If I can't... You can't!

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

The rest of the week was a nightmare to say the least

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The rest of the week was a nightmare to say the least. Bella wouldn't leave me and Amara alone while we were at school. She tried to be more settle about it and made sure not to do it in front of others. The only good thing was she didn't know where we lived. Friday night I went to my dad's house to grab a few items that I left in my room. I didn't see Bella's truck outside making me sigh in relief. I was finishing packing up my room when I heard her. I groaned when I heard her running up the stairs.

"So, are you moving back in?" Bella asks with a smug smirk. I turn and laugh at her.

"NO!" I say with a little confusion. "Why would I be moving back in?" I ask not bothering to look at her. I grab the last of my things and move to leave my room but Bella is blocking the door.

"You can't be with her Tyler." She says anger clearly in her voice.

"And why is that?" I say with venom clear in my voice.

"If I can't be with Edward then you can't be with Amara. It's only fair. I mean why do you get to be happy and I don't?" She whines and stomps her feet. I laugh at her and she glares at me.

"You know what Bella... I have had enough of your bullshit. Amara and I are together and there is nothing you can say or do that will ever change that. It's not our fault that Edward left YOU. It is not our fault that Edward doesn't want to come back for YOU. I mean why would he?!" I say as calmly as I can to her. I hear her gasp as I pick up my thing and push past her. Loading up my car she comes outside and stands by my car.

"I want to talk to Amara. So I will follow you to her house. Or I could just go with you!" She states matter of fact to me as I glare at her and scoff.

"So, not fucking going to happen. Amara and I don't want you to know where we live. And even if you did know you aren't welcome there." I say with anger in my voice. "You need to stop acting like we are your friends or that we care about you. Cause we aren't and we don't." I say trying to get this through her head.

"I don't care if we are friends or not. I want to talk to Amara and there is nothing you can do to stop me. You act like I should care what the two of you want. You both mean nothing to me. It is all about Edward and me wanting to be with him." She says, stepping up to me.

"Watch it Bella... I may not be able to hit you but Amara is more than willing to do it! Not to mention we have more than enough to call the cops on you and have you sent back to the egg donor." I growl out at her. I watch her back up from me. I get into my car and drive off. I watch the road behind me to see if Bella is following me and to my surprise she doesn't.

Later that night

Paul had called and said Jake had phased and that it would be best if me and Amara stayed in forks for a few days due to Jake being extremely mad about not being able to see Bella. As we were talking I heard Jake say something about Amara, Paul growled at him.

"Say one more word about Amara! And I won't be the only one to kick your ass." Paul yells as the phone goes dead. I was pissed, I walked out of the house and got into my car. Amara called me but I let it go to voicemail. As soon as I pulled up to the pack house Jake was coming out.

"You got something to say about my girlfriend?" I yell at him, he looks at me shocked.

"Ty... I'm..." He says as I punch him square in the jaw, making him fall on his ass. The rest of the pack came out shocked. But I was pissed he didn't know Amara and yet he had the balls to talk shit about her all because of my stupid sister.

"Never and I mean never let Amara's name slip past your lips again. Wolf or not I will beat the shit out of you and won't think twice about it." I say getting close to his face. I hear Paul whistle behind me.

"Told you he would be pissed and he would come down here." Jared said as he walked over to me. "But I am behind him on this. Talk shit about her again and Paul and I will jump in and help him kick your ass." He said and I smirked.

"I will help!" Embry said and I knew this hit Jake hard that his best friend was taking not only my side. But my girlfriends.

"You are only with her cause she puts out and one day she will change you! It is against the treaty!" Jake says as he gets up from the ground. Paul and Jared's both grab me.

"I see Bella's been talking shit that she knows nothing about." I growl at him. "So you know Amara can't change me. She has no venom. But Bella wouldn't know that because Amara hates her and Edward wasn't allowed to tell her any of their stories. Since she isn't his mate." I yell trying to get out of Paul and Jared's hold on me. "And as for mine and Amara's sex life that isn't any of yours or Bella's business Jake. You don't even know Amara and yet you are judging her by what that bitch has to say. Pull your head out of her ass and look around." I yell finally getting away from Paul and Jared. I walk up to Jake with a smug smirk and laugh. "Hope you're ready to have your heart broken... Cause as soon as Edward shows his face around here, it will be all about him. She will forget all about you. She wants to be turned so badly it is pathetic. So much so that she cut herself in hopes that one of them would take a bite out of her. Think about that." I say venom in my voice. He looks at me shocked.

"You might have been fucking her... but she doesn't love you and you can never give her what she really wants." I say with a smug smirk and a chuckle as I look at him in the eyes. "Now I am going home to my hot as fuck girlfriend. Remember what I said Jake. I don't care what you are. If you talk shit about my girl I will kick your ass." I say walking back to my car. Before heading home I stop by my dad's house. Walking into the house I see Bella. Our father is out so I didn't need to be careful about what I had to say.

"You fucking whore!" I yell as I walk inside. I watch Bella flinch away from me. "Stay the hell away from me and Amara. This is your final warning." I yell at her moving closer to her.

"Wh- What are you talking about?" She stutters out.

"You know exactly what I am talking about. Stay away from us. Do not talk about us. Cause everything that comes out of your mouth is nothing but fucking bullshit!" I say in a low threatening manner.

"Have Amara change me and I will leave and never come near you again." She says with a smug smile.

"Amara wouldn't change you if your life depended on it. She hates you, she will always hate you... But then again you have only ever cared about yourself." I say with a knowing smile. "What till I show Edward the video of you fucking Mike! He will never want a whore like you. He can finally move on and find his true mate." I say as she looks shocked and scared.

"Please don't. It was a mistake... I-I Didn't mean for it to happen." She says in a rush.

"Was fucking Jake a mistake as well?" I say and she gasps at me.

"How do you know about that?" She says with tears in her eyes. There I knew I had her right where I wanted her.

"I know more than you will ever know." I say with a dark chuckle. "Stay away from us. Stop trying to act like you matter to us, cause you don't and you never will. Stop talking about us, because you know jack shit about us. Do I make myself clear?" I say/ask as she nods her head at me as tears fall down her face. I leave and head home to my mate!

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