Labor Pains

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I watch as Demitri carries my wife to our room followed by Madison, Jane and Hiedi

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I watch as Demitri carries my wife to our room followed by Madison, Jane and Hiedi. I tune back to Edward and Ashlynn and growl at them. "Why are you here?" I ask with venom in my voice. Aro placed a hand on my shoulder. It took everything in me not to shake him off and attach Edward.

"Edward, what is it that is so important that you and your mate would need to talk with Tyler and Amara?" Aro asks as he moves to sit down on his throne. Felix and Alec move next to me. Edward growls at me. I must have my shield up. He can't hear any of us.

"It is complicated." He says looking over at Ashlynn and sighing. Ashlynn won't even look at him.

"Something happened!" I say looking from Edward to Ashlynn. "And I'm guessing Bella has something to do with it!" I say with a knowing smile. "I will not help you with anything that is related to Bella." I say with a hiss.

"And neither will Amara!" Demitir says walking back into the throne room.

"Amara is 18 years old and can speak for herself!" Edward said with annoyance.

"But as her father... I do have a say!" Demitri says with a growl.

"And As he husband I will not allow you and your coven to put my wife and child in any more danger!" I say, taking a step closer to them. Ashlynn looks around scared. Edward looks pissed.

"Edward, please explain what is going on with that human. We told you to get rid of her." Aro says with a pointed look at Edward. Edward sighs as he looks from Ashlynn to Aro.

"He still loves her!" Ashlynn says with a scoff.

"It is not that!" He says with a sigh as he looks at Ashlynn. "I just don't want her to die because of me!" He says, looking back at me. "Tyler, I need yours and Amara's help. Your child is the key to getting her to have a human life and moving on from me." He says as I scoff at him.

"Bella will never be anywhere near my child!" I say with a snarl. "And neither will you or the rest of your coven. You have made Amara's life hell, for wanting to know more about her birth parents. You have even threatened her life!" I say with a growl looking only at Edward. "I warned you that Bella was trouble but you didn't listen to me or to Amara. This all happened because you fell in love with your blood singer." I say with a laugh.

"You couldn't even be in the same room as her unless you feed everyday. You couldn't kiss her without wanting to kill her. And when Ashlynn came we were all happy. One week that's how long it took you to say screw the way I was raised and claim your mate." I say with a smug smirk. "But look at her now! She is hurting and you are letting it happen." I say pointing at Ashlynn.

"I am trying to fix it but without you and Amara there she has made our life's worse. Ashlynn and I are getting married in three weeks. We would like for you and Amara to be there." He says with a small but sad smile.

"Why? Why do me and Amara need to be there?" I ask, looking at Edward confused.

"Rosalie and Emmett would like to see her." Edward says as I scoff at him.

"Rosalie and Emmett may have not made her feel like shit when she asked about her real parents but the rest of you made her feel like shit for wanting to know about her real parents." I say. "If Rosalie and Emmett want to see her they can come here to do it." I say with a shake of my head. Like hell is she about to leave the castle.

'If I tell him the real reason we need him to come then I know they will never step foot out of Italy.' I hear. I look at Edward confused as to what I just heard. 'If they know that Alice was putting this whole wedding together as a way to get them back on our side. Alice says that it is the only way for the Voltuir to leave us alone and let us live in peace.' I turn to Aro and hold out my hand for him. Everyone is watching what is going on.

"Well this is new!" Aro says with a smile. I nod my head at him as I turn back to Edward. Demitri looks at me confused.

"Amara and I will not be leaving Italy. If you didn't notice Amara is in labor and we will not put our child in danger because you want to set us up and force us to be in your coven. We have chosen what side we want to be on." I say with a cocky smirk as Edward and Ashlynn look at me shocked. "Now if you don't mind I would like to be with my wife as she gives birth to our child!" I say looking back at Aro, who nods his head at me. I walk out of the throne room and run to mine and Amara's room.

 I walk out of the throne room and run to mine and Amara's room

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I screamed as another contraction hit me. "Fuck this hurts!" I yell as my mom holds one hand and Jane holds the other. I hear a knock on the door. Hiedi opens it and it is one of the guards.

"Can we get her anything?" He asks with a shaky voice. It sounds like Christoper.

"Crushed Ice!" Mom says with a soft smile as Jane smiles at him. Yep it was Christoper. A few minutes later he came back with the crushed ice. "Thanks Chris!" Mom says before she closes the door.

"When will Tyler be here?" I ask as I groan in pain.

"Soon baby! Soon!" Mom says moving hair out of my face. My contractions are now about 2 minutes apart and it is time for me to start pushing. I grunt as I push, I don't want our baby to be born without Tyler here with me. Three pushes later and Tyler walks in. Stopping before he runs over to me.

"I'm here baby!" He says as he takes my hand.

"Come on Amara I can see the head. You are almost there!" My mom says with a smile. All I want to do is kick her in the face! I scream as I start to push again. "Good baby! You are doing so good!" She says as I push again. "Two more and he will be here. You can do this Amara." She says as I push again. "That's it, one more!" She says as I shake my head no. "You can do this Amara just one more time and your son will be here." She says as Hiedi comes over with the towel for my son! I push one more time and he is here. I see my mom pass him to Hiedi as she works on cleaning his airway. I start to cry as he has not made a sound. Tyler kissing my head as he finally starts to cry! "Do you want to do the honors dad!" My mom says holding scissors for him to cut the umbilical cord. Tyler nods his head as he moves over to my mom and our son.

I smile as Hiedi places him in my arms. Tyler moves to sit next to me. I smile up at him as he is smiling down at me. "Welcome to our crazy world Damon Tyler Volturi." He says before placing a kiss on our son's head and then kissing me.

"We should get the room cleaned up before anyone else comes in here," Jane says as she looks down at our son. "He is perfect!" She says with a smile.

"That he is." My mom says as someone knocks on the door. I watch as she moves to open the door. I watch as she moves to the side and lets my father in. He smiles at me and Tyler before he notices the small bundle in my arms.

"Hey grandpa!" Tyler says with a laugh as my father growls at me but then smiles as he looks down at me and Damon.

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