you lie to get her out of town too?" Jake growls out at Edward. Edward just stared at him.

"The way we see it... If she was here she would have been killed or turned. I think I did you a favor, mutt. Be thankful!" Edward says, moving to walk away from him and Bella. Bella looks from Jake to Edward.

"You lied to me so I wouldn't get turned?" She says looking hurt at Edward. Jake looks at her confused. Amara and I were trying not to laugh at how pathetic she was being.

"What do you still want to be turned?" Jake says looking not only hurt now but also disgusted at her as he walks back to his bike.

"Wait Jake..." She says as he climbed on his bike. She stops a foot from him and looks at Edward. "We aren't done talking about this." She says as she claims on the back of Jake's bike. Edward rolls his eyes as he walks up to us and we head into school.

After school we are at the house waiting for Carlisle and Esme to return from hunting, when we hear Bella pull up. You could almost hear all of us roll our eyes. We wait for her to walk in but she knocks instead, shocking us all. Rosalie moves to open the door. Bella comes stomping into the living room as Esme and Carlisle walk inside. Bella scoffs at Edward and Ashlynn as they kiss.

"Bella, how can we help you today?" Carlisle asks, looking at Bella.

"Why did you lie to me?" Bella asks, looking at Edward. I knew this hurt her more than she would let on.

"You didn't need to know. You would have been in the way. It was better for everyone that you left town for a few days. Not sure what your problem is. You got to see your mom for a few days. So what is the problem?" Edward says as Bella scoffs at him.

"You mean better for you and her! Right? I mean you have made everything about her. You have stopped caring about me any more." Bella says, pointing at Ashlynn and glaring at her.

"No!" I say looking at Bella. "When are you going to get it? You do not help with things, you only make them worse. This is all happening because of you. Edward and Alice were the only ones that wanted you around. You might want to think about why that is." I say as she scoffs at me and gives me a 'really' look. Amara gets up showing her small baby bump. Bella's eyes widened.

"Are you?.." Bella starts to say but just looks at Amara's small baby bump.

"No of your damn business." I growl stepping in front of her blocking her from view.

"If I am going to be an Aunt then I think I have a right to know!" Bella yells at me, giving me a smug smile. I laugh at her and shake my head.

"I think you have forgotten that I don't see you as a sister. You will be and are nothing to us. I think you need to remember that! Before you start claiming you are anything to me and my mate." I growl out at her, she scoffs at me.

"I will at least be blood related to your worthless, whatever it is." Bella says, making everyone growl at her. "I will be the only real family to it. They are nothing to it!" Bella yells out at all of us.

"No! You aren't... You will never be part of our child's life." Amara yells at her, making Bella look at her. "You are nothing to Tyler... You are nothing to me and my family... And you sure as hell are nothing to Edward. You are nothing but a pathetic human that thinks she is something more than what she really is. A whore!" Amara hisses out making Bella start to cry.

"I am not a whore..." Bella yells, taking a step closer to Amara. "Anyways the real reason I am here... Is because there was an unknown vampire in my house. Jake wants you all to meet him at my house at first light tomorrow. So you can know the scent and find whoever it is." Bella says now glaring at all of us before she walks out of the house.

"I am going to kill this bitch!" Amara growls out and I quickly wrap my arms around her.

"Shh, baby. She will get what is coming to her. Just wait." I whispered into her ear.

"Rose! She is our daughter no matter what anyone says!" Emmett says to Rosalie as she glares at the spot Bella was standing.

"Don't listen to anything the bitch says sissy. She is just jealous she can't be a part of all this." Ashlynn says as she sits down next to Rosalie. Amara walks up to her mother and father and kneels down in front of her.

"No matter what anyone says, you are my parents. You are the ones that took me in, cared for me and loved me as if I was your own. Blood or not no one can change that you two are my parents and will always be my mommy and daddy." Amara says, climbing on to her mom's lap and kissing her. We hear Rosalie giggle as Amara cuddles up with her. Emmett looked a little jealous at this.

"I love you Minnie! So much!" Rosalie says, kissing Amara's head.

"I love you too mommy!" Amara says as she pulls Emmett closer to them. "I love daddy too!" She says kissing Emmett's cheek, making him smile over at them.

"I love you Amara baby!" Emmette says kissing Amara's head and Rosalie checks. I watched as Carlisle and Esme shared a look. I wasn't sure why but I felt like they were hiding something. And I knew I needed to find out what. I knew I needed to keep an eye on what was going on. To protect my mate and our child.

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